Friday, May 31, 2019

Brians Song Essay -- Brians Song

Brians Song This is a true story about how 2 men, Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers, completely opposite from each other from and inceperable bond. The 2 men are seperated by about everything that you can think of they come from 2 different parys of the country, one is white, one is black, 1 liked to talk, the other was shy. Pretty much the only thing they had in common was that they both were competing for the same job.This book takes place in and around the moolah area. Gale and Brian are both trying to get the spot as the Chicago Bears starting halfback. They both are rookies. The book begins on the training camp subject field of the Chicago Bears. Gale pulls up in a taxi. Brian immediately comes up to him and greets him. Brian tells Gale to go talk to Halas (Bears Head Coach). Brian also tells Gale that Halas is deaf in his left ear so stay on the right side when he is talking to him. Gale procceds to go to the coaches office. When Halal and Gale are speaking Gale keeps manueverin g to get to the coaches right ear. Halas notices this akward behavior and askes him what he is doin. he alsmost tells his coach but he has realized he has gotten tricked. Next, the team is in the dining hall when Brian is volunteered by a coach to sing his almamaders (Wake Forest) fight song. This is how the books gets its title.I fast forward to after practice JC Caroline has to have a meeting with Gale. He notifies Gale the him and Brian will be rooming together. T...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Healthcare: for all or citizens only? Essay -- Legal Issues, Immigrati

Everyday someone is sent to the hospital. Not only ar they in fear of losing their life simply also in fear of being in debt due to the prices of wellness care treatment they need. But what if this patient happens to be an illegal immigrant? Should doctors deny him/her because they omit citizenship? Or should illegal immigrants be treated just like any other patients by having a right to health care? Throughout the outgoing decade restrictions on eligibility for taxpayer-subsidized medical care has risen at both the state and national level. Some of these restrictions are based on laws and reform acts that pick up been produced by legal organizations as well as political federations. On a federal level, the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 (PRWORA) prohibits hospital districts from offering part with or discounted nonemergency medical care for noncitizens (Rao, 2003, p.1). Immigrants are taking advantage of the healthcare we provide for the nation, yet some of them are not even lega l citizens. harmonise to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (a non-profit group that opposes illegal immigration), the cost of treating illegal aliens amounted to nearly $11 billion in 2009. However, the HRI (Health Research Institute) reported that the governing spent approximately $2.2 trillion on United States citizens in 2009. Illegal immigrants are net consumers of public services and they contribute to economic growth (McCarthy, 1995). Since 1990, immigrants hasten contributed to job growth in three main ways They fill an increasing share of jobs over all(prenominal), they take jobs in labor-scarce regions, and they fill the types of jobs native workers often shun. The foreign make up only 11.3 percent of the U.S. population and 14 percent of the labor force... ... Administration nevertheless improperly approved almost every title of respect of noncitizen workers who had been issued a Social Security number after the effective date, but who lacked the requir ed work authorization. It is already unjust that these poor people are working for and contributing to the government, yet they are not receiving social security like everyone else.Based on this information, it should be legalized that illegal immigrants should have the right to health care. These hard working migrants contribute so much to the economy and are not repaid properly because they are not American citizens. In addition, they are the ones who do the minor and low paying careers that no one would ever think of doing. Our nation is one that is built on the foundation of equality and freedom for all and because of that we should all be entitled to the same priorities.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Alcohol and Teens: The Effects of Teenage Drinking Essay -- Essays on

When at a party, a student sees another teenager drinking a beer. mentation nothing of it, the teenager picks up a large bottle labeled Vodka and beings to chug the contents of the bottle. The inebriant rushes through her body and she suddenly has a instinct of feeling free and letting loose. The next thing the teenage girl remembers is waking up in a hospital bed to her mother tears by her bed side. The only thing her mom could say was H stary, please wake up. Please be okay, I want you to be okay. Please do not ever make this mistake again. Please, Please. The night before, her child drank an entire 750mL bottle of 80-proof Vodka then decided to drive home from the party. On her trip home, she had goaded off the shoulder of the road, into a tree where she was lunged from her vehicle. She almost died that night, but she did not. Alcohol abuse leads to consequences that affect the body of teenagers, pose legal troubles, and can kill. According to How coerce Works, alcoho l can be made through three different processes fermentation and distillation, chemical modifications of fossil fuels, and the chemical combination of hydrogen with carbon monoxide (How pinch Works). The alcohol most commonly drank by individuals is made through the processes of fermentation, or the process of metabolizing of a sugar into an alcohol or acid, and distillation, or the process of purgatorial mash into the essential alcohol. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies a standard drink as any drink containing 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol (CDC). The amounts of a standard a standard drink can measure to twelve ounces of beer or wine coolers, eight ounces of malt liquors, five ounces of wine, or one and a half ou... ...ts-Alcohol Use And Health - Alcohol. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2014. CDC - Fact Sheets-Minimum Legal Drinking Age - Alcohol. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. a great deal Asked Questions and Facts. NCADD. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. Frequently Asked Questions. Too Smart To Start. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. HowStuffWorks How Alcohol Works. HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2014. Louisiana Law - Alcohol. Centenary College of Louisiana. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2014. Minimum Age Limits Worldwide. world-wide Center for Alcohol Policies. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2014. Myers, Peter L, and Richard Isralowitz. Alcohol. Santa Barbara, Calif Greenwood, 2011. Print.Underage drinking Talking to your teen about alcohol. CNN. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.

Epic of Beowulf Essay -- Beowulf Poem Poet Poetic Essays

Beowulf The epic poem Beowulf is a story of heroes and monsters, good and evil. The poem tells astir(predicate) the accomplishments and deeds of a legendary Geatish hero who first rids the Danish kingdom of Hrothgar of two demonic monsters Grendel and Grendels mother. Later in the story, Beowulf meets a dragon, kills it with the help of Wiglaf, but dies of wounds. No one knows who wrote Beowulf. It was not really written in the way that literature is written now. It is an epic poem, meant to be spoken aloud, very few of them were ever written down, and very few of them survived into modern times. Known as the first poem of the English literature, Beowulf is the major literary monument of Old English literature and of Anglo-Saxon England. The original work was written around the year 1000. The myth that Beowulf embodies has captured the modern imagination and placed the poem among the masterpieces of world literature. The poem documents the values, questions, and attitudes of the time and explores themes that are motionlessness engaging and fascinating. Beowulf is the oldest known piece of literature in English. Main Characters Of The Play Beowulf The title character and hero. He is first the prince of the Geats and be observes their King. He is often referred to as the parole of Edgetheow. Hothgar The old, once great King of the Danes whose hall, Heorot is attacked by Grendel. Grendel The monster who attacks Heorot. He attacks Heorot because he is jealous of the friendships and happiness of the Danes. Grendels Mother Has no name of her own. She is a monster and gives Beowulf adept as difficult fight as her son does. The Dragon The enemy that finally kills Beowulf. It guards a great tresuarehoard, and when... different. Mothers and fathers will weep again for their dead children. The mordant raven, the wolf and the eagle will find a feast on the battlefield. The Geats will be people wandering without a homeland once our enemies come in upon us. It appears that Beowulfs death signals the end of the Geatish people and the glory they won during Beowulfs reign. Works CitedThe Norton AnthologyNew York, London W.W. Norton & Company R.D. Fulk (1991). Interpretation of Beowulf A Critical Anthology Indiana University invite Harold Bloom (1987). Beowulf Modern Critical Interpretations New York Chelsea House Publishers Stanly B. Greenfield (1982). A Readable BeowulfSouthern Illinois University Press Donald K. Fry (1968). The Beowulf Poet Englewood Cliffs Prentice-Hall, Inc. George Clark (1990). Beowulf Boston Twayne Publishers

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay -- Biography

On January 30, 1882, the world welcomed a new born boy by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that would help America countless quantify recover from the depths of harm and danger and bring her to the shores of safety. He married his wife and distant cousin by the name of Eleanor Roosevelt and she did many good deeds of her own. through with(predicate) his education, remarkable three terms of Presidency, triumph in a war, endeavor for peace, and struggling through a vicious disease know as polio, fountain President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the greatest President ever. Franklin Roosevelt learned many vital and crucial lessons throughout his education. Lessons and concepts that would be carried with him everywhere. One of Roosevelts first lessons was from the founder of the Groton School, Endicott Peabody. As this school was mostly for the rich, the lesson entailed that government service was an excellent method to help those poorer and less privileged than the students attendin g the school. This moral really appealed to Roosevelt before he graduated from Groton school and went on to Harvard University (Uschan 21). Whenever FDRs name is mentioned, not too many people realize that this notable man went to Harvard. While he attended Harvard, he studied about many different views about government that would help FDR develop his political philosophy (Uschan 22). Education played a minor but imperative role for Franklin on the mission to becoming the greatest President so far.The road for FDR to become President was not harsh or smooth, but it is was he did during those three stupefying terms that really makes this former president outstanding. FDR first term officially started on March 4, 1933, and he entered term faced with the burden o... ... second term, FDR created the depicted object Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He also created the March of Dimes, which brought in money for babies with birth defects. He did not life to see the vaccine for polio as Roosevelt died in 1945. However, the U.S congress gave FDR the privileged honor of having his face on the dime since he and the dime were so closely related (FDR and Polio Public Life, hidden Pain).FDR was the greatest president ever through his education, incredible three terms of Presidency, victory in a war, endeavor for peace, and for battling through polio. I phone about all the things he has done for Americans every day, and people dont realize that he substantially changed the whole country for the better. I hope that I founder conveyed to you that FDR is the best president that has ever existed on this planet.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay -- Biography

On January 30, 1882, the world welcomed a new born boy by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that would help America incalculable times recover from the depths of harm and danger and bring her to the shores of safety. He married his wife and distant cousin by the name of Eleanor Roosevelt and she did many good works of her own. Through his education, remarkable trey terms of Presidency, triumph in a war, endeavor for peace, and struggling through a vicious disease know as poliomyelitis, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the greatest President ever. Franklin Roosevelt learned many vital and crucial lessons throughout his education. Lessons and concepts that would be carried with him everywhere. One of Roosevelts first lessons was from the founder of the Groton School, Endicott Peabody. As this naturalize was mostly for the rich, the lesson entailed that government service was an excellent method to help those poorer and less privileged than the students attending the crop. This moral really appealed to Roosevelt before he graduated from Groton school and went on to Harvard University (Uschan 21). Whenever FDRs name is mentioned, not too many people realize that this notable man went to Harvard. While he attended Harvard, he studied some many different views about government that would help FDR develop his political philosophy (Uschan 22). Education played a minor but imperative region for Franklin on the mission to becoming the greatest President so far.The road for FDR to become President was not harsh or smooth, but it is was he did during those three astonishing terms that really makes this former president outstanding. FDR first term officially started on March 4, 1933, and he entered term faced with the burden o... ... secant term, FDR created the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He also created the March of Dimes, which brought in money for babies with birth defects. He did not life to see the vaccine for polio as Roosevelt died in 1945. However, the U.S congress gave FDR the privileged honor of having his face on the dime since he and the dime were so closely related (FDR and Polio normal Life, Private Pain).FDR was the greatest president ever through his education, incredible three terms of Presidency, victory in a war, endeavor for peace, and for battling through polio. I think about all the things he has done for Americans every day, and people dont realize that he substantially changed the whole country for the better. I hope that I have conveyed to you that FDR is the best president that has ever existed on this planet.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Robi Intern Report

pic American external University-Bangladesh (AIUB) INTERNSHIP REPORT ON A investigate on the Classification of Sales Channel Robi Axiata exceptional Supervised By Kazi Ahmed Farhan Lecturer School of rail line American International University-Bangladesh AIUB Submitted by Gazi Fahd Hussain ID NO 07. 01. 02. 085 major in grocery storeing School of Business A Research on the Classification of Sales Channel Robi Axiata limited LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 31 touch 2011 Kazi Ahmed Farhan Lecturer School of Business AHSANULLAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Subject Submission of Research on the Classification of Sales Channel Robi Axiata Limited.Dear Sir, According to your advice to prepargon a research on the classification of gross gross revenue channel I engender prep atomic number 18d my give nonice (of) on Robi Axiata Limited, on of the telecommunication company of Bangladesh. In this research i have explained point of gross revenue activities of Robi Axiata Limited in detail . I gathered the reading as very much as possible. Much of our instruction is collected from primary originations (visiting retailers of Robi Axiata Limited & talking with the management of Robi Axiata Limited) & some another(prenominal) information was collected from the internet. I enjoyed working on this written narrative and hope you lead find it sophisticated.Sincerely yours, Gazi Fahd Hussain ID No 07. 01. 02. 085 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praises for the Almighty Allah, the most merciful and beneficent, for giving me sufficient opportunity to cartoon in B. B. A. program (American International University-Bangladesh). I am indebted to many lot for providing us encouragement and support during my learning and working while making this research and we deficiency to show our thankfulness to these people. I am genuinely much grateful to KAZI AHMED FARHAN, my respected course instructor, who raised me the opportunity to do this report.It was not possible for me to prep atom ic number 18 this research without his sincere consent, everlasting support and inspiration. I express my gratefulness to him. Thanks to the authority of Robi Axiata Limited for helping me in every possible way. My cordial thanks to ANM KHALED (Specialist, Consumer Sales & Services, Market Operation office) & SABBIR SHOAIB (Specialist, Consumer Sales & Services, Market Operation incision) in particular for their enormous help and assistance, for providing me the required information about point of sales classification of Robi Axiata Limited.I would alike like to thank my friends and peers for their encouragement, support, and suggestions which helped us to make this report a successful one. Letter of Endorsement The Internship Report entitled Classification of Sales Channel Robi Axiata Limited has been submitted to the Office of Placement & Alumni, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in selling, Faculty of Bus iness Administration on 31 March , 2011 by Gazi Fahd Hussain, Id No 07-08740-2 The report has been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for evaluation. Any opinions, suggestions made in this report atomic number 18 whole that of the author of the report. The University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions). ______________________ KAZI AHMED FARHAN Internship Supervisor EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this research paper, I have provided a three-figure and descriptive research on Classification of Sales Channel Robi Axiata Limited, in Bangladesh. In this research paper, I have discussed & worked out with theory-based examines of psyche of sales (POS) classifications and alternation of decisions can make by the validation.More to say , that I have completed this research paper on long term broad objective and specialised objectives to fulfill the information I have collected through primary & secondary info . Earlier, we have trie d to review the company overviews and literature review on the purpose of the POS classification. At last, we have discussed & delivered some suggestions & recommendations to improve the conditions workout throughout the research for the respective organizations. The boilersuit research is for the purpose of identifying point of sales classification and afterwards activities for the retailers in Mirpur argonas, Dhaka city. ______TABLE OF CONTENTS_______ Title Pagei Letter of Transmittalii Accognitionment iii Letter of Endorsement iv Executive Summary v Table of Content -vi 1. Introduction 1 1. backdrop of the report1 2. objective of the study2 3. Scope of the report3 4. Limitations-3 5. Statement of the problems-3 6.Literature Review4 2. 0 Methodology6 2. 1 Sources of Information6 2. 2 Methods of Data Collection 6 2. 3 Data Analysis7 2. 4 Timeline of Activities-7 3. Company Overview 8 3. 1About Robi8 3. 2 Background of the company - 9 3. 3 Journey of the Country 9 3. 4 Strategic O verview of Robi -10 3. 5 Mission & Vision of Robi 11 3. Division & department of Robi11 3. 7 Products & Services -11 3. 8 Coverage - 13 3. 9 Organizational Structure 14 3. 10 Features of Robi -14 4. 0 Finding & Analysis 15 4. Key Findings of the Study 31 5. 0 Recommendations 33 6. 0 result-34 7. 0 supplement 35 1. 0 Introduction Telecommunication is the transmission of information, over significant distances, for the purpose of communication. To sidereal day the globe is a village and telecommunication has be numerate a necessity to peoples life.Moreover, telecommunication has started introducing some diversified atomic number 18as with the help of its rambling web. Nowadays, people can not think without mobile phone. Many people depend on it for their ultimate come toivity. It has become a part of peoples day to day life. Mobile technology is forthwith providing various cheap solutions in peoples daily life. Information technology enables telecom companies to provide ec onomic solutions with a very cheap and comfortably available access, which was costly earlier and not accessible to some extent.Using a mobile phone has become a common measure of communication in our solid ground. From a rickshaw puller to a higher official, everyone owns a mobile phone. The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day. So our country has become an attractive securities industry for mobile operators. Robi Axiata Ltd. is one of the leading mobile operators in our country who have seen this great potential. 1. 1 Background of the Report For BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) students of University of AIUB, internship program is mandatory for every student to complete the degree.Internships provide an opportunity for students to link theory with practice and further serve as a unorthodox labor pool for those organizations that have committed to participate in the internship program. The internship program has succeeding(a) purposes It provides a student with a practical real world arrest in the public or nonprofit sector before entering into a job market. Such experience not only increases students job prospects, just now in any case teaches what is expected in terms of professional behavior. It enables a student to develop important skills which cannot be taught in the classroom. It enables a student to comp atomic number 18 theoretical ideas learned in the classroom within the world of work. It permits a student to apply the technical skills learned in the classroom to real world problems. I have prepared this report while working as an intern in Robi Axiata Ltd. This report is based on Marketing of Robi Axiata Ltd. I have to a fault covered information regarding the organisational overview and what I did and learned everyday in Robi Axiata Ltd. 1. 2 Objectives of the Study There are two kinds of objectives of the report. They are ? Broad Objective ? Specific ObjectiveBroad Objective The main objective of the study is to know how Robi classify its business channels. From the study, I besides want to acquire a sound association of roles, activities and responsibilities of the Consumer Channel Development unit of an organization which I can apply in my future professional life. Specific Objectives The specific objectives of this internship report are ? To have a clear redeing of market dynamism. ? Categories as well as find out business opportunities and potential POS for sales penetration. ? To capitalize on market by increase trade loyalty. To find out POS wise sales and find out ways to penetrate sales in future which overwhelm KYC (Know Your guest) as well. ? To capture the snapshot of market so that in future Robi can introduce POS wise campaign, channel loyalty program etc. ? levy the visibility of Robi at market level. ? Service at customer door steps through identify and expanding good point. 1. 3 Scope of the Study The organization chosen was a telecommunication therefore, the fo cus of the report was mainly on the even of Sales (POS) undertaken by the organization.I tried to focus on gathering knowledge about the POS classification activities & policies of Robi Axiata Limited in depth. As, the research was a combination of both field work & theoretical knowledge, I am able to understand from my research preparation in a much detailed & clear way. 1. 4 Limitations of the Study Three months of sentence for a research is really very number one. It is really very difficult to find out every single issue within this limited period of time. Overall the limitations those I have go about are ? Time Frame. It was difficult to access to more internal information. ? It was really difficult for me to accumulate confidential data. ? Some retailers didnt give attention providing information. 1. 5 Statement of the Problem afterwards completion of this study I can able to find out the perceptions of the company practicing POS classification about the retailers and th e decisions which can be effective for that. 1. 6 Literature Review There are some strategies which a business organization eternally applies for achieving its objectives. Business classification is one of these strategies.In Bangladesh it is always seen that business organizations classified their products for generating some value in these. In telecommunication companies, it has seen the most. For example, grameenphone Ltd. classified their SIM cards in many classes djuice, bondhu, apon, corporate etc. Robi Axiata Limited is also one of the leading telecommunication companies in Bangladesh. SIM card with a unique customers identity is its basic product. It also classified its products into many categories. scarcely recently it has a pattern to classify its business channels as well.Previously, in many times Robi used to classify its products in many ways. tho it was the lack of motivation of sales people as a result Robi did not submit the expected level of sales which it ex pected. So it is clear that, to get the expected sales level it is also important to motivate the sales people properly. Recently Robi takes the initiative to classify its Point of Sales (POS), from which basically the products spreading to the customers. Robi basically plan to rear play their POSs into three possible parts Premium, Gold and Silver.As the part of this project Robi has done a detail questionnaire survey. By analyzing the survey report Robi has the plan to treat its POSs accordingly. Turning Of Aktel Into Robi And Their Market Challenge. Aktel, one of the countrys top mobile phone brands, took its new nameRobimeaning the sun, with effect from the good morning of Sunday when it also unveiled a new logo for the company at a colourful ceremony at the capitals Suhrawardi Uddyan. Aktel testament henceforth be known as Robi, underlining the rich, vibrant culture and heritage of Bangladesh, executives of the popular cellphone company said. Robi brings the set-back gleam of light that shows us the day a symbol of harvest that brings smile on the faces of farmers, said Michael Kuehner, the Managing Director and CEO of Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd. , the Malaysia-based mobile operator. He went on to point out that the contrive Robi is also very familiar to Bangla speaking people as it is the name of their pride poet, Rabindranath Tagore. We aim to develop an emotional link with the culture and roots of this nation Therefore, we chose the Bangla word Robi to be our identity, he said.The mobile phone operator has also taken the logo of the Axiata Group Berhad, the parent company. Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited, formerly known as TM International (BD) Limited, is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad (70 per cent) and Japanese NTT DoCoMo (30 percent). One of the six mobile companies in Bangladesh, Robi is the third largest mobile phone operator in terms of revenue, having some 10. 31 million subscribers across the country. Earlier, the largest mobile phon e operator in the country, Grameen strait Ltd. , had also changed its logo assuming that of Telenor Group, the major percent comporters of the GP. By changing the name to a Bengali word, the company aims at aligning its aids to local culture and tradition. The word has been chosen as it carries a range of dominant meanings of emotional and cultural bondage of the people of this land, Kuehner told a press briefing at Suhrawardi Uddyan. Robis head of corporate affairs Segufta Yesmin Samad and chief commercial message 2. 0 Methodology of the Report 2. 1Sources of Information Robi is one the major telecom helping provider in Bangladesh. Its Head Office is situated in Nafi Tower, Gulshan-1, and Dhaka.The study testament primarily focus on the Consumer Channel Development unit of Consumer Sales and Service (CSS) Department of Robi where I am doing my internship. However, relevant and necessary synopsis of other events and circumstances pertaining to the study will be made. The foll owing sources have been used for the purpose of gathering and collecting data as required. A. Primary sources ? card ? Personal interview ? Through mortalal acquaintance with the people at Marketing Division B. Secondary sources ? Information from web. ? Brochures. ? Newspapers Clips. ? Journals, and ? HR BooksBoth primary and secondary data sources will be used to generate this report. Primary data sources are scheduled survey, informal discussion with professionals and observation while working in different desks. The secondary data sources are different published reports, manuals, price updates and different publications of ROBI. 2. 2 Methods of Data Collection Relevant documents and data will be moderateed from CSS Department, Robi. except material will come from previous reports, studies, articles, news published on interpret object Dailies etc. Literature concerning explanation and theories will be collected from Internet.A questionnaire will be prepared including both open-ended and close-ended questions to get feedback from the POSs that will be used in measuring the effectiveness of the classification. Observation on the activities of the colleagues, in-depth discussion with organizational supervisor and my practical knowledge on job will be helpful to know activities, duties and responsibilities of the Consumer Channel Development Unit. 2. 3 Data Analysis After surveying, questionnaire will be reviewed and edited to ensure the completeness, consistency and reliability of data as well as to facilitate the coding process.Then, the open-ended responses will be coded and finally data will be computerized. If required, recoding will be done to facilitate analysis. Analysis of data and the preparation of the report will be done by the Microsoft Office Program (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint) in computer. 2. 4 Timeline of Activities The plan for this project is provided on the basis that it is a full general impart to direction. Due to the na ture of the research some information may be difficult to obtain on schedule and allowance for this ask to be made. This plan is also subject to change on re-evaluation.In every stage, strong communication with my supervisor will be maintained to get the best outcome of the report. re-create 1 Topic selection and proposal submission 7th March, 2011. Stage 2 Gather information from secondary sources as well as obtain data from primary sources. Conduct and complete reviews of relevant literature within 24th March 2011. Stage 3 Make needed correction & trail draft report within 31st March 2011 and show my Internship Adviser. Stage 4 Make needed correction suggested my supervisor and prepare final report for final submission within 10th April 2011. 3. 0 Company Overview 3. 1 About Robi Axiata LimitedRobi Axiata Limited is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solutions provider for Bangladesh, and is joint venture Company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DO COMO INC, Japan. It was formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) which commenced operations in Bangladesh in 1997 with the brand name AKTEL. On 28th March 2010, the armed service name was rebranded as Robi and the company came to be known as Robi Axiata Limited. Robi is truly a people-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi, the peoples champion, is there for the people of Bangladesh, where they want and the way they want.Having the local tradition at its core, Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity. To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi draws from the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voice, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE service with high speed internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust meshwork architecture and caustic edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple spherical partners for international roaming.It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 600 operators across more than 200 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff evaluate. By leveraging on Axiatas extensive expertise in the international communications implementation, Robi became the first mobile operator to connect Tetulia and Teknaf, which is the northern and southern most points of Bangladesh, and first to provide seamless coverage along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway.With a network covering all 64 districts of Bangladesh, coupled with the first Intelligent Network (IN) Prepaid Platform in the country, Robi is geared to provide a wide range of products and services to customers all over Bangladesh. 3. 2 Background of the Company Axiata Bangladesh Ltd. (Robi) was found as a joint company of the Axiata Group Berhad from Malaysia a nd the NTT DoCoMo Inc. from Japan. It operates as a Limited Liability Company, where a founder and a bulk shareholder, the AXB- member of the Axiata Group Berhad owns 70% shares, while the minority shares of 30 % are creation controlled by the NTT DoCoMo. . 3 Journey of the Country Robi is the dynamic and leading lengthways countrywide GSM mobile communication solutions of TM International (Bangladesh) Limited. With a vision to be the leading service provider in the ICT sector in Bangladesh, it has contri neverthelessed advantageously to the improvement of tele-density of the country. This fact is apparent through Robis presence throughout the reaches of Teknaf to Tetulia and the seamless network established along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway.Robis investment in Bangladesh to date stands at a significant amount, which has contributed significantly towards the growth of the economy of the country while creating multifarious employment opportunities in many active areas. Among many products, Robi has launched its dynamic new service called Robi International Roaming Service, which allows Robi users to access over 550 global operators across more than 205 countries. With this robust service, Robi boasts to be the widest roaming operator in the country, far outweighing the current roaming service providers coverage. New service and features area to be added) Robi also prides itself as a technology driven company. It has invested heavily into upgrading the systems with state of the art equipment with cutting edge technologies available today in the telecom sector such as its Short Message Service (SMS) and Voice Message Service (VMS) systems, and migration of the Pre-Paid network platform to Intelligent Network (IN), which was successfully implemented for the first time in Bangladesh.A reflection of these processes are the highly competitive product packages and first ever services that had been offered to all Robi Customers throughout the year. It is powerfully believed that Robi will be the pioneer service provider to be able to realize the long-felt needs of the customers from all walks of life by offering innumerable innovative products and value-for-money services throughout the years to come. In concert with the theme of undeniable customer appreciation, Robi celebrates the end of a remarkable year. 3. 4 Strategic Overview of RobiPrinciples of Robi Employees of this company hold themselves accountable to the following guiding Principles for the organization- Emotional Passionate, seminal, Respectful, and Open. Functional Simple, Ethical, straightforward, Ownership. Passionate Were passionate its in all of us. Whether visible or conceal within for whatever reason. Creative Everything we do we should do in a creative innovative manner. Respectful We are truly respectful to each other. Our subordinates, peers, partners and customers. Open We have no hidden agendas. We share information freely.Simple Everything we do and say should b e wide and easy to understand Ethical We are moral, upright, honest, righteous, virtuous, honorable, corroborateing our promises in all we say and do. Transparent A few key words and phrases sums this up Honesty. Openness. Frankness. No lies. No deceit. No games. Easily understood. Ownership Whilst working individually or collectively, we clearly indorse individual and collective possessorship. 3. 5 Mission & Vision of Robi Vision To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh MissionROBI aims to achieve its vision through being number one not only in terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and products geared to address the ever changing needs of our budding nation 3. 6 Division & Department of Robi ROBI is operating with following Divisions / Departments having its establishment in different locations at Dhaka, Chittagong and other regions of Bangladesh. ROBI has following divisions and departments ? Financ e Division ? Commercial Division ? Information Technology Division ? Technical Division Human Resources Division ? Revenue Assurance Department ? Regulatory Affairs Department ? Internal Audit Department ? merged Affairs Department ? Corporate Strategy Department ? Supply Chain Management Department ? Credit Control Department ? Legal & Compliance Department ? Security & Safety Department ? MDs/CEOs Office 3. 7 Products & Services Robis GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as intelligent network (IN). The intelligent network (IN) provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, wider nationwide etwork coverage, numerous international roaming global partners, and popular value added services (VASs), quality easy-access customer care, round the clock call center operations, ironclad digital network security, competitive tariff rates and precise billing. Robi provides standard mobile connections with NWD and ISO facilities. They also provide mobile-to-mobile, Mobile with T&T incoming and outgoing facilities. TMIB has an integrated and fully computerized Customer Care explosive charge System (CCBS), which supports virtually all subscriber- colligate functions with its 24-hour customer care service. . 7. 1 Product Portfolio The product line of Robi is divided into two types based on the subscription category for general subscribers Prepaid and Post paid. 3. 7. 2 Pre-paid Packages Robi Prepaid offers a single package that delivers simplicity and flexibility at the same time. Robi Prepaid is continuously adding new features and plans to provide absolute freedom to the customers. Tariff plans are as follows- Ek second Tariff Simple tariff Normal tariff Super simple Extra simple 3. 7. 3 Post-paid Packages Data PackagesRobi offers flexible internet usage packages currently. There are 5 internet options available in Robis product portfolio. ? Volume ground Pack ? Daily Browsing Pack ? 20/20 Internet Pa ck ? Monthly Unlimited Internet ? Pay-per-use Services ? Basic Services telephone & Data ? Supplementary Services ? Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) ? Call Waiting and Call Holding ? Call Forwarding ? Call Conferencing ? National Roaming Both way ? International Roaming ? Itemized Billing ? Dedicated Customer Services 3. 7. 4 Value Added Services SMS Local & Voice blabber Kid zona international aristocratic Menu Cricket Zone Robi GoonGoon Instant News Robi Internet Voice Mail Robi Directory MMS Balance Transfer Stock Information Robi SMS Chat Friends & Family (FnF) Call Block Job Portal Robi Radio Missed Call Alert mPay Song Dedication Push Mail Robi Bazar Robi Zone Phone Backup Islamic Info Voice Portal BBC Janala Robi has the widest roaming facility among Bangladeshi mobile phone operators, with 550 operators across more than 205 countries in the world. Many more products are in line to be added to the existing array of Rob i products and service the days to come. 8. Coverage Robi now Bangladesh covering all 64 districts with a robust network. With the permission from Bangladesh Govt. o cover the 3 districts of Chittagong Hill Tracts, the company is aiming to invest heavily on network development in this region. The quality of voice and invulnerable and secured service are the key strengths of Robi to expand its business and subscriber base. 3. 9 Organizational Structure The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its Vision, Mission and Goal. In attaining the preceding(prenominal) mission, Chief strategic officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marketing officer, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Human Resource Officer assists the Md. The organization organogram is in appendix page. 3. 0 Features of Robi Cellular Phone Service Cou ntry-wide Coverage with arbitrary spirit Network Better Customer Service Better Billing Better Switching 3. 10. 1 SIM-Card Identity Number Consistent and High Quality Voice Security 3. 10. 2 Exciting Robi Value Added Services Robi Itemized Billing International Roaming Choice of Handset Competent Human Resource 3. 10. 3 Customer Service SIM Change Scheme Migration (Postpaid) Re-initialization (Prepaid) Itemized Bill (Postpaid) Reconnection (Postpaid) Activation of Value Added Services Ownership Change (Postpaid) Easy Load Address Change (Postpaid)As of June, 2010 there are 20 full-fledged customer care centers across different areas of Bangladesh 6 in Dhaka, 3 in Chittagong, 1 in Narayangonj, 1 in Comilla, 1 in Feni, 1 in Coxs Bazar, 1 in Mymensingh, 1 in Jessore, 1 in Barisal, 1 in Rajshahi, 1 in Sylhet, 1 in Kushtia and 1 in Khulna. 4. 0 Findings & Analysis From the research, I have made in Mirpur Street, I was successfully tried to locate the light box. From the above depicted pie chart, we can easily understand that, most of the Light Boxes are displayed with Robi about 42% of the respondents are using Light boxes attached with the Robi Axiata Company. They are highly promoted as the focused on Light Box because it is attracted to the customer/ subscribers at first sight. On the other hand, 30% of the memory boards are Airtel, another mobile operator that has recently acquired by Bharti Airtel. And the other operators use limited in Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Shutter Branding is a common style in placing the small depots in the rural and urban From the above pie chart, we can see that, Most of the Shutter Branding is covered with the Banglalink Promotional Activities (71%). On the other hand, other operators do not focus much on the Shutter Branding as their activities. Painting in the shop reflects both outdoor and indoor outlook that brings out the lucrative presentation to be attracted by the subscriber. From the research in the lo cation of Mirpur, we can see that, Banglalink, the second Operator, leads the promotional activities by painting their retailer shops. In case of Robi, they are behind on this.From the pie diagram, we can understand that, maximum shops are in between 0-99 sqft space to operate their business as retailers. Because of lack of space, they are not able to keep more things in the shop. About 85% of the respondents make their shop within 100 sqft. As, it is a very narrow space, few of the retailers (about 15%) use their shop space about to 100-150 sqft. The Space of a shop is important in which the relevant variable is about the size of the customers / subscribers are coming for service at a time. Most of the shops are covered with the space for 1-3 someones at a time for receiving the services. It is relevant to the retailers, lack of capability of drop money for the comfortable shop space for the customers/ subscribers.The above depicted pie chart shows that, about 75% of the responde nts are build a shop or rent a shop for 1-3 person service system at a time . On the other hands, few of the respondents have the capability to emerge the space of the space to 4-6 persons. From my survey, most of the retailers are involving in the mobile business (65%) because, it is the highest growth of business sectors now a day in our country. So, people are highly attracted to do business on this sector. Few of the respondent replied that they are doing business with Electronic shops (17%), few are computer shops (8%), and few are CDs shops (9%). They are considered as a second earning source in the business. picFrom the research, I have found that, most of the people are expend about 5000-15000 taka / per day, as the business is the daily income process like Point of Sales of SIMs and other things that provided by the company. In which as the subject of the matter is about small medium enterprise, like mobile shop or other mobile accessories units, people are investing at th eir capability, about 58% respondents are doing business daily with the range of amount. About 39% are investing 15000 -30000 taka daily, for Point of Sales of different operators. From the graph, we can see that, Most of the Robi Retailers has the capability to invest 500-1000 Tk (75%) that placed in the inner city others have the capability investing 1000- 3000 Tk placing their shops on the main road.Compare to Grameenphone customers, retailers said that, they are not getting many customers of Robi in those areas, so they are providing low investment on Robi Easy rafts and SIMs. From the survey, I have found that, most of the retailers are able to sell all of the operators SIMs in an average amount of 25 SIMs in a week. On the other hand, and few retailers can sell more than 25 that range into 50 (32%). The amount of selling is very low because, the strictness of Government rules and regulation may be a constraint like high price SIMs, SIM Tax, BTRC registration form to all ope rators. In this reason, customers are rarely encouraged to get a new SIM with connection.From the pie chart, we can see that, most of the weekly SIMs sales are Airtel Operators (78%) that represents the 1st position in the market in the current period. They are providing more facilities like ( Instant Bonus, Load Returns, New Sim Offers etc) that the other operators in the market. On the other hand, other operator like Robi (13%) is in 2nd position, because they are offering new packages in which those are attracted by the customers like the newly package Robi Club. From my Survey, I tried to identify, the market leader in Point of Sales as Daily Load Sales. From the chart, we can see that, Grameenphone is in 1st position in the market all over the country.Consequently, Banglalink is in 2nd Position. In some areas, Airtel & Robi are ahead in between of them. From the pie chart, most of the retailers are satisfied about the facilities of Robi provided to them (79%). Few of the respo ndent replied that they are getting more facilities as being a good seller (11%). Also their expectation can increase if they get proper services about retailers relationship. From the graph, most of the respondents are satisfied about Robi statistical distribution outfit System (83%). They have more expectation from Robi getting more amount of Commission as per sales of Easy Loads/SIMs. Few of them complained about the diffusion system.From the pie chart, most of the retailers are not satisfied about the distribution of Robi SIMs that provided to them (89%) because they are not getting actual subscribe to of SIMs in the market at the time. Sometimes they are delayed in reach to distribute there. They are getting very small amount of distribution of SIMs about to 5 -7 pieces. Few of the respondent replied that they are moderate about the facilities (8%). From my survey, most of the retailers are satisfied about the network status of Robi Axiata Limited. They are knowing to see t he network tower of Robi near to them . But some of them have complained about the network traffic in which the Easy Loads / SMS are not provided timely. It is really appreciated to the respondents, as they are highly satisfied about the sales representatives of Robi Axiata Limited.Because representatives are communicating with the retailer daily, as they are also glad to get anything what they want about the loads. 4. 1 Key Findings of the Study After evaluating the available data I got some findings. The datas were totally related with each other . Every output I got has relation with the previous one or the next one. So the findings should be related with the created problem concern. ? As a promotional tools, Robi Axiata Limited more on Light Box in many retailers shop in Mirpur. Because , This is the first impression that attracted by the customers when they come for services in the retailers shop like Easy Loads, Purchasing Sims, or come for knowing new packages and services.L ight box is complied with LED Box which is transparent and bright. ? Robi is not concerned much as spotlighting Shutter Branding. Because, Robi doesnt use this concept because of the peak hours time. Shutter is always open and the branding is not visible in the meantime. ? Most of the people are involved in the mobile business as their primary earning. Because it is the most high growth economic sectors in our country. So, people are eagerly interested involving in this business and gain profit. ? In this area, it has been a place of employment. Anyone can invest with a low capital and low risk. It doesnt need to have very special skills to run the business. When a business is going to start for a retailer, the official processing is not much effective. Retailers often face hazardless. ? Low investment ability for Robi Axiata Limited by the retailers capability that severely depends on Sales results. Now a days, competitively, Robi is in 3rd place in customer subscriber in the marke t, so the retailers are investing more on others operators like Grameenphone & Banglalink. ? There is a huge demand of Robi SIMs, but there is much enough distribution system. There is a lack of distribution channel activities in Robi, it manages less SIMs distributions to the retailers, but in case of distribution, Robi is trying to increase the SIMs distribution, which is on process. Overall facilities are satisfactory to the retailer. The facilities are providing in case of Sales outcomes, which is given in Commission base to the retailers. In case Robi retailers, they are getting commission quickly than other operators. ? In this time, Robi network is satisfactory all over the areas. In this time, Robi spends a huge amount of money to set up more frequent network coverage all over the country. Comparing to the past situation, Robi hasnt been go about problems in case of network facility. ? SIM distribution is very bad to the retailers for selling to the customers. This is a maj or problem in SIMs distribution for the retailers nd also the unfitting series of SIMs number which are chosen by the customers while purchasing. ? Retailers are not received satisfactory amount of SIMs distribution according to the demand in the market. ? Sales representatives are ought to be very active and is satisfactory to the retailers. Communication is utmost important increasing relationship level among retailers and customers. Robi has been managed it very successfully to them. ? Robi has no service desks compare to the other operators, which is hampering the effective service delivery to the customers. When customers are faced in any problem, they are not capable to come to share their problems to Robi Sheba because these are not nearly situated.Service desks in any retailers shop can solve this problem instantly. 5. 0 Recommendation Some of the recommendations we can deliver for the Robi Axiata Limited on Point of sales (POS) classification from preparing this research. Those are briefly written below in key points ? Promotional Advertising in Branding Robi needs to be innovative and creative. ? Robi should focus on other advertising tools that have not been taken by the management. ? Robi should open a training center on POS to increase the knowledge and skills of the retailers. ? Robi should have a service desk in every retailer shops to increase the level of satisfaction of both retailers and customers. Robi should increase the SIMs sale availability to the respected high demand areas so that the retailers can sell the product of Robi to the customers easily. ? They should think about the highest sales retailers, and provide extra commission on their sales. ? To sustain in the market, Robi should focus on retailers needs and wants that need to identify. ? They must pay commission and provide facilities as much as quickly so that their expectations are fulfilled. ? They should think more in improvement of the relationship between the company an d retailers. 6. 0 Conclusion Point of sales is a marketing tool to which has been in use to develop the business operation efficiency of companies. Robi from the year 2010 onwards is practicing Point of sales to increase the sales and revenue to gain profit.For Robi Axiata Limited to be profitable telecommunication company, there has to an effective Point of Sales plan to be demonstrated clearly to the retailers A system of accountability and flow of information throughout the organization and also retailers need to be established so that the retailers have the trust to the company. All the decisions can be managed from the perspective of point of sales so that the company can classify the better retailers shop and provide good facilities to them. From this research the company can easily make decisions to them. 7. 0 Appendix Fig 01 Work plan of Robi Axiata Limited pic RSP= Robi Sheba Partner Figure 02 Distribution Channel of Robi Axiata Limited Pos classification questionnaire su rvey Pos Name ______________ Pos code ________Pos address ________________________________________________ Pos owner name _______________________ Phone Number _______ Visibility 1. Light box 2. Shutter branding 3. Shop painting 4. Space of the shop a. 0-99 sqft b. 100-150 sqft c. 150-200 sqft d. 200-above 5. Customer accommodation a. 1-3 person b. 4-6 person c. 7-10 person d. 10 to above 6. Business type a. Mobile phone b. Electronic c. Computer d. Cd e. Others 7. Investment ability in a day (taka) a. 5000-15000 b. 15000-30000 c. 30000-50000 d. 50000 to above 8 Investment ability of Robi (taka) a. 500-1000 b. 1000-3000 c. 000-5000 d. 5000 to above 9 weekly SIM sale all operators a. 0-25 b. 25-50 c. 50-100 d. 1500 to above 10. Weekly SIM sale individual GP BL ROBI AIR CT TELE 11. Daily load sale GP Bl ROBI AIR CT TELE 12. The facilities of Robi a. Very good b. good c. moderate d. Bad. e. very bad 13. Distribution system of Robi a. very good b. good c. moderate d. Bad. e. very bad 14. SIM distribution system of Robi a.Very good b. good c. moderate d. Bad. e. very bad 15. Robi network status a. very good b. good c. moderate d. Bad. e. very bad 16. Weekly SR visit a. One tome b. two time c. three time d. four time e. daily 8. 0 Reference & Bibliograph ? Marketing RESEARCH An Applied Orientation Naresh K. Malhotra, 5 th EDITIONS, 2008, Prentice-HALL, USA. ? Anm Khaled (Specialist, Consumer Sales & Services, Market Operation Division ? Sabbir Shoaib (Specialist, Consumer Sales & Services, Market Operation Division) ? www. robi. com. bd ? www. google. com pic BL GP

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Bangladesh – an overview

Bangladesh is a small coun picture and is situated at the head of the Bay of Bengal. On its visitward margins India almost surrounds it. The Tropic of Cancer passes through with(predicate) the middle of the country.Bangladesh is a low lying country, 3/4 of it under a.s.l. It layabout be divided into 2 main regions. The first is a spacious alluvial plain, dominated by the delta of the Ganges. The second consists of the only areas of highland, which are in the east and southeast. The Chittagong Hills in the southeast rise to an average height of 650m and in Silhet on that point are similar ridges that only reach 60 90 m. The country has a Tropical monsoon climate and the main features of this include high temperatures, high humidity and heavy rainfall and a marked dry season.COUNTRY STATISTICSArea 50,260 sq. miles (130,200 sq. km)Population 120,400,000Population Density 836 pile/sq. kmPopulation Growth 2.16% not bad(p) DhakaLanguages Bengali, EnglishReligions Muslim, HinduTotal GDP US$ 215,400,000,000Imports US$ 4,600,000,000Birth Rate 35.5/1000 peopleDeath Rate 11.7/1000 peopleLife Expectancy 55.6 yearsPer Capita PPP US$ 1,510Exports US$ 3,000,000,000Aid 26 billion dollars a year80% below p everyplacety runRURAL ACTIVITIESBangladesh is 84% rural and the majority of the population lives in villages. There is nodefined pattern of urban use and cultivated fields can be found inside towns.80% of the population depends directly or indirectly upon farming and it accounts for 33%of the countrys GNP.Most farms are small i.e. less than twain hectares and are often fragmented. Not all farmers own their own land and umpteen are share-croppers.For winter crops to be grown, irrigation is essential but of the total land cropped only 20% is irrigated.The main crops are rice, pulses, winter wheat, vegetables, bananas, jute, tea and sugar cane, the last three of these being cash crops. Jute has been the leading cash crop for everywhere 100 years. It is used for sacki ng, carpet backing and string. Since the 1970s jute production has suffered from competition by other countries like China and India.The majority of farmers in Bangladesh are subsistence farmers some of whom have been encouraged to grow cash crops such as jute and tea. However the cultivation of rice is the single most important activity in the economy, and virtually 80% of farmed land is occupied by rice.There are numerous fisheries in Bangladesh and fish products account for 13% of exports and 70% of animal protein in the diet. basis use in Bangladesh 67% arable land, 2% permanent crops, 4% meadows and pastures, 16% forest and woodland, 11% other.ISSUES OF CHANGEIn Bangladesh like in many other LEDCs, rural-urban migration is dominant. Many people especially from the younger generation flock to the cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong in search of work and a breach quality of life than in the rural areas. They hope to find better healthcare and education, better paid jobs and im proved housing. However when they arrive in the cities they commonly find this not to be the case. There is often not enough housing for the new influx of people and so shanty towns, made of low-down quality- makeshift housing, develop on the edges of the city. These shanty towns have no access to clean irrigate or sanitation and as a result indisposition spreads easily in them. The increased population of the urban areas has a strain on the local services and this creates further problems relating to piddle supply and sewage.Rural-urban migration has caused the process of urbanization to increase and the capital city Dhaka has grown in size significantly.PROBLEMS FACING GOVERNMENTBangladesh has many problems both natural and human that the government has to try and tackle but being one of the poorest countries in the world and having little capital to invest in solutions, it is not easy.Bangladesh is given over to cyclones which travel northwards up the Bay of Bengal. These cyclones can be devastating and can destroy villages and infrastructure but can also cause storm surges which can cause flooding. flood is the most arrant(a) problem that faces the country on an annual basis. About one third of Bangladesh is flooded each year during the monsoon.The country is so prone to flooding due to a number of reasons both physical and human. Most of the country consists of the huge floodplain and delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. 70% of the country is less than 1m to a higher place sea level and rivers, lakes and swamps cover 10% of the land area. Snowmelt from the glaciers in the Himalayas in the late spring and summer increases discharges. There are heavy monsoon rains especially over the Himalayas, the highlands in Assam and the Central Indian Plateau.Of these, the heavy monsoon rains are the main physical cause of the flooding. In some years including 1998 the rains were exceptionally heavy, (see graph) causing river levels to rise and severe floods to occur.Various other problems in Bangladesh such as deforestation and overpopulation are also responsible for the problem of flooding. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers have their headwaters in Nepal and Tibet where in new-fangled years the quickly increasing populations have caused the removal of vast areas of forest, to provide fuel, timber and grazing land. In Bangladesh the forests are in crisis. There has been a rapid depletion of forest in the last 20 years for crop land, fuel and due to illegal logging.The forests play a major role in the hydrology of the upland drainage basins absorbing water from the ground, binding the soil particles and reducing the impact of rain droplets on the ground surface. Overall the forest cover slows the journey of the water to the river impart reducing the flood risk. The removal of the forest cover has reduced interception and increased landslides, soil erosion and overland flow. The silt and soil is deposited in the river channels c ausing the raising of the riverbeds and reducing the capacity of the rivers. It is estimated that soil is being lost 400 times faster in deforested areas and is raising the river bed of the Brahmaputra by 5cm per year.urbanisation is also a factor that effects flooding in Bangladesh. Recent development schemes involving the construction of networks of roads and embankments have probably added obstacles to the free drainage of water from the land.The problem that the government faces is that it can not afford to provide sufficient precautions and safety systems, like cyclone shelters, to safeguard against flooding, whilst it has to pay off a huge discipline debt. Many countries do not see Bangladesh as a viable state and so therefore are reluctant to invest money in it.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Marketing (Repositioning) Essay

There is a wide range of staff offices acting upon organizations which make the need for service move inevitable. The main forces include changing technology and expectations of customers, increased competition and changing nature of economic relations, etc. Today, repositioning of existing service offering becomes a strategy which helps companies to sustain strong market position and resist competition. Following Lovelock and Wirtz (2003) repositioning can be described as changing service characteristics aimed to tally hot market conditions. The main sets of conditions for service repositioning include (1) a market decline, (2) competition and (3) changing customers unavoidably. Therefore, repositioning is roughly the impudent vision of the accompany in the customers minds. It is about earning customers trust to make them willingly follow the company.Market decline is the main reason which forces companies to reposition their service offering to remain profitable. For insta nce, if order of return are below competitive rate it can result in withdrawal from the industry and a decline in activity and competition. In this situation, companies need to reposition their service offering in order to find new markets and new target groups. Repositioning is the best strategy used by companies to enter new markets essential for the opportunities and new competitive positioning. For instance, in order to survive Fast Company created a strategy aimed to reposition the magazine in the minds of advertisersa task that depends on first repositioning in the minds of readersand then executing (Lindsay, 2005).Airline carriers use repositioning strategy to avoid market trouble and decline. (Essential repositioning of the Airline. Luxair, n.d. Europes Winners and Losers, 2001). Also, this industry repositions itself in order to maintain high growth through optimization of a product mix and proficient innovation. Very often, companies reposition their service offering us ing a quality/price strategy. Some airline carriers have positioned their brands selling for twice the price of function emphasizing their national origins, demonstrating how quality and price can be reinforced (Essential repositioning of the Airline. Luxair, n.d.). It is possible to say that airline carriers seek to change the make out of buying and using a service (the service benefit) to prove a price position (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2003).Increased competition and new market entrants can force companies to reposition their service offerings. On the one hand, new entrants to an industry bring new capacity, a desire to gain market share and position and new approaches to serving customer needs. It is valuable to note that new competitors can have a negative impact on prices. Their strategy can result in reduced industry profitability (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2003). In this case, repositioning their service offering, companies try to find new service benefits to attract potential consu mers.For instance, tourism market in Jamaica needs a reposition in order to compete on the market and remain competitive. Golding, a leader of Jamaica Labour Party, says that the industry is running a risk right now because there is significant increase in the number of rooms, particularly with the Spanish investments (Reposition tourism marketing, 2006). Also, Golding admits that There is a need for a whole new approach to attraction development because there are so little offerings for the tourists, particularly at nights (Reposition tourism marketing, 2006). On the other hand, international companies like Vodafone mobile operator can face a threat of service adaptation and can become a victim of global competitors (Calling for a rethink, 2006).In some cases, the companies need repositioning strategy to relocate the brand in consumers minds creating a competitive advantage. This repositioning strategy ensures the customers credibly (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2003). Repositioning helps companies to chip in trustworthiness, confidence, and competence for customers. It is possible to say that repositioning becomes the best strategy to keep the companys identity and personality in the customers minds. The company can force customers to buy their products creating new image of the brand. In the era of globalization, repositioning strategy can help to differentiate the brand image from competitors proposing distinct features of the service offering. So, repositioning is not just about persuading and creating new image in the consumers minds, it is about earning consumers trust (Calling for a rethink, 2006).Another set of conditions under which it is appropriate to reposition an existing service offerings deals with future needs and wants of the customers and their changing expectations. Customers needs and wants have changed over time. These causes require companies to find new strategies and directions to deliver customer satisfaction. For instance, the main problems faced by WHO is that Like many middle-aged organizations, a lot of the WHOs problems stem from the fact that it has not changed with the times (Repositioning the WHO, 1998).In this case, repositioning is needed to provide satisfaction of members social needs, and a smell out of personal identity. Also, WHO organizations regard government action as automatically good, profit as automatically evil, and intellectual property as theft (Repositioning the WHO, 1998). Advances in technology and innovations require new positioning strategies to attract potential customers around the world. In this situation, repositioning becomes a response to the need of customers and increased market competition.It is possible to argue that managing repositioning effectively is a complex and challenging task. Although firms need to meet expectations of their customers and resist competitors in order to remain profitable. For many organizations, repositioning is measured as profits in one form or anothe r, while for others they may be the achievement of social needs. Today, repositioning strategy is one of the most important elements of marketing which helps companies to respond effectively to changing demands and new economic environment.ReferencesCalling for a rethink. 2006. The Economist. http// (accessed 19 August 2006)Essential repositioning of the Airline. Luxair. n.d. http// (accessed 19 August 2006).Europes Winners and Losers. The Continents slump will change the landscape. 2001. Business Week. October 15. http// (accessed 19 August 2006)Lindsay, J. 2005. Super Service How to Revive The Business Publication You Just Bought for $35 Million. June 26. http// (accessed 19 August 2006)Lovelock, Ch., Wirtz, J. 2003. Services Marketing, People, Technology, Strategy. Pre ntice Hall 5 ed.Reposition tourism marketing, says Golding. 2006. August 15. http// (accessed 19 August 2006)Repositioning the WHO. 1998. The Economist. http// (accessed 19 August 2006)

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Difference Between Manual and Automatic Typing Machines

Today many people use a computer to do work for their business, home, and school. I am writing a report outlining the differences between using a typewriter and a computer to do work. I will also explain why integrity machine is better than the other. Hopefully this report will help you discover the advantages your employees will gain from the use of computers.Computers atomic number 18 machines of the future. People use computers more than the typewriters in the office, at school and at home. One of the main reasons is a computer has more gasconades than a typewriter. A typewriter is very limited in its use, for example, you puddle to use correction fluid every time you make a mistake.There is the advantage of Manual typewriters being more mobile (since they dont depend on electricity), but are often bulkier and heavier than electric or electronic typewriters Computers process work faster than typewriters on mass of products. Software such as Microsoft index 2000 git practica lly run the office for you. The most common word processing program is Microsoft Word 2000s Word 2000 program. Word 2000 mass bold, underline, copy, paste, and spotlight the letters on computers. It can also falsify fonts and sizes for the letters. Word 2000 has all these special features for the computer, which typewriters dont have.Computers can save the word processing on hard disk or floppy disk disk, which means it can be accessed and edited over, and over again, and printed out when needed. Typewriters cant save or change once typing done.There are some special features of Word 2000 such as the ability of inserting clipart and WordArt. Clipart is a feature that provides arts, pictures, video, and sound. WordArt is also a feature provide styles and colours for words. Computers can make word processing outcome ten times better than typewriter. Typewriters only had spaces, capital letters and other simplistic features.Computer Word Processors are very convenient for writing. You can correct mistakes, check your spelling, format your paper, and often do other fancy things quite easily. However, you are tied to a power supply, and you will usually need some unusual sort of adapter in another country. Ribbons for many word central processor machines are unique to the company that makes them, and are often hard to find outside of large cities in post-industrial countries.Laptop computers are the ultimate in convenience. You can do almost anything with a modern word-processing/design application that you could in the best of print shops. However, you are again tied to an electrical outlet (limiting your selection of location and project) and most portable computers do not have their own printer. It is not too difficult to put your material on a floppy disk and print it out at the Center with a computer printer compatible with your computer.Be aware of typing and writing health. Use acquit that wont break your back in ten years. Hold your wrists right so yo u dont get carpal tunnel syndrome (especially for electronic keyboards). Remember to rest your eyes regularly if your have to stare at a computer screen for long periods of time.As technology continues to expand in offices across the Nation, the role of the secretary has greatly evolved. Office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries to assume a wide range of new responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff. many an(prenominal) secretaries now provide training and orientation to new staff, conduct research on the Internet, and learn to operate new office technologies. In the midst of these changes, however, their core group responsibilities have remained much the same-performing and coordinating an offices administrative activities and ensuring that information is disseminated to staff and clients.Secretaries are responsible for a variety of administrative and clerical duties requirement to run an organization efficiently. They se rve as an information clearinghouse for an office, schedule appointments, provide information to callers, organize and maintain paper and electronic files, manage projects, and produce correspondence. They may also prepare correspondence, handle travel arrangements, and contact clients.Secretaries are aided in these tasks by a variety of office equipment, such as register systems, photocopiers, and telephone systems. In addition, secretaries increasingly use personal computers to run spreadsheet, word processing, database management, desktop publishing, and graphics programs-tasks previously handled by managers and other professionals. At the same time, these other workers have assumed many tasks traditionally assigned to secretaries, such as word processing and answering the telephone. Because secretaries are often relieved from dictation and typing, they can support several members of the professional staff. In a number of organizations, secretaries work in teams in order to wor k flexibly and share their expertise.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Invictus Poem Analysis Good Copy Essay

DefianceHuman fate, whether predetermined or not, has always been a subject of great debate. Numerous inconclusive arguments have erupted from scientific as fountainhead as religious perspectives as to whether or not destiny is controlled by an outside force. Author William Ernest Henleys verse Invictus is frequently regarded as an eye outset piece of literature that has imitated and facilitated the self reinvention of countless lives. Challenging Christian ideals, Henley elicits a powerful emotional response by supporting the philosophy that man is the sole determinant of his fate. By presenting such a bold and controversial belief, Henley greatly increases the impact of his poem. He titled the poem Invictus, Latin for unbeaten, in order to specify that although his spirits were low and mind deterred, they still remained unconquered, demonstrating the retention of control he had over his destiny Invictus (Meaning of).The Christian faith is well known for its belief of having on e and only(a) god who watches over and guides all. Henley begins the poem by thanking whatever gods may be for providing him with his unconquerable soul. Henley purposefully uses the term gods as a passive aggressive quarrel to this fundamental Christian belief in monotheism. He also states that his head has remained unbowed, referencing his refusal to submit when times are hard. The bludgeonings that have beat Henley down most for certain represents his hardships, while the bowing down represents submission to Christian ideology and to God himself. His refusal to surrender himself to these ideals is representative of his belief that no one but himself can diversity or affect where he is in life.In a further defiance of Christianity, Henley says It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. The gate is supposed to be the rattling same one that leads to Heaven, strait referring to the narrow passage that allows for very little admittance. Meanwhile, the punishments on the scroll reference the metaphorical list of sins that belabor the human soul, contend the general concept of sin. By invalidating the scale of right and wrong upon which Christianity is so heavily based, Henley attacks the validity of the entire Christian faith.This assault continues in the poem with the lines I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul. The theme of self reliance presented in these lines reinstates Henleys belief that each somebody is the only one accountable for their journey, not God or any other omnipresent being.Henley was a strong willed individual that chose to look past his prejudicial experiences in life and continue his journey of personal discovery and self definition. Henley was not the first to come to the belief that man was exclusively responsible for do his own destiny. An ancient Korean philosophical idea known as Juche shares this same belief (CITATION). The circumstances of ones birth are inapplicable it is wha t you do with the gift of life that determines who you are (Mewtwo). It doesnt matter where a persons life begins, it doesnt matter what that person has been told, in the end, everyones soul is their own, and only they are responsible for their fate.Works CitedHenley, William Ernest. Invictus I. M. To R. T. Hamilton Bruce (1846-1899). 12 Dec. 2013Invictus (Meaning Of). Encyclo. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.Juche. Blue Cottage Taekwon-Do. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.Live by Quotes. Live by Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Proposed Sales and Inventory System for Mike

Republic of the Philippines BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY Balanga City, Philippines COLLEGE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TITLE PROPOSAL bemuse Title A Proposed gross revenue and Inventory organisation for Mike-Len Bakeshop Summary In business like merchandising, Sales and Inventory system plays an all important(p) role. It is used to track all the transactions made by the business and responsible for monitoring the items supplies. All the business transactions must be properly recorded and must be fully secured by password.A Computerized system is the best solution and most innovative answer for their needs. The researchers had been motivated to do a study on this topic according to the above observation. The result may inspection and repair otherwises to understand more about exerciser-generated data processing, especially on how to deal with computers in terms of speed, accuracy and data security. Monitoring the transactions and other significant informat ion regarding the customer of Mike-Len Bakeshop is the main concern of this study. Also c overed in the study are saving of information and transaction records with the customers.The Sales and Inventory System is concern with the processing of the transactions of the customers and owner and saving the sales records at the same time. These saved records area filed and stored for future use. This computerized system is important to a company because through it, the owner can easily assist the customers and store data safely. And also the monitoring of stocks is the most important part of this system. Project Background Sales and Inventory system looks for a precise, user friendly, capable system that can help you in your inventory process. The business will escape the inventory in less time than development Microsoft excel.This inventory system will can be updated. Current State of Technology The business is using only Microsoft Excel. They enter manually in their inventory. Their i nventory is not updating even if there is a deliver. The business is allocating the breads in manual form. Even the expenses they compute it manually. Project Problem Statement The system run slowly it might be running like a turtle and it cannot respond for a while. And possibly the system is acting strangely oftentimes leave you wondering what has happened. The system been working just fine and later, seemingly without reason, it is doing strange.Project Assumption The proposed project will help in many benefits in your business. It is to lighter the inventory process of Mike-Len Bakeshop and finally integrate in modernization of technology in its process such(prenominal) as Faster process of sales and inventory. Automatic update on products Minimizes paper works. Proponents Name ADOPTANTE, Mark allain M. TANO Richelle P. YUMOL, Jacqueline B. Approved by Mrs. Marissa Ramos Mr. Dennis Carlos Signature over Printed NameSignature over Printed Name Mrs. Maria Lolita Masangcap Signatu re over Printed Name

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

IBA Final Paper Group

In this simulation, we were tasked with conquestfully launch info Alleles in in the raw grocery stores over the following 7-10 years, issuanceively expanding the Alistair Brand into Latin the States. Alistair Brands is doing strong in its traditional grocery stores of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, but the grocery stores IR those countries atomic number 18 mature with lots of competition. Latin America is a region that provides great potential and a variety of make do enhancement actions have been struck in recent years. NONFAT for example, reduced the trade barriers between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.This allows for establishing production in Mexico to take advantage of low labor cost and seamless access to the U. S. And Canadian merchandises. The MERCURY agreement in any case provides similar ease of access among the South American countries of genus Argentina, brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These factors combined make Latin America a ripe ma rket for Alistair Brands to throw in. Initially, we encloseed the Mexican market and created quintuplet SKU that covered all four benefits to test the market for each type of benefit, as well as wanting to follow up SKU that n bingle of our competition was using, such(prenominal) as economy gel.Our primary target markets were families with kids focused on economy, and younger focused on whitening. No one had tapped into the kids market, SC we created a SKU to fill that demand, which besides created a niche in the mark hat We dominated. Our primary posts Were the traditional and hyper- market, with a small section focused in web. The traditional channel had the largest way out of outlets thus, we allocated 25 sales people to that channel and it generated 12. 1 % of our sales.Hypermarket had only one competitor and had the most growth potential, while the web had no realistic competition. We positioned ourselves in regards to pricing towards the impose spectrum with a 5% allo wance. We set our MSP at double our production cost, still maintaining an economy price by being priced lower than our competitors. Striving to get our arrive at out thither in the initial period, we too spent SSL 50 meg in promotion and $76 million in advertising and our ad campaigns focused on highlighting two of our SKU (younger/white and families/ economy).Over the course of the simulation we entered three more Latin American countries (Brazil, Argentina, and Chile), make a coif in Brazil, left the traditional channel and entered the wholesale channel, changed SKU and pricing, discontinued and created new ads in all countries, tried to make our products standard in each country, exited a country that was non performing ell, and added new products to our existing product lines. After implementing and tweaking our marketing plan each year in the simulation, we cease the simulation with a BEE of 76. We saw a 6. % growth in unit sale 18. 3% growth in manufacturer sales, 29. 7 % growth in gross margin, and 60. 3% growth in net contribution. We finished in fifth place with a cumulative net contribution of $400. 6 million. In the following few pages, we will record what our marketing plan was and how we implemented it in each year Of the simulation from beginning to end to effectively demonstrate owe our decision criteria led us to the position that we ended in. Situation Analysis Throughout the study, the opportunities and threats varied among the 1 0 decision making periods.However, threats were mostly, actively controlled by a third party stimulator, while the opportunities describe our reaction to openings in the market for potential revenue. For example, a population product benefit without a SKIS to squelch the market charter provided a clear opportunity for a new SKU with an updated promotional budget and campaign. The opportunities listed below detail the groups research for opportunities as well as the active response. After a forced entry in the Mexico market, one of the first opportunities was the cheap tariff and shipping costs from the US to Mexico. With a 0. % tariff, as a percent of CIFS and a shipping cost of approximately two cents per unit, entry into the market provided a strong base to grow our brand. thither were also free trade agreements between the US and Mexico, making distribution, cost effective and permittivity seamless. With Brazil economic boom, it was impossible to ignore the specific opportunities in this market. With a surge in population, there began to arise product benefits that were not being met by competing products. Therefore, Alleles responded by implementing a SKIS that filled the family/healthy/ economy and size gap, as well as the kids market.With space in the hypermarket and web. The Alleles group capitalized on these channels and spiked the promotional budget to raise product awareness and our resulting As the success in Brazil continued, Alleles constructed a second plant in period 3 th at would offset the high shipping costs to the later entered, Argentinean an Chilean, markets, combined with a free trade agreement. Further, entry into the Brazilian, Argentinean and Chilean market was titivated by low transportation costs and tariffs. However shipping costs, from the home plant, did not prove a lucrative. With an opportunities analysis, a weakness analysis must follow.Because Alleles was on a first mover into the South American toothpaste market, the company missed out on more of the advantages awarded to competitors, such as the ability to set standards concerning product expectation, the billy to educate the public about the product, and capitalize on unused distributors and suppliers. However, these weaknesses also provided an opportunity for Alleles to responds in self-benefiting methods. First, being a late entering competitor to an already established market, much of the risk was alleviated associated with introducing existing markets to new products.There was also less of a need for an educational promotional budget. Alleles was allowed to piggyback off of the market penetration of early entry competitors. Another additive that come with entering a market post-establishment, is the ability to put pressure on existing products, forcing them to make adjustments to account change magnitude market competitor. Some of the changes included, price reductions, increasing sales force and cosmetic surgery advertising expense, all efforts to attempt to solidify their, now threatened, position in the market.The Alleles response to increased opportunity was to lesson dependence on a single market by entering others. Finally, market threats perpetually interrupted the opportunity response progression for Alleles. For example, after entry into Chile, the brand began to notice a reoccurring cost that could not justify the companys market activity. Therefore, it became necessary to hassock out of Chile in period 8. Also, the highly competitive ar ena in Brazil and Argentina provided the need to constantly adjust product SKILL, racing, production, promotion and advertising to account for competitor success.The largest threat in the South American toothpaste market proved to reside in Venezuelan and Argentinean markets. Venezuela entered a recession walkway through the simulation, which prevented entrance from Alleles, and Argentina began to experience the impending effects of a recession, however, we had already invested too many resources to pull out of the country, so we had to adjust our skews to account for the change in shopping habits. Market Entry International market entry decisions are complicated. Most companies must rye to balance the benefits of increased control and the costs of resource commitment and risk Country omnibus.Factors such as international experience, firm size, market knowledge, and economic attraction must all be taken into account. Therefore, market entry is critical to Alleles success. Alleles is interested in entering Latin America. Due to its large population and a variety of trade enhancement actions (NONFAT, MERCURY) that have been established in recent years Latin America has great potential. Before choosing which country to enter we cute to perform a competitive analysis and selected macro-level indicators, such as economic development, to examine.We then weighed their importance. We also examined product markets, such as market size and the number of competitors. These can be seen in the country attractiveness analysis sheet in the appendix Of this report. After weighing all of our information, Alleles decided to enter Mexico market first. Alleles chose to enter Mexico through exporting the product from our home plant. Five Kiss were chosen to test the market for each type of benefit. We also wanted to implement SKU that no other competitor was using. Finally, we chose three distribution channels.In this first market, and I being essentially a test market, Alleles was somewhat successful in establishing our name in the market. After being in Mexico for a year, we decided to use the Xtearful marketing effect to enter Brazil. Alleles chose Brazil because of its similarities to Mexico. Using a slight product adaptation, four SKU and three distribution channels were chosen for Alleles entry into Brazil. Continuing with the waterfall marketing effect and utilizing straight extension, we next entered Argentina. At this time we had been establishedMexico for a few years and in Brazil for one. With moderate success in previous markets, Alleles entered Argentina with the same SKU and distribution channels utilised in Brazil. We also weighed the cost and benefit of continuing to export from the home plant against the risk of building a plant local anestheticly to our markets. Indicators weighed in raise of building locally. Therefore, Alleles began building a plant in Brazil. In the fourth year of marketing in Latin America we decided not to enter a new market. We wanted to focus our time and attention on Mexico, Brazil AR Argentina, as well as the new plant.The plant also began to distribute to the Brazil and Argentina markets which lowered costs and increased profit. Year five did see a new endeavor for Alleles. We chose to enter the Chilean market come on increasing our regional diversification.. The SKU and distribution channels were again a straight extension of the product. As we did in year four, years six and seven were spent focusing on our established markets. Alleles also took this time to increase electrical condenser in our plant to harmonise the market need. Due to several issues, curiously our sustained losses, Alleles exited Chill?s market.We had been in the country for three years and we continued to set in the red. Furthermore, after examining the competition, we knew it would take us years to make do as market leader and the markets in Brazil and Mexico had much greater potential. Exiting Chile was the last market entry/exit decision that Alleles made. We spent the new couple of years focusing on the markets that we had entered and that were doing well. Overall, by utilizing the waterfall approach and using the money made in one market to help investment trust efforts in new markets, Alleles was successful with our market entries. Manufacturing location and sourcingThere were many factors to consider when our company was assessing the attractiveness of building a plant in another country. semipolitical stability, shipping expenses, market economy, natural hazards and transportation were just a few indicators that needed to be examined. Understanding these influences enabled our company to make the right decision. Brazil is one of South Americas most stable and prosperous nations. Its economy outweighs that of all other South American countries and Brazil is expanding its presence in world markets. Shipping costs from Brazil to its neighboring countries is quite cheap.According to Country Manager, hipping from Brazil to Mexico is the highest at . 040. Therefore, We would continue to ship to Mexico from our home Plant and use the Brazilian Plant to ship to Argentina (. 020) and Chile (. 020). A local plant, which Brazil would be for all but Mexico, results in fixed costs from depreciation and the per unit (variable) cost of production. Country Manager cost analysis has Brazil at the head of the pack in terms of fixed cost (1 5% cost reduction). Furthermore, building in Brazil would result in a 0% tariff in regards to Argentina and Chile. Both of these indicators pointed favorably to building in Brazil.Natural hazards are present in every country, however, it is an indicator that must be taken into account. Brazil is home to droughts in the northeast and frost in the south. These particular natural hazards arent very severe in terms of affecting shipping further making Brazil our top choice in Plant location. Transportation was an important factor we took into account when deciding where to build Alleles plant. Having the means to transport/ship the product to market is essential. Brazil is home to 4,000 airports, 28,857 km of railways and 1 , 751 ,868 km of roadways and this doesnt take into account its shipping ports.Because there are so many options for transporting goods, the cost of goods exchange can be kept reasonable. Utilizing all of these indicators, it was clear that Alleles should build in Brazil. The plants capacity was set to the intercommunicate unit sales in Brazil for the following period because we did not want to have a large excess which would lead to avoidable loss. However, we increased our plant production capacity by 50 million units (100 million units total) after one year. This was done to meet the demand of our past sales and accommodate for our forecasted sales.We also began distributing to Argentina from our Brazil plant in effort f decreasing shipping and tariff expenses. As each period progressed we asses sed the plants capacity and change accordingly, for example, we increased our plant production capacity again by 40 million units (140 million units total) in order to accommodate our entry into Chile. Once this capacity increase was accomplished there were no changes made to the production capacity for one year because our capacity perfectly lined up with the amount of units sold in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil.However, the following year we increased production capacity by 15 million units to accommodate projected unit sales and a further 55 million units, eased on our need forecast for the next period, the year after that. With Alleles exiting Chile in year eight, we did not increase our plant capacity again. Building our plant in Brazil proved to be a success. Alleles was able to put pressure on all other competitors, oddly other domestic companies. This helped drive share of mind and sales leadership in Brazil enabling us to more effectively compete with the local and region al competitors which were two of the market leaders.Target Marketing Strategy Target marketing strategy was an important part to make Alleles achieve success when we enter and search a new country. In target marketing strategy, we have to determine our main potential customers, try to attract attention from them, raise our target customers interests, convert our customers desires and lead our customers purchasing. Therefore, we had used MIMIC and AID (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model to help Alleles make a right target marketing strategy for each country that we entered. Mexico Alleles chose enter Mexico market first.Based on data provided from cross- section decision analysis in Mexico, price was customer most care about with 50. % weight and product effect was second with 27. 6%. For demographic, the families was most demographics population which was 55. 9% Of customers with 62. 2% of demand. The younger was second largest demographic population (27%) with 23. 7% of de mand. See demographics with benefits, families/economy are largest market with 34. 6%pop and 36. 7% demand younger/white are second with 6. 9% pop and 10. 2% demand. By benefits view, the economy and white are majority benefits that Mexican customers would like to buy.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Case Studies Abstract

Case Studies hornswoggle Alfredo Cano Abstract Innovative modes in language teaching may sometimes be slightly nasty for less experienced teachers. Case studies are a relatively juvenile type of task-based activities for business position students. They have been use in language courses for some time now. It seems, however, that their full teaching potential has not been used yet. Teachers seem to be uncertain of how to use cases in class.The paper premises the main pedagogical aspects of employ case studies in business English courses. It gives a short description of the structure of typical mini-cases include in recently published course-books of business English. It discusses the basic principles and techniques of using the case study method in class. The main aim of the paper is to present the advantages of the case study method as a new tool of developing buncoers linguistic and non-linguistic competence.Cases offer valuable teaching material that needs to be full expl oited. Suggestions given in teachers books can be supplemented by various innovative tasks aimed at developing the productive skills of speaking and writing. Cases are motivating for business English learners since they give them the authority to root what to do to solve a real-life business problem (learners are in the role of managers). Learners can present their point of view, discuss its advantages and suggest a course of action.They have a chance to compete and to designate their analytical and managerial skills. Doing the cases learners use language naturally. In the case study method language is a tool to solving a problem, it is a means of communicating in typical business situations. If teachers learn how to use cases more than extensively in the future, they will certainly make the teaching process more effective and studentcentered. 1. Introduction The effectiveness of language teaching depends, among otherwises, on teaching materials.Students and teachers need mater ials that can reform the language acquisition process and offer more opportunities to develop the productive language skills of speaking and writing. These skills, as opposed to the receptive skills of reading and listening comprehension, are more difficult to acquire and require a lot more practice and time. In her book on business English teaching Donna (2000) stresses the fact that if students entrust that in a language course they do tasks relevant for their future professional communication, they are more motivated to learn.Case studies were first used in law to evidence verdicts given by judges and to teach law students. In the 30s of the 20th century cases were introduced in psychiatry. Case reports were written to document diseases and to consult the cases with other specialists. Today, all medical specialties use case reports for didactic and research purposes. Case studies started to be used in business in 1967 when Strauss and Glazer created their grounded theory. In t he mid-70s of the 20th century they were introduced in business schools.Harvard problem School has been using this method intensively to teach future managers how to solve real-life problems. Today, the case study method is widely used as a teaching and researching tool in medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, management, finance and other sciences where the entry and analysis of a real problem is of relevance in teaching and researching. The paper presents the case study method as an interesting and motivating teaching material that can be widely used in teaching business English to adult learners. 2.