Friday, May 15, 2020

Jesus Is The Most Visionary And Ethical Leader Of All Time

The acronym W.W.J.D has become as well-known as some of today’s most popular business mottos or logos. As demonstrated in class, people from many diverse backgrounds at a minimum recognize the acronym, if not fully understand its meaning, What Would Jesus do? Businesses from around the globe have adopted Jesus’s leadership principles to their workplace and countless leadership books have been written based on the leadership styling’s of Jesus. This paper is not about Jesus the preacher, the Son of God, the healer or the father of modern Christianity today. This essay is about Jesus the man, his leadership traits, his character and the way he used visionary and ethical leadership practices to inspire and equip his team to change the world.†¦show more content†¦By all accounts, Jesus was completely unqualified to accomplish the vision he had. He was a carpenter by trade, had no paid staff, no marketing department and no past public speaking or leadership s kills (Briner, 1997). In an essence, Jesus had no resources to help him advance his vision. According to the book, Leadership Lessons of Jesus, the author states that Jesus lived less than forty years and only the last four years of his life was spent casting his vision (Briner, 1997)! How did he accomplish the amazing task of advancing his vision? Jesus empowered his followers. Jesus created an environment where people wanted to follow him. Through our course lesson reading Gen Colin Powell was quoted as saying â€Å" know you’re a great leader when people follow you out curiosity†. He went on to say that the most important aspect of leadership was â€Å"trust†. Jesus created and lived in an environment of trust. In the book of Mark chapter 1 verse 17 there is a story about Jesus walking up to a group of four fishermen on a bank. He spoke to them stating â€Å"†¦ drop your nets and follow me and I will make you fishers of men†. Did they questi on Jesus’s actions? Did they turn and run? No, they followed him out of curiosity and trust. Those four men went on to be some of the most influential members of Jesus’s staff. All because Jesus was the type of leader they wanted to follow. Jesus built a team, equipped that team to lead, motivated and inspired them, trained them, and much like our

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