Monday, September 30, 2019

Extended commentary of ‘Neutral Tones’ by Thomas Hardy Essay

On the Title: â€Å"Neutral Tones† encourages the reader to postpone any immediate inferences about the poem. It also refers to the muted (â€Å"monochrome†) colour scheme found in the first and last stanzas; these colours, in turn, are used by Hardy to emphasise the blandness/†deadness† of the emotions between the persona and his love. Thus the title is an introduction to both the poem’s images and emotional back-drop. Themes: Love (cruelty of it), Distance, Pain Overall Structure: A four stanza lyric with a continuous A/B/A/B rhyme scheme. These repeated ideas may add to the idea of monotony or dullness in emotion. This is a weak idea, however. First Stanza Notes: Hardy presents a scene and a persona. The use of the personal pronoun â€Å"we† has two effects: 1) It establishes a subtle familiarity between the reader and the persona – we can partially associate with the persona if he/she (sex is not made explicitly clear) through the simple use of the pronoun. 2) The lack of fixed gender does also add to a feeling of distance – distancing effects are used throughout the poem and will be explored. This particular one is maintained throughout. The scene presented is one of two figures standing by a pond; nearby sits a â€Å"sod† – a small grass turf. The description of this scene is incredibly important to the understanding of the poem; it sets the mood and leads to an eventual repetition of the image itself (last verse). The scene is devoid of colour, Hardy-esque by character and elegiac in tone. HEREBY NOTE: Hardy only uses the sense of sight in this poem (a nuance maintained throughout) – this is the only sense which can be used from afar. Thus we discover another distancing effect. The scene is devoid of colour – Hardy is introducing his colour scheme. As previously discussed, this reflects the muted nature of emotion expressed in the poem. Perhaps one can label the colours monochrome? Evidence, if needed in an exam, with brief exploration: * â€Å"Sun was white†; suggesting a light drained of colour. This phrase becomes important when considering the other images associated with the sun and sunlight. â€Å"Chidden of God† means ‘told off’ by God. This is an intentionally extreme image, certainly a rather bleak one! Compare with the ‘God-curst sun’ in fourth stanza. * â€Å"Few leaves†; weakest of the quotes. Indicates a lack of green on the sod (in terms of numerical value). * â€Å"Starving sod†; the grass is dying, and therefore turning brown. Like dried grass in the summer? * â€Å"Fallen from an ash†; significant choice of tree (obscure point though). Ash is associated implicitly with death. * â€Å"Gray†; for use when desperate. The colours are numbed, as to reflect how the breakup of a relationship can be as numbing. Quote SLS: â€Å"Hints towards a passionless palate of senses.† Second Stanza Notes: Hardy reveals the meaning/purpose of his scene in this stanza, by explaining and poetically exploring the relationship between the persona and his (former) love. The muted colour scheme, it becomes clear, does have the effect above described. * â€Å"Your eyes on me were as eyes that rove/ Over tedious riddles of years ago;† This line indicates both the trivial nature that the persona associates with the couple’s ‘riddles’ (problems?) now, and the implied importance of these problems possessed in earlier days. What does this change tell us? * Perhaps that the couple grew cold and got bored with one another’s problems, hence the use of ‘tedious’. The line also suggests that the ‘riddles’ used to be solved, or that they have recurred. Remember that the partner is both unnamed and ‘unspecified’ in any way – perhaps he/she has grown so cold to the extent that he/she sees the persona only in terms of what ‘was’? It is negative thought in any case. Quote SLS: â€Å"They see previous mysteries which no longer excite them†. Indeed, Hardy continues to suggest both the boredom created within their relationship and uses more distancing techniques in the next lines: â€Å"And some words played between us to and fro/ On which lost the more of our love† Note how the words are given physical attributes, or entities, as opposed to acoustic ones. We can figuratively â€Å"see† the words (because they are ‘played’ between the figures), but can’t hear them. This reinforces our idea of distance, in that the scene is almost behind a glass screen, where the sexes of the characters are blurred, we can see only particular details and cannot hear, smell or touch anything. As before said, this allows the reader to associate with the persona, albeit vaguely. Boredom reinforced; ‘played between us’ suggests some crude game – these problems seem trivial and dull now. And they lost the more of their love on them – the games didn’t do the relationship any good! Third Stanza Notes: Hardy recreates the moment at which the love died, and the relationship fully ended. To achieve this, he focuses on the partner’s mouth. â€Å"The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing/ Alive enough to have strength to die;† The use of an oxymoronic superlative stresses the death of emotion between the pair, further emphasised by the enjambment used – it highlights both â€Å"the deadest thing† and â€Å"Alive enough†, making such an image both stark and even more surprising. The image presented, as if the smile embodied the relationship, in one which is so close to death but has enough physical strength to complete the physical action of dying. An odd idea, but it works effectively. Note how the juxtaposition between life and death presents further contrast (when comparing poems, this becomes important!). Ad. [As a further distancing technique, observe how Hardy keeps only to sight; he uses the smile to fully embody the relationship.] However, Hardy does not end his onslaught of depression there: â€Å"And a grin of bitterness swept thereby/ Like an ominous bird a-wing.† Hardy here notes the transformation of the lover’s weak smile to an ex-lover’s grin, a positively relished expression of bitterness. As the reader, it is impossible to discern exactly who is relishing the moment; is it the partner, in a very cruel statement of emotion? Or is it the persona, in some oddly malicious â€Å"reverie-state†, remembering this moment and the pain it brought to him then, only to scorn it now, as ‘keen lessons’ in love have numbed the emotional agony? (Probably the former, as the latter changes the entire dynamic of the poem!) In any case, it is another confusion of oxymoronic imagery (grins and bitterness tend to be mutually exclusive) to express the pain of the relationship’s end; it certainly emphasises a strong sense of emotion. Hardy’s use of such emotive language may be considered out of place in a poem all out numbing pain and emotion; surely an â€Å"ominous bird a-wing† would fit better in Macbeth than next to a grey pond? Consider this possible weakness of this for yourself. (It might just be a forced rhyme.) Fourth Stanza Notes: Time is the opening note upon Hardy opens the fourth stanza, simply by using the words â€Å"Since then†. They put the reader in the present; indeed, by implication, this emphasises how the rest of the poem was in the past. It’s a memory! What consequence does this bear? * El Nombre Uno) [And yes, I do think that Hardy should have been Mexican. One can have a lot of fun with a Poet in a sombrero.] Simply, it is another distancing technique. Distance in time! * Numà ©ro Deux: [Hardy eating snails?] The present tense allows for the circularity of the main image in the poem – see hence. â€Å"Since then, keen lessons that love deceives,/ And wrings with wrong, have shaped to me/ Your face, and the God-curst sun, and a tree,/ And a pond edged with grayish leaves.† At last, Hardy arrives at the crux of his poem; that Love deceives, lies and hurts. The fact of this (these â€Å"lessons†) takes on the mental image of the scene earlier described – it IS a memory, and a blurry one, given the sparse details described in the poem. In a little more detail, there are two phrases which must be analysed: I) â€Å"God-curst sun† is even more emotive that the previously described â€Å"chidden of God†. The variation in terms should be explored. The severity of judgement, carried out by none other than the almighty, presents us with a very bleak image – the sun has physically paled under the strain. II) â€Å"Wrings with wrong† is obviously emphasised by the alliteration and the harsh consonance which accompanies it. But does the sense of torsion implied by the word â€Å"wrings† suggest a tearing of a relationship? Perhaps. Note the continued use of the word ‘and’; does this not show the memory is broken and returns to the persona mentally in small pieces, thus adding to the distance created once again? Indeed, along with the variation in terms, it gives the impression of a minimalist, mottled and monochrome image, like a half-remembered dream. Is there a willingness to forget it? Does the persona want to avoid further pain by remembering the image, thus has repressed it along with the associated emotions? (Freudian psychoanalyst in the room.) On the same plane of thought, but to reach a different a conclusion, consider this thesis: the memory has actually faded already, either due to Time or a willing repression. We are reading about a faded memory, as opposed to the persona writing down his VIVID memory in order to repress it himself. Like the First World War poets. Difficult concepts†¦ I say this because the image obviously embodies the emotion, and the circular usage of these conjoined principles proves that the memory is haunting the persona. But if the memory is fading, as shown by all of the distancing techniques, then have the memories accompanying it faded along with it too? (So, dear Mr.) Conclusion. Two ideas. 1) In writing the poem and using the distancing techniques, the persona is neutralising the pain (right now, that is, given that literature is a verbal suspension of time) and is establishing ‘neutral tones’. 2) The memory has already faded along with the pain. This is a mere statement of the fact. ‘Neutral Tones’ have been established.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bridgford Foods Essay

Bridgford Foods is known as a small, publicly traded company of the food industry. Clients of Bridgford Foods have a relatively high inherent risk. The operation of the said industry is subject to various risks, such as adverse changes in the general economic conditions, the evolution of consumer preferences, nutritional and health-related concerns, the inspections done, including the processing controls involved in the federal, state, and local products. The liability claims of consumer products and the risks associated with product tampering were also taken into careful consideration. Furthermore, several recalls made were associated with the recent outbreaks of illnesses among the meat and poultry products. Such greatly affected the operating results and the financial position of the company. In addition to this, industry characteristics were related to the factors that affected the assessment of materials of Bridgford Foods Corporation. Since the industry was very competitive, price cutting would have its related effects on the revenue. Unfortunately, Bridgford Foods was not part of the leading industries in the country. In terms of performance, the products of the said company were not as competitive as those of the leaders in the industry. In addition to this, the company is not as profitable and as financially stable as those of the major companies in the industry. For the year 2007, Bridgford Food had a decrease in its total sales, as compared to the other years. In a report issued, the company stated that, â€Å"sales for the first quarter ended in January 25, 2008, and was an estimated $1,319,000. Prior to the first twelve weeks of the fiscal year, there was a decrease in the total, which was 3.1%. The industry factors result in an increased assessment of the risk material misstatement of BridgFord Foods Corporation. This led to a lower determination of detection risk and more substantive tests. Estimations and assumptions were particularly important in the assessment of risks for material misstatement of Johnson, Inc. The management made certain estimations and assumptions that affected the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. In addition to this, reported revenues and expenses during the respective reporting periods were also given much considerations. The amounts estimated related to liabilities for workers’ compensation, employee healthcare and pension benefits are especially subjected. The inherent risk relating to the accuracy of an account balance that involves a high degree of management judgment, or that is difficult to compute, is evaluated as high. Moreover, the credit risk of the company was diversified across a broad range clients and geographic regions. Losses incurred due to credit risks have recently been immaterial, with the client maintaining the cash balances at financial institutions. At times, these clients exceed the amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of $100 million per institution. However, the clients have significant amounts receivable amounts with few of the well known clients, although historically secure, could also be subject to material risk when the operations of these clients begin to deteriorate. Regardless of such dilemma, the members of the Bridgford family can still exercise significant control over the company. This is due to the fact that the family owns approximately 77% in stocks of the company, making them own more than three fourths of the whole company. On top of this, three members of the Bridgford family were members of the Board of Directors. This gives the members of the Bridgford family the ability to exert substantial influence and power over the management and affairs of the company. This include matters requiring the action of shareholders. the amendment to by-laws, the election and removal of directors, merger proposals, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of the assets and other corporate transactions. The Bridgford family members who own majority of the stocks dominate in the decision making of the company. This factor led to a higher risk assessment of material misstatement fore there were no reviews regarding important decisions and actions taken. However, these should be taken in the best interest of the company and its stockholders. The inherent limitations included the realities of faulty judgments and decision makings, including the breakdowns that can occur due to simple errors and mistakes. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some people, by collusion of two or more people, or by management override of the control. All the above factors increased inherent risk for a particular account balance assertion, making the evaluation relatively high. In the audit planning stage, where the evaluation of inherent risk for an account balance assertion is high, auditors regard this as a significant risk requiring special audit attention. The control risk of Bridgford foods is low. The client maintains and evaluates a system of internal accounting controls, and a program of internal auditing designed to provide reasonable assurance. In so doing, the company’s assets are protected and transactions were performed in accordance with the proper authorization, and were recorded accordingly. This system of internal accounting control is continually reviewed and modified in response to evolving business conditions and operations and to recommendations made by the independent registered public accounting firm and internal auditor. The client also has an established a code of conduct. Furthermore, the audit committee is composed of independent directors who are not officers or employees of the client, and do not have other relationships that impair independence. The audit committees also employ two financial experts. They are effective in overseeing the quality of controls and the management of fraud. From those mentioned, I believe that the accounting and internal control systems provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and financial information is reliable, with the overall control risk low. In general, the design and implementation of internal control are considered effective. The increase in the risk of material misstatement due to these factors will result in a lower determination of detection risk and an increase in the scope of the auditor’s work. Pre-audit engagement risk is significantly and positively associated with the estimated level of discretionary accruals reported in audited financial statements. As higher levels of discretionary accruals have been shown to be associated with higher risk of post-audit litigation, it appears that rather than taking actions that result in higher-risk clients reporting less aggressive discretionary accruals, auditors instead are accepting a higher post-audit risk for these clients.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Jerry Maguire-Case Study

LED 605 Negotiations*, Bargaining and Conflict Resolution*: Jerry Maguire Case Study by Hana Jurcovicova For our case study assignment we watched a short part from Jerry Maguire movie. In this movie Jerry Maguire is a sport agent. This kind of job was always his dream. But he is not happy in his job. He hates himself and what he became. He hates the company that was all about money. He learned when he first started, that the job of a sports agent is mostly about personal relationship, caring for people doing business with and meeting their needs. He writes a new mission statement for his company, for the future of it. He wants to make it a company he would like to work for. He thinks that the most important thing is to have fewer clients, which they can take better care of. Fewer clients mean less money for the company which is oriented mostly in making a lot of money. He writes a little book about this mission statement about what we think but never say loud and put it in every mailbox of every employee. The next day when everybody reads it or is still reading, people are clapping to Jerry Maguire even though they know almost for sure he was going to be fired for that. Jerry Maguire is fired later on in the movie. He is fired for sharing his personal opinion and writing about it. It looks like he wants to set people against the company and the way it operates right now. Moreover he did not discuss this mission statement change with any of the members of the board or CEO. Nobody gave him the permission to release his new mission statement to public.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Biological Weapons and Bioterrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Biological Weapons and Bioterrorism - Essay Example Nurses are one of the largest groups of health professionals and as such, form a major institution in their response against Bioterrorism. It is now the time for nurses to don the role of a Bioterrorism responder. Bioterrorism is come as a deep scar on the face of society. None can ever forget the September 11th attacks that killed thousands of innocent people. Nurses selflessly answered the call of duty and battle with the suffering people. It is during such moments of crisis, we need to have thoroughly skilled hands to meet or take up the challenge of the growing number of casualties and deaths. Hence it is exceptionally essential to have trained and especially skilled nurses to meet this criteria. Therefore it is inevitable that Nursing Bioterrorism Preparedness should be part and parcel of each and every qualified nurse. In its war against Bioterrorism, the United States has what is called a bio-weapons program whereby it denounces the use of any kind of deadly biological weapon and has stopped the production of dangerous toxin weapons. It has also now turned its focus towards giving quality training to nurses on how to face and handle Bioterrorism attacks. Â  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Plan - Keep My Heart Adult Medical Day Care, Part 4 Essay

Business Plan - Keep My Heart Adult Medical Day Care, Part 4 - Essay Example It will also infiltrate its operations throughout Fort Washington to sum up the strategy of grasping wider market coverage. While economists argue that new businesses should always start small (Mentzer & Moon, 2005), Keep My Heart believes in doing the right thing at the most opportune time. With that in mind, the fact that Prince Georges County has not been exhausted by similar entities would make it ideal for our centre to put a strong footing in the area before the coming of new competitors. Keep My Hear Centre will work with a team of self-motivated staff to offer two specific services after commencing operations. Primarily, the facility endeavors focus on Adult Day Care for persons suffering from mild or advanced dementia. The second focus will address medical and home care needs of elderly Alzheimer patients from the area. In that way, Keep My heart will have a varied line of offering vital services as well as creating a suitable platform towards achieving its profit making agenda. According to observations and practical experiences recorded by nursing homes, elderly patients are often faced by the challenge of poor attention from caregivers (Stahl, 2004). In addition, they usually find it hard to cope with life when the immediate family is always preoccupied by daily activities which they deem to be of more pressing priority. As a result, a good proportion of the aged persons end up with neglect and no sense of belonging. Keep My Heart has taken the mantle to work with referral health facilities and home-based caregivers through education and integrated community-driven support. In the implementation stage, the facility will offer an open chance for day care services with a sustainable model of patient stimulation, interaction and participation that would reach out to their psychosocial, physical and mental needs. The model will also foster appropriate socio-ethical development among the dementia and Alzheimer clients. The bottom line of starting

Sexual Health and HIV strategy 2001 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sexual Health and HIV strategy 2001 - Essay Example The intricacies of the policy and statistics on UK’s unwanted teenage pregnancy are also detailed. Finally, the positive role of the strategy for curbing teenage pregnancy rates is described. 1. Introduction The first national strategy to modernize sexual health and to provide HIV services in the country to address the rising number of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cases was introduced in 2001. The hazards of poor sexual health are dangerous because unintended pregnancies and certain, sexually transmitted infections can create long lasting effects on one’s lives. The number of people visiting the genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics increased by 100% in the last decade and currently, the cases are more than a million in a year in the UK (Department of Health. There exists a clear link between social environment, poverty and sexual ill health (Clements et al, 1998). Impact is also visible on minority ethnic groups and gay men. Furthermore, there have be en deviations in the sexual health of people across the country which is not satisfactory. The Sexual Health and HIV Strategy 2001 created a need to raise the level of services in coordination with the principles of NHS plan. HIV is incurable and a life threatening condition and the use of certain drugs can improve the lifespan of infected individuals but it presents severe challenges related to the care, treatment and support, and this strategy recognizes these issues (Dennison, 2004). 2. The Role of Groups in the Formation of the Strategy The Department of Health strives to bring progress in the health and well-being rates in England and wants to make it better in health care and other such values. The Secretary of State for Health in 2001 came out with novel goals for health and social care aimed at 5 primary points (Department of Health, 2011): Patient-led National Health Strategy Coming out with best health scenarios Responsible and autonomous health system Public health improv ement Bringing about greater reform in social care The 2001 strategy was to get the service providers and representatives participate. There was a major role for voluntary organizations as well, especially in the field of HIV. An effective partnership with voluntary organizations, service providers and representatives were important. A commitment period of ten years along with a strategic move rendered greater results. Investment of about ?47.5 million extra was set aside for the coming two years to cater to the needs of the scheme (British Medical Association, 2000). The strategy has been successful, as it has definitely brought down the inequalities in sexual health, especially for teenagers (DCSF, 2010). There will be place for advanced, effective and dedicated services that comes without the pressure of sex illness like HIV (CRD, 1997). The 2001 strategy has gained more support through public opinions. The last strategy implemented by the government took up the views of the serv ice users, representatives and the public as a whole, along with stake holders and those involved in the public health field. In order to strengthen the strategy and develop it the best way, the help of professionals and service users was essential. A wide range of professionals and health experts attended the six consultations conducted in England (Department of Health, 2003). The Department of Health supported events like the Brook and the African HIV Policy Network and Terrence Higgins Trust Lighthouse. The National AIDS Trust, FPA and the professional bodies controlling the spread of HIV were identified as a key priority in the Chief Medical Officer’s Infectious Disease Strategy (Bearman and Bruckner, 2001). Getting Ahead of the Curve was the other key stake holder through whom the Department of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically evaluate the strategic role of global information systems Essay

Critically evaluate the strategic role of global information systems for organisations and discuss the management issues associa - Essay Example Information systems have, therefore, had a profound effect on the performance of global businesses by transforming their ability to deliver value to customers (Czinkota et al., 2005). However, the application of information system has unfortunately stemmed on the basis of companies’ internal operations with little focus of the global paradigm. This means that international requirements, including cross-cultural differences, have yet to be fully materialized into the information systems used by these global businesses. Most often global information systems are evaluated from the same perspective as their local counterparts; however, the former demands attention to some particular aspects. An integrated and holistic information systems approach has enabled organizations conduct business processes online (e-business), co ordinate upstream and downstream supply chain partners (e-commerce) and enable entrepreneurs streamline their innovative ideas and creativity (Pearlson & Saunder s, 2009). The key to competitive advantage in today’s world, therefore, does not lie in traditional cost reduction or differentiation techniques but in rapidly adapting to changing customer tastes and implementing learning and innovation to product offerings in real-time (Phillips & Haag, 2009). As an extension to Porter’s resource based view, researchers explored the direct positive relationship between effective information management and company success by explaining how information used could enhance the organization’s learning, innovation and creative abilities. The virtual value chain is centered on the notion of seamless flow of information across all levels of the organization that enable it to deliver value to its customers. Therefore, information systems have been linked to the dramatic improvement of the value chain, marketing strategies, customer service and internal communications framework. However, â€Å"global† information systems go far b eyond just that. Global businesses face a number of constraints on the number of locations in which they decide to operate internationally. Challenges such as those related to networking and communication, socio-economic and political risks, differences in culture as well as unfamiliarity with the market all limit organizations’ capacity to operate effectively in the global marketplace (Czinkota et al., 2005). It is here that information systems have truly transformed global businesses. Researchers who highlighted the strategic importance of IS demonstrated the relationship between IS and business strategy and went on to state that information systems were necessary in achieving a competitive edge for the firm (Peppard & Ward, 2004) (Pearlson & Saunders, 2009). There have been various studies examining the relationship between successful firms and effective use of information systems. However, it is not clear whether these systems have a direct relation with the firm’s success or whether they are merely a part of a portfolio of resources that enables firms achieve competitive advantage. Furthermore, most companies have now started to outsource IS in their organizations. This handing over of IS to third parties in itself contradicts the view that IS serve a strategic function in organizations. Despite increased popularity of outsourcing of IS in organizations, the slogan of keeping IS intact with the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

VIS 152FACT AND FICTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

VIS 152FACT AND FICTION - Essay Example To this end Abbas Kiarostami’s Close-up becomes an â€Å"unclassifiable hybrid.†(Rapfogel, 2001) The film’s central character, Hossain Sabzian and the film’s plot are not fictional creations, but rather real recreations. The fact is, a man with the name, Hossain Sabzian did in fact impersonate a film executive named Mohsen Makhmalbaf and the impersonator, Sabzian is played by himself. (Rapfogel, 2001) Kiarostami takes the concept of documentary film to a unique level so that the art of distinguishing the actor from the character he or she plays is impossible since the actors play themselves in the film. In this regard, each of the actors and the characters that they play are authentic representations of themselves. Since the actors are not caught unaware, they are role-playing nonetheless. (Naremore, 1988) Real life situations are therefore reconstructed so that the nuances of human existence are exposed. So while Close-up brings film closer to life, it simultaneously brings the reader closer to reality. So although Close-up is for all intents and purposes a staged portrayal of real characters and a real plot, it is very much an exercise in realism and authenticity. This is because it combines reality with â€Å"an hallucination that is also a fact.† (Bazin, 1967) The hallucination is manifested by the preparedness in filming and performing. Salesman like Close-up chronicles everyday life by depicting the role playing in vastly similar ways. Like Sabzian, who impersonates a film executive for disingenuous reasons, the salesmen in Salesman likewise resort to role playing. The four salesman follows the travels of four Irish Catholic Bible salesmen from Boston to New England and Florida where they attempt to sell fancy bibles to lower and middle class consumers who are obviously not interested in purchasing the bibles. Paul, one salesman is the ultimate performer. In trying to reach his sales’ quota he even lies to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

George Washington Essay Example for Free

George Washington Essay The shift of power in the late 1790’s by the Federalists can be attributed to different factor that had caused such incidents. In understanding this loss, the fall from power does not revolve around the hold of the government. Rather, it is the shift of ideas and reshaping of new interests that had led to the split of views among the American public and the rise of a new group who had a different view with the dominant Federalists. These changes began to manifest itself during George Washington’s tenure as president. Under his control, he had established a capable cabinet to address the current hurdles and obstacles surrounding American society during that time (Intelecom, n.d.). On one side, we can see Alexander Hamilton who seeks to redefine America’s policies and improve on the economy. On the other hand, his secretary of State; Thomas Jefferson, sees these scenarios as too much for central control. There are several issues surrounding this debate between Jefferson and Hamilton. Since the impeding issues of economic problems surrounding the country, there is now an argument surrounding creating a centralized bank that will facilitate these economic issues. However, this was hindered by Jefferson because such creation can undermine the overall capacity of the state to act on these problems (Intelcom, n.d.). At the same time, there is the issue surrounding national debt. Again, there are contrasting views surrounding its resolution. For the part of Jefferson, it is essential that the state pay off these debts and restart with policies that are debt-free which can in turn benefit the whole of the people. On the other hand, for Hamilton he believes that these debts should be hold on by the government. After this, he thinks to centralize these debt systems which shall be facilitated by the national treasury (Intelcom, n.d.). Though there were several arguments that have made a split in Washington’s cabinet, there was one important consolidation among the actors involved. This was choosing the appropriate capital for the central government. In here, it can be argued that Jefferson advocated the transfer of the central office to now Washington D.C. so as to prevent too much control of Federalists in a specific location. That is why choosing a neutral ground is an outcome that both parties especially Jefferson wanted (Intelcom, n.d.). Seeing these developments during the tenure of George Washington, the decline of Federalists power became evident during the formation of individuals who sought to control the level of centralization among other groups. Thus, this started the formation of the Republican Party and showcased a new wave towards redefining views concerning society, politics, and the economy (Intelcom, n.d.). This rise of the Republican party manifested itself after the presidency of George Washington in 1897.Though the head of office was gained by the Federalists, the vice-presidential position was attained by a member of the Republican party; Thomas Jefferson. Seeing this development, the country then saw for the first time two leaders who share opposing views concerning running a country. Such split is one indication of the end of the Federalists grasp of American politics. In the end, the loss of power and control of the Federalist Party resulted in different and contrasting views concerning political and economic politics. With the development of the Republican Party, it allowed the American public to have a choice on important and vital issues surrounding policies on domestic and foreign policy. Such idea catapulted a new wave of how politics and issues are addressed and administered by members of the government. Reference Intelecom (n.d.) Power Struggle Between Federalists and Republicans. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from, Intelecom (n.d.) The Presidential Election of 1976. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Importance Of Internet And Communication Media Essay

The Importance Of Internet And Communication Media Essay The essay states the importance of internet, communication, virtual way of life and peculiarities of the modern world. The Internet opens large opportunities for work, leisure, communication, and sharing diverse information. Internet has changed the world and society consistently because the creation of internet and its growing popularity contributed to the consistent change in the life of people. They have opened the new, virtual world and a new effective means of communication- internet which have started to replace the traditional means of communication, to the extent that online communication has started to replace the live, real, physical communication between people. As well, essay shows to the audience the advantages and disadvantages of such way of life, the opportunities and interest in everything new. Today, staying online for the majority of people, who have computers at home, means more than staying offline. In actuality, people are relying too much on internet and on th e virtual way of life. Such a change has occurred under the impact of internet and innovation it brought into the life of people and their social relationships. The essay also states, that Internet era has changed the perception of having rest or relaxation for many people, as the unknown world of virtual reality seems to have something special. People tend to use internet as the means to escape from reality, from problems they have in the real life. Running from reality has become one of the most simplest ways to avoid problems, to postpone them, to try to forget and to involve in something that brings joy and happiness. The essay context is aimed to show the trends of the society, of the business and of the future. The essay also described that people prefer share their problems with strangers in their blog, as this way they are unknown in the internet and this fact helps people to communicate, inventing new ways of solving problems, communication and also fun. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦blo gs help people to talk to someone, without revelation of their personality. In such a way, people can make a sort of confession and receive feedback from users that relieves them and encourages people to carry on writing about issues which important for them in their blogs. The essay shows the counter arguments of people who have different opinion from the majority. People can live without technology, having other interests, probably more interesting than the online world. For instance, many people have little ideas of advanced information technologies and they are quite happy in their non-technological world. Some people do not admit the existence of the virtual world, considering it as a game, or something not serious and that will pass soon. They do not take it seriously and do not take into consideration all the advantages it brings, that is why there are claims that staying in the virtual world means just killing of time. For instance, Guillermo Gomez-Pena in The Virtual Barrio @ the Other Frontier refers to the example of Mexicans, who live next to the US, with its advanced information technologies, and local people are still simple and maintain traditional social relationships instead of virtual ones [Mexicans] are simple people. They are happy w ith the little they gotà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ They are not ambitious and complex like us. They dont need all this technology to communicate. Sometimes I just feel like going down there and living among them. (p. 555). Counter argument can exist, but they should not hide the reality and the important technologies along with the technological progress that has its advantages. Nevertheless, technologies keep progressing and affect more and more people. Technology has definitely changed humanity, as nowadays people devote a lot of time to the online way of life, exploring it, reading, watching, listening and communicating. Some people can balance and live in harmony with the technologies, but some people become addicted to the technologies, to the computer especially. Some people do not have the limit, as described in the essay. Some people create their own virtual world of online friends, of the websites to visit, of the places to spend time, of the games to play, of the videos to download. People no more want to share their thoughts, their dreams or ideas with their friends offline; instead they choose the options to write about all that in their blogs and micro blogs and social networking sites. There is the reasoning of a counter argument and there should be found a balance to be able to depict everything useful from the online world and to live happily in the offline world. The essay ethically responds to the reasoning of a counter argument and shows the both sides of the issue. Communication offline has become something challenging especially for youngsters these day, as it is much easier to respond or to give ideas when a person is at home and he does not fear to see the reaction of another person who will read his message. The more people get involved in the virtual world, the more challenging it is to get out of there. The essay about violence addresses counter argument and arguments reasoning. It includes the description of the problem, the different views on it, the possible solutions and different opinions of the experts. When analyzing the problem of violence and its impact on individuals, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that violence is a fundamental part of the life of people. In regard, it is possible to refer to history, when cruel and violent acts were considered to be a norm. The essay also includes the major claim considering the fact how violence is widely- spread and how many people suffer from it. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦cases of domestic violence were a norm in the past, because the violence in relation to children, for example, was considered to be essential to raise them up as good people. Others would argue that this kind of violence is still practiced. I would totally agree, but what is beginning shown by me side is that it used to be a norm that people did not see it anything more than a tool used to bring up good disciplined kids. Whereas, nowadays, it is considered a crime, at least in our society, and so, people have distanced from it to an extent. Reflective essay claims concentrate on the facts that some believe that by using violence they can solve all their problems and gain the respect of their social environment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they are unconscious of the negative effect of the violence on their own personality because the violence has a destructive impact on the behavior and psychology of individuals. Some would argue this, Many people like to use Mohandes Ghandi as an example of non-violent protest winning the day. But the only reason Ghandis tactics worked is because he was using them against a civilized adversary, the British Empire. Had he tried to use them against someone else, like Nazi Germany, he would have ended up with a bullet to the back of the head or in one of the cremation ovens after being worked to death in a concentration camp. There are also counter arguments present in the essay to highlight the opinions from different people with different points of views.Violence does solve things. It has ended brutal dictatorships, saved citizens from the predation of criminals, prevented injustices on a small and large scale, and prevented wars. Perhaps the old saying needs to be modified. Instead, it should be Violence never solves anything if it is used at the wrong time in the wrong place. Violence in and of itself solves nothing. It is the proper use of violence under the right circumstances that solves problems (Farm). Essay context is aimed to show the importance of the issue, the key problems and claims. There are a lot of factors that provoke the violence and that increase the risk of the violent and aggressive behavior from the peoples side. At the same time, people are vulnerable to a consistent impact of their environment and different situations in their life which make them choosing the violent model of behavior as the only effective way of behavior. The essay also described the solutions to the problem for the audience. People often have an alternative to the violent model of behavior but they do not always use them because they need much more efforts and they are not as widely-spread as violent methods, which have always accompanied the mankind in the course of its development and evolution.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

Controversy between Money and Love as shown in â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Rocking-Horse Winner is couched in the symbols of the ancient myths. The mother is poor, unsatisfied fairy princess who yearns for happiness; Paul is the gallant knight on horse-back who rides to her rescue (Junkins 261). The mythical aspect of the story is evident in the style and symbols. In the opening lines, the first seven words have a fable-like quality reminiscent of any number of fairy princess tales, yet the word advantages locates us in the atmosphere of the modern world, so does the word luck (Junkins 261). The reach of the symbolism is overwhelming, in some sense the story is â€Å"about† its literal, narrative level: the life of the family that chooses money instead of some more stable value, takes money as it’s nexus of affection. The first fault lay with the mother (Snodgrass 117). â€Å"There was a beautiful woman who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck. She married for love, and the love turned to dust. She had bonny children, yet she felt they had been thrust upon her, and she could not love them† (Lawrence 1). The story continues to tell us of Hester, who is unable to love her children and is obsessed with money. â€Å"Only she herself knew that at the center of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody.†(Lawrence 1) There were many problems in the household, one of which was a lack of love from the mother. As Lawrence wrote â€Å"Only she herself and her children themselves, knew it was not so. They read it in each other’s eyes† (Lawrence 1). During a conversation, Paul’s mother mentions that luck is, â€Å"what causes you to have money. If you’re lucky you have money. That’s why it’s better to be born lucky than rich. If you’re rich you may loose your money. But if you’re lucky you will always get more Forbes 2 money.†(Lawrence 1). The situation is then made worse by assuming that her misfortunes were caused by her marriage to an unlucky husband. â€Å"The father is clearly a failure as a provider and family-head, so much that we are scarcely conscious of his existence. And his failure is aggravated by the high social position the family tries to maintain (Koban 280). Lawrence tells us â€Å"the mother had a small income, and the father had a small income, but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Watergate Scandal Essay -- Fall of President Richard Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon was the thirty-seventh President of the United States of America from 1969 until 1974. Nixon completed his first term as President in 1973 and was re-elected to the position for the next four years. However, Nixon would have his time in the White House cut short by the series of events that occurred in the twenty-six months that followed the Watergate burglary. On June 17, 1972 five men, one White House employee and four Cubans, broke into the Watergate Office Building in Washington, DC in an attempt to bug the Democratic National Committee (DNC) office. The break in and the events that took place afterwards led to the resignation of Richard Milhous Nixon on August 8, 1974. The morning of June 18, Nixon was at his home in Key Biscayne, FL. when he read a headline about the Watergate break in. The idea was out of this world and Nixon did not believe what he was reading. Nixon dismissed the story as a political prank (Nixon 625-626). James McCord, Bernard Barker, Virgilo Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, and Frank Sturgis had been arrested charged with second-degree burglary by the Washington police (WHT 820). McCord, a former CIA officer, was employed by the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP) as a security consultant. Ironically McCord was supposed to prevent the very things he was doing to the DNC. Nixon telephoned Charles Colson, a special counsel to President Nixon, that evening to discuss the Watergate break in. Colson said, â€Å"he was so furious.......he threw an ashtray across the room and was outraged that anybody even remotely connected with the campaign would have anything to do with a thing like Watergate.† (White 161) Nixon d id not understand why anyone would try to bug the DNC, because... ... . Nixon, Richard. "Nixon: "I Am Not a Crook" Video." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25 May 2014. . "The People of the Watergate Affair." The People of the Watergate Affair. The Robinson Library, 6 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 May 2014. . "Richard M. Nixon." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 16 May 2014. . "Watergate Burglars." Watergateinfo. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014. . "The Watergate Story." Washington Post: Politics. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Crisis :: essays research papers

On the 2nd of July 1997, Asia was hit by one of the most devastating financial crises it has ever seen. Of all the financial crisis that have taken place, this was one of the most distressing in that it was totally unexpected. The purpose of this paper is to show that particular developmental strategies employed by these economies eventually led to their downfall. It will attempt to find out where the origins of the crisis lie, and what events started the cycle that eventuated with this disaster. In order to trace the events that led to the eventual collapse of the Asian economies, one must venture across the ocean to the United States. The issue of liberalisation first gained attention in the US during the Regan Administration. However, it was during the Clinton era that liberalisation became a top priority. Whereas previous governments had pushed for the liberalisation of Japan, one of Clinton’s main foreign policy objectives was the liberalisation of the Asian economies. T his process was pushed forth in Asia with such vehemence because the region held a lot of investment opportunities for American Banks, Brokerages, and other financial sector businesses. Unfortunately, Asia’s economies were not structurally ready to deal with the influx of capital that was headed their way. They had weak banking and legal systems that were unable, or unwilling, to regulate the flow of foreign capital in the country. The Americans eventually persuaded Korea to relax its capital flow regulations by giving it the option of joining the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Even then, Korea was concerned that its financial institutions may not be able to deal with an influx of foreign capital. One fatal mistake that Korea, as well as other Southeast Asian countries made, was that they opened their capital markets in the wrong way. They did not allow long term investments in Korean companies, but rather, only short-term investments that could be re moved easily. One example of the sort of quick investments that were being made in Asia can be seen in the Japanese. In Japan the interest rates were very low, so investors would borrow at 2 percent and then convert their currency into Thai baht. Due to the interest rate differential, they were able to make a lot of money off simple currency conversion. Other Asian economies were quick to follow suit, and soon there was a movement of huge amounts of capital into the region.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Position paper Essay

For my own opinion, Why is it important economics in my life, Economics is about freedom as well in our economy, you’re free to do what you want economically speaking because the market itself will decide what to produce and how to produce. In order to do what you want let’s say, to buy what you want at the quantity you want you have to have the money. So another factor of economics that affects your everyday life is the distribution of the total income. Example Let’s say your income. Your income is not unlimited. With that limited income, you want to buy a lot of things. You have to choose what product to buy, at which price and how much quantity. Now let’s say that you have 200pesos last in your pocket. With that money you can either buy a ticket for a movie or buy food and drinks and watch the TV-show. What you do is what gives you more pleasure or as we say what maximize your utility. You make an economic choice. Economics basically the study of scarcity of resources and their allocation in society Everyday life is a never ending competition for scarce resources. For example: for me I need to earn money a scarce resource for which you provide labor another scarce resource so you can afford to purchase all the things you need in order to live gas, car, home, food, clothing, all scarce resources at the lowest price you can find. Also economics is about your income itself. The level of your income depends on the overall status of the economy. In my own example, if we have a recession, then the income for most of us will be less. If we have growth then the income will rise. If we have growth then I would have a job. If we have recession, then I might be unemployed. As you can see economics affects almost everything. And also it is important for me to embark the study of economics due to its strong relation in our daily lives. Economics help students to understand more about the modern world in making the decision for the future. It also helps us to understand the problems caused by the limited resources and helps students, as consumers to make rational choices when making decisions. Besides that, students are able to understand the function and role of banks and financial institutions, more over able to understand the information related to the economics. One of the most basic concepts in our daily life is wants/needs. Basically every human has different needs and wants. It is impossible to please every need and wants due to the limited resource or known as scarce. Scarcity is as well another basic concept of economics known as the limited resource of unlimited wants due to the incapability to provide one’s need they desired for. University Of Mindanao Roxas Extension, Digos City Position Paper Eco 1 Submitted By : Ken Joy B. Pugoy Submitted To : Adrian Raphael C. Aballe October 16, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2019

Operational Management at Mcdonald Essay

One aspect of facilities layout for McDonald’s is that when customers come into the building, they line up in one of several lines and wait to be served. In contrast, customers at Wendy’s are asked to stand in one line that snakes around the front of the counter and to wait for a server to become available. a) What is the rationale for each approach? b) Which approach do you favour from (1) a customer’s perspective and (2) management’s perspective? Explain. A Rationale for McDonald approach McDonald’s success had been built on four pillars: limited menu, fresh food, fast service and affordable price. Intense competition and demands for a wider menu drive-through and sit-down meals – encouraged the fast food giant to customize product variety without hampering the efficacy of its supply chain. McDonalds use assembly line procedures in their kitchen for mass production so as to keep prices low. Speed, service and cleanliness is one of the critical success factors of the business. Lining up in one of the several lines tied into McDonald’s capability statement on speedy service, efficiency and good customer service. Each staff at McDonald is trained to change roles within shifts and this makes resource management during peak and off peak hours manageable. At all times there is enough staff on hand to take care of business and overall effectiveness is improved Drawback to this approach includes huge rental space to accommodate large operational facility. It could also become very costly on staff training. Workforce productivity are not usually related to the number of staff working on a task, and productivity variance may tilt negatively for McDonalds on this. Operating cost are very high and unless this is well managed, it may not necessarily be profitable. Rational for Wendy’s approach The rationale for Wendy’s â€Å"old fashioned† hamburgers could be traced to the history of unsuccessful attempts to outperform the competition which created the low profile structure. Wendy’s headquarters shifted to Dublin after a merger with Triac, Arby’s parent company and the very conservative style of  European business. Structure of business is very simple and easier to manage; it does not envisage much growth and cater mainly for the bottom line. It will require less space and resources to manage. Also less inventory and therefore less operating cost, however this will also impact on profitability. Drawback to this approach includes disorganized premises during peak hours, unsatisfied customers due to longer wait times for service. Wendy at some point was also suspect for cleanliness and this approach would add more to the problem. Managers Perspective The two approaches shows different business and strategic objectives. McDonald approach depicts a growth oriented organisation that wants to create market dominance in the sector. Wendy concentrates on its core traditional product, so that those who appreciate the product will be kept in the customer chain. The McDonalds style will require acquisition of new business skills and technology while Wendy traditional styles will require less technology. Looking at the management styles, McDonalds is poised to remain the leader in the food chain industry with concentration on their supply chain system and product differentiation methods. McDonalds work with farmers to ensure that produce are sized right and grow to specification, while Wendy concentrates mostly on the beef. With these different styles, McDonalds will be my preference for growth and bottom line. Wendy cannot compare to Mac in the business because more and more happy customers are trooping to Mac for what they see as 21 cent ury improvements.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Key Principles of Economics

3 Key Elements of Economics There are many key factors that make up the economic system all which must work together in order to effectively direct scarce inputs into wanted outputs. For this purpose the focus will be on 3 of those key elements. this includes the idea of no such thing as a free lunch, transactions as an obstacle to trade, and how the invisible hand directs buyers and sellers toward activities that increase general welfare. All three of these elements are essential for a greater understanding of how the economy thrives. In our market, resources are limited yet humans desire for goods and services is nearly infinite.Because of this there is no such thing as a free lunch. The sacrifice most commonly thought of in receiving lunch is the monetary cost however there are other sacrifices as well. Productivity, which provides the money for that lunch, is a large sacrifice when we stop to take a lunch break as in this explanation. However, the main sacrifice to focus on is th e cost that we pay for any good or service. This sacrifice is something both consumers and producers must face. To say that you did not pay for the lunch you received still does not make it free to you or the person who paid the bill. It simply shifts the cost, it does not reduce it.As consumers we are always looking to get more for less. Yet what we do not see so directly, is how the cost of any given good influences us on what we choose to purchase. With out comparing the cost advantage of given products we as consumers would end up using the money we had intended for groceries perhaps on other items that are not of equal value. Therefore, if Sally goes out shopping with the intent of buying only a few essential items that her daughter will need for the winter weather and does not consider the cost of what she is buying she could easily over spend and have to sacrifice at the grocery store.Or maybe Sally will then not be able to heat her house effectively. Both of these are exampl es of items that are more essential to Sally and her daughter's well being than the brand name of her daughter's clothing. This shows how by purchasing the more expensive clothes for her daughter Sally is no longer able to direct her resources as effectively as she could have had she perhaps taken her daughter to Goodwill and gotten clothes that are just as effective for less money. For producers the cost that most effects them is of the resources they use to make any given product.If a paper mill produces only two types of paper type A and type B Then in order for the paper mill to produce 500 bundles of each type of paper the mill must accrue the cost of only being able to make 500 bundles of type A because they must also make 500 bundles of type B instead of 1000 of type A and none of type B. This also shows cost because 1000 bundles of type A is the cost of 0 bundles of type B. Trade is a voluntary exchange of goods of services however, trade cost the consumer and the producer.T he producer must pay things like time effort, shipping, and negotiations in order to make the sale. These cost then get reflected on to the consumer in order to create a profit. Transaction cost are effected by several factors physical obstacles, lack or information, government taxing and regulations, and middle men. Physical obstacles such as rivers, mountains, and oceans all increase transaction cost because they increase the difficulty of getting the product from the shipping point to the destination. This can be seen in the cost of nearly anything.If John orders a new muffler for his Toyota motor cycle and it has to be shipped from Japan he will incur a much larger transaction cost than if he had ordered the part locally because that muffler must travel across the ocean and possibly some other land barriers. Lack of information is costly in the way of the producer and consumer. If the producer of an anatomy book is looking to find a consumer they producer must spend valuable tim e looking for a consumer because they are unaware of where they might find the consumer.The same goes for the consumer who must look for a producer or other student who has the book he or she needs. This could also involve finding multiple sellers of the right book in order to compare price and get the most value for his or her dollar. This all takes time in which the producer and consumer could be doing more productive things therefore bringing in more income. As most people are well aware of the government increases transaction cost in varying ways including taxes, licensing requirements, price controls, tariffs, and quotas.Every time I go to the grocery store I can look at my receipt and see where I was taxed. Some things only have a 2. 5% tax others have a 5% tax. This increases my cost of trade by the percentage of tax on every item I purchase in a given transaction. Government also increases transaction cost on other nations by enforcing tariffs in which a tax must be paid in order to import the goods shipped here to the U. S. Another example is in licensing. If I want to go fishing legally I must first buy a fishing license. Therefore I must pay in order to go and fish for the good of potentially catching my dinner.The final element of economics that will be covered is the invisible hand, how market prices direct buyers and sellers toward activities that promote general welfare. Every person is out for his or her own gain however, what he or she does not realize is that the â€Å"invisible hand† or market prices promotes the goals of others which leads to greater riches for everyone. For producers the actions of the consumer allows them to know how to adjust to meet the demands of the consumer. It reflects information about a consumers preferences in regards to cost, timing, location and circumstances.For example if people are able to get canned pumpkin all year at the super market but around thanksgiving the demand for canned pumpkin sky rockets in Louisiana then the producer can then tell that they are able to raise the price of the pumpkin in Louisiana and because they raised the price they can also afford to supply more cans of pumpkin with out the fear of the canned pumpkin expiring on the shelf. For the consumer to buy a product the consumer must feel they are getting at least the monetary value of the good they are buying.Therefore, if the pumpkin is priced too high the consumer will reduce the amount that they buy causing spoilage and costing the producer. However, if the price is too low the producer will see a great increase is the purchase of the pumpkin because the consumer now thinks they are getting more for their money than before. This is how the â€Å"invisible hand† directs prices by showing when there is a surplus or shortage allowing for the market to self adjust to cross over clearing where there is very little excess or shortage in the real world.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Living and working in the foreign country Essay

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in the foreign country. Currently, many people like going to different countries for working and living. It leads to that there are many positive and negative effects while people live and work in vary foreign country. Some main effects will be discussed in this essay. The first advantage is salary because people are really need money to support their live. Some Vietnamese people, for instance, they like to move to US or Australia for living and working because they think they will get the higher income than in Vietnam and enjoy the standard life. Furthermore, people who want to travel are the poor people and live in the developing country. They may improve their current life and work in the new environment to get more experience. Finally, working and living in a foreign country may have some good benefit by the government after people retire. On the other hand, working and living in a foreign country may bring some disadvantages. Traditional culture is the first disadvantage. It is really hard to live in a country which has a lot different culture. In UK, for example, the state food is very difficult to eat and the cost is very expensive. Next, people will be got homesick because their families are so far from them. Lastly, it is very dangerous when people go abroad for working and living because they do not understand about the new environment that they have to adapt quickly for the short period of time such as the new neighbors or the new law of the area. In short, people should think clearly about this problem. It effect not only on their future life but also their family and the government. They should chose the best advantage for their own business. Revised Currently, many people like going to different countries for working and living. It This leads to that there are many positive and negative effects while which people experience when live living and working in vary a foreign country. Some of these main effects will be discussed in this essay. The first advantage is salary because people are really need money to support their lives. Some Vietnamese people, for instance, they like to move to the US or Australia for living and working because they think they will get the a higher income than in Vietnam and enjoy the a higher standard of life. Furthermore, the people who want to travel are the poor people and who live in the developing countriesy. They may can improve their current life and by working in the a new environment to get more experience. Finally, working and living in a foreign country may have some good benefits by for the government after people retire. On the other hand, working and living in a foreign country may bring some disadvantages. Missing your tTraditional culture is the first disadvantage. It is really hard to live in a country which has a lot very different culture. In the UK, for example, the state local food is very difficult to eat and the cost is very expensive. Next, people will be got get homesick because their families are so far from them. Lastly, it is very dangerous when people go abroad for working and living because they do not understand about the new environment that and they have to adapt quickly for thein a short period of time to things such as the new neighbors or the new laws of the area. In short, people should think clearly about this problem. It effects not only on their future life but also their family and the government. They should choose the best advantage for their own business. Good job with organization and content. Take care with sentence structure and be sure to proofread more carefully.

Friday, September 13, 2019

BrandAnalysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BrandAnalysis - Essay Example Brand Promise The promise that Starbucks makes is that the customer will get perfect coffee every single time, just the way the customer wants it. Starbucks maintains its own coffee bean farms to make sure the beans will be exactly as required for the coffee products that Starbucks makes for its customers. This means that coffee made around the world in different Starbuck stores, also caters to the local population and culture and, therefore, builds its coffee drinks to suit the customers, but still not deviate from Starbucks core values. As an example, Starbucks put out a notice about the new espresso promise in Dubai, U.A.E. that each cup of coffee will be perfect. Additionally, Starbucks also launched the Starbucks ® Blonde Roast which is comprised of the world’s best Arabica beans to provide a lighter coffee that still provides the best of Starbucks’ coffees but with a more mellow taste (Starbucks Newsroom, 2012). Brand Personality The Starbucks brand personality is one projecting a place where you can purchase your coffee and then sit down in the store, relax, chat with friends, while drinking your coffee and maybe have breakfast or lunch at the same time. All Starbucks stores promise to provide clean, and restful stores with plenty of sitting room, should customers need it. Starbucks projects an image of a business, run by people who care about your needs and desires, and will work to see that you get what you want. The idea is to give customers a place away from home to relax, but feel just as comfortable as if they were still home, short of being still in one’s pajamas. Brand Values The value the Starbucks Corporation promotes is that it builds on its values and that it is important to do the right thing. Starbucks is heavily invested in the communities where the stores across the world are located. This year, two stores, one in Los Angeles, California and one in Harlem, New York, will see profits put back into its community for d evelopment purposes. Additionally, Starbucks, rather than sending jobs overseas, will open a new roasting facility for its VIA instant coffee product, creating nearly 200 new jobs in Augusta, Georgia. CEO Howard Schultz also has created the ‘Jobs Initiative Program’ which already has raised millions of dollars from 600,000+ customers that will go to a network of loan sources for small businesses. Plenty of similar actions have also taken place around the world, creating a persona of goodwill ambassador for the American people (Gray, 2012). Brand Attributes Starbucks brand attributes are reflected through the different types of coffee drinks created for its diverse consumer base. Additionally, store baristas are trained to provide information on all aspects of the coffee beans used in any coffee drinks and know how to make every drink currently on the menu. Other attributes also include the customer service involved, such as the Starbucks Rewards Card, which records the drinks purchased over time and after about 10 to 15 drinks, customers can get a free drink or are allowed extra creams and other ingredients. With the Starbucks Card, the company is also able to keep in constant contact with customers through surveys and advertising promotions. It’s main attribute is showing the customers that Starbucks cares and wants to know everything possible about how to please the customer.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Essay - 3

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information - Essay Example There is virtually no need to worry about differences in opinions since they are healthy so long as people remain calm and state their opinion in a polite manner. Respect is therefore identified as an effective communication tool which allows you to do that because it emphasizes the other person’s right to have a different viewpoint to your own. There doesn’t have to be a right and a wrong in everything. b. Focus on the other person Being in another person’s shoes ought to facilitate communication. One should be able to understand and appreciate that whatever he or she is saying is expressed with a lot of ease. It is thus advisable that one really listens to what another person is saying and gives him/her a good chance to speak. It is worth noting that much impossibility accompanies any action of trying to speak and listen at the same time. So one needs to make sure there is much time when he/she is not speaking, so that he/she can listen what the other person ha s to say. Take note of what is being said. c. Read between the lines Any assumptions have the possibility of leading to several problems, but there is a middle ground. Over and over again, people can be nervous of speaking their mind, but their worries and their feelings do not get away, they just fester and make people feel bad. One is proficient enough to employ some knowledge about the person being spoken to, to be familiar with situations of holding back on another person. He/she could then gently look into in the area or reassure them that they are safe to speak their mind. Determining where the gaps are in a situation that entirely depends more so on being sensitive to the next point. d. Body language It may be of surprise that more of the messages are conveyed through body languages than by verbal communications. One has to ensure that your body language says that you are open and willing to listen, and watch out for what the other person’s body language is saying to y ou. Reading body language is a really effective communication skill. e. Considering responses A number of conversations are thrown off course by an overemotional response. That destroys effective communication and can be evaded via taking deep breaths, stepping back slightly and thinking prior to speaking. An efficient communication proficiency that is often over-looked is the acknowledgment of gender divergences in communication. One fact is that men in most cases do communicate on factual levels, while women do it on emotional levels. It can lead to misapprehensions. Action Plan Good goals are effective in enhancing communication skills. SMART (Specific and Strategic; Measurable; Action Oriented; Rigorous, Realistic and Results Focused; Timed and Tracked) goals framework is a fundamental tool for individuals to use in creating effective goals and action plans. Specific and Strategic (S) A Goal needs to be simple and plainly written, with adequate specificities to determine whether they have been accomplished. A goal is defined as strategic only if it serves a significant purpose and when it concentrates on something which is likely to have a large impact on the overall vision. Measurable (M) Whatever is cannot be measured, cannot be managed whatsoever. What measures of quantity, quality, and/or impact can be used to determine whet

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Energy And Environmental Analysis And Evaluation Of A Property Research Paper

Energy And Environmental Analysis And Evaluation Of A Property - Research Paper Example The most familiar type of green methods, which can be adopted in a green construction, is the utilization of windows ventilators. However, more complex green strategies can also be utilized to reduce the energy consumption in a residential or commercial building. The most amount of energy in a residential structure is consumed while maintaining the internal atmosphere of the home. In colder regions, electric, gas or oil heaters are utilized to warm up the atmosphere and water, while in hotter regions air conditioning units are employed to reduce the temperature (Legg, 1991, p24-36). One of the important aspects of utilizing less energy is that it limits the greenhouse emissions this way, at the same time it is economically beneficial as utilizing less energy will consequently reduce the energy bills or other bills related to the energy consumption. In this way, green construction is not only a better option for the environment but also for the environment (Burberry, 1997, p21-48). A green building can be considered as green if it minimizes the waste, utilized as less energy as possible and utilized the green material in the construction. If the home utilized the natural energy resources like the solar or geothermal, the energy dependence can be minimized. On the other hand, the utilization of windows allows the lights to penetrate into the structure in the daytime and thus reduce the energy consumed by the artificial lights (Pritchard, 1999, p30-44). Advanced green structure utilized much-advanced technology such as an installation of the solar panel on the roof that generates energy for the home and the excess energy is supplied to the grid. On the other hand, solar geysers capture solar energy to heat the ware for the utilization in the home. The solar water heating system can also be utilized for the space heating by circulation the heated water through the radiators and fan mechanism. The system has the capability to save much amount of energy. In the given pattern of the home, I think the placement of the windows is quite right that will help the home to stay lighted during the day. In order to evaluate the energy consumption in the house, it is appropriate to evaluate where the energy is consumed and where it can be saved. As the house is fitted with a big boiler to maintain the temperature in the house and to provide with the warm water, the immense amount of energy is taken by the boiler. In this way, the boiler is the major producer of the greenhouse emissions. However, if the boiler is removed from the house, the house becomes less comfortable for the residents.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Account for the widespread failure of democracy in Europe between the Essay

Account for the widespread failure of democracy in Europe between the two world wars - Essay Example The inter period between the World Wars in Europe was a trademark of different regimes ruling Europe at a dark time(Pratchett 44). The casualties were far more terrible than anyone had foreseen, and international conflict was without a doubt filled with consequences. Hence, the failure of democracy to spread to Europe between the World Wars can be attributed to various reasons. One of the primary reasons why democracy failed to spread in Europe between World Wars was because no country had enough desire or power to enforce democracy in their own nation. At the time of World War I, this triumphant ideology of an expansionist democratic republicanism was simply clear. Under Wilsons administration, the European war became an ideological mission, which was to make the world safe for democracy and free of corrupt rulers(Jeffries 66)..   The Allies were being urged to think of their motive to enter  war  Ã¢â‚¬Å"to make the  world  safe for  democracy,† and the Germans, on their side, were correspondingly encouraged to visualize the  war  as a struggle of â€Å"culture† against â€Å"barbarism.†Ã‚  Wilsons false vision of democracy was disillusioned because it gave rise to more conflict(Parkingson 22).. Democracy failed in the post-World War I mainly because it was unable to allow for economic reliability. Germany for example, was in total economic collapse as inflation continued to plague their economy. During the Weimar Republic many anti-democratic political groups sprang up from angry war veterans, including the Communist, Socialist, and the Nazi party(Siedentop 45)..   For Germans, democracy meant turmoil, revolution, and poverty. Many Germans longed for the stability of the kaisers empire. Democracy is based on a strong foundation of social system in which the economy is prosperous. However, these conditions did not prevail in Europe between wars especially after the Great Depression. Numerous nations were created in Europe post World War I, which

Employee Recruitment and Selection Research Paper

Employee Recruitment and Selection - Research Paper Example Labour efficiency is achieved by employing people with the right skills for assigned jobs and balancing the right number of workers to do the job. Therefore, applicants should be carefully identified, targeted, and recruited for positions. This research report, focusing on the recruitment and selection of IT employees, preferably Information and Computer Science Graduates, for an international organisation will, following a review of the relevant theoretical literature, suggest a recruitment and selection technique which is cost effective, timely and, importantly, establishes an immediate correlation between targeted recruitment environment, candidate selection and job description. Â  In other words, drawing upon both empirical and theoretical literature, the report shall propose a recruitment and selection framework which is immediately informed by the job requirements, its associated tasks and responsibilities.Labour efficiency is achieved by employing people with the right skills for assigned jobs and balancing the right number of workers to do the job. Therefore, applicants should be carefully identified, targeted, and recruited for positions. This research report, focusing on the recruitment and selection of IT employees, preferably Information and Computer Science Graduates, for an international organisation will, following a review of the relevant theoretical literature, suggest a recruitment and selection technique which is cost effective, timely and, importantly, establishes an immediate correlation between targeted recruitment environment, candidate selection and job description. In other words, drawing upon both empirical and theoretical literature, the report shall propose a recruitment and selection framework which is immediately informed by the job requirements, its associated tasks and responsibilities. 2 Theoretical Overview There is a wealth of theoretical and empirical literature on employee recruitment and selection. This section shall review some of this literature with the purpose being the latter formulation of a best-practices framework for the recruitment and selection of 20 IT employees in the international firm referenced in the preceding. Appendix I presents an overview of the positions to be filled. 2.1 Recruitment Recruiting techniques to maximize not only the quantity of applicants, but also quality, are important because the screening process requires significant organizational resources (Sherman, Bohlander and Snell, 1996). IT positions take an average of 37% longer to fill than non-IT positions, ' search firm recruiting fees can be as high as 40 percent of annual salaryr3' and average costs may range from $7,500 to $25,000 per employee for all modes of recruiting combined. In addition to the direct costs, the difficult to measure, but undoubtedly more critical lost opportunity costs of not having necessary human resources, make IT recruitment a strategic imperative in the current economy (Mencken, 1998). Recruitment research has steadily increased over the past thirty years, including studies of the effect of selected recruitment sources on outcome. One of the earliest studies of recruitment sources and linkage to beneficial organizational outcomes compared results of informal versus formal sources. A primary difference between these two broad types of recruiting techniques is that formal recruitment involves a formal market intermediary between the organization and potential employee, Ullman's (1966) study discovered a lower turnover rate for employees recruited through informal sources (i.e. direct applications, referrals) than for those identified through formal approaches (i.e. advertising, employment agencies) . Subsequent research offered theoretical explanations for the relationship between source and outcome, most notably the "realistic information" hypothesis and the "individual difference" hypothesis. The " realistic information" hypothesis suggests that workers recruited throug

Monday, September 9, 2019

UK Corporate Governance Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

UK Corporate Governance Code - Essay Example As a result, the board of directors of a company, which is the ultimate decision making authority of a company, has been forced to become more accountable to the shareholders. However, the present Combined Code on Corporate Governance has been more of a reaction to worldwide business scandals rather than being a pro-active measure that ensures business legitimacy (Porter, 2009). Notwithstanding this fact, there has been a considerable amount of progress made in the direction of ensuring accountability and transparency, especially in Britain. It started with the formation of the Corporate Governance Code in the early 1990s. Hence, in the below sections we study the Code and the legislative framework in its present form and determine its effectiveness in the face of modern scandals and financial debacles. UK Corporate Governance Code Since the 1970s, there has been an increased amount of focus on corporate governance. This may largely be attributed to the development of big multi-natio nal companies; however, the process is still in motion. As a consequence, some of the board of directors of listed companies, who form the most powerful body in the company, of the US and UK are required to be non-executive. The CEO is no longer the sole head of the company and shares responsibilities with the non-executive directors. The idea of creating an independent atmosphere where all perspectives can be included has been extended through a number of measures as a "force for good" in the economy. The "comply or explain" principle which is one of the main features of the Code has its roots in the Cadbury Committee or the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance report of 1992. Originally setup to come up with recommendations for financial auditing and other financial matters due to the scandals involving the Polly Peck and Robert Maxwell companies, the Cadbury Committee headed by Sir Adrian Cadbury made four important recommendations. These were with respect t o the board of directors, non - executive directors, executive directors and reporting and control mechanisms. However, these were not mandatory and the companies were free to follow their own course since it was determined that a legalistic approach would result in compliance only to a minimum basic level that negated the main aims of the Code. It was also felt that a "one size fits all" formula must not be adopted and that companies must be allowed the option to choose their own course that satisfies their unique requirements. Subsequently there was the Greenbury Report of 1998 that dealt with the remuneration of directors issue (Barker, 2008). The Code underwent a significant review in 1998 when Sir Ronnie Hampel was charged with the duty of validating the effectiveness of the existent Code. It was recommended that there was no need for radical or revolutionary changes, instead the principles needed to be extended to detailed measures for the listed companies to implement. This w as called the Combined Code on Corporate Governance which contained two levels of prescriptive practices, one of which was a set of detailed provisions and the other was a set of open - ended principles. The companies were similarly required to present a two level declaration of the compliance of the above measures in their annual report. The Code underwent another review in 2003 following the Higgs and Smith report which added another layer of compliance norms to the existing Code. It was made up of high – level main principles, mid –

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Reviewing the Decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reviewing the Decision - Essay Example The reason why the manager of "ABC" with whom we work decided that they would manage to promote fully equipped base cabinets in the future was due to the request of one of their key customers for the immediate installation of 25 pcs. of such advanced base cabinets, plus their reasoning that because of the increased convenience of the more expensive base cabinets the same quantity can be rather quickly installed at other locations as well. Considering our general positive experience with "ABC", our history of making similar supplies of equipment which "ABC" quickly exhausted, and their leading position in their market segment, I decided to place the order at the manufacturer for the mentioned amount of equipment. After we brought to our stock 50 pcs. of fully equipped base cabinets, it turned out that by then the key customer of "ABC" bailed out from his liability before them, and the general market response to the prospect of purchase of more expensive cabinets was much less enthusia stic than expected. As the result of the mentioned facts, by this moment we still have on our stock 38 pcs. of fully equipped base cabinets for table-top coffee machines, which translates into 12,500$ of frozen assets.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Role of Nurse Practitioners Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Role of Nurse Practitioners - Term Paper Example Education The minimum educational requirements for admission into PA programs are at least two years of undergraduate coursework in the basic and behavioral sciences. PA programs must be accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant. On average, an institution consists of 27 months of instructional and clinical content focusing on the care of patients over the lifespan (Ponte & O’Neill, 2013). Over the years â€Å"PA training has evolved into an advanced competency-based and accredited educational program, with the broad core curriculum content resembling that of medical school training† (Atwater et al, 2008, p. ...   involves inpatient and outpatient rotations in various settings including family and internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, general surgery, psychiatry, and emergency medicine (Atwater et al, 2008, p. 729).Contingent on the program, the PA student has conferred a Master’s, Bachelor’s, Associate’s, or Certificate degree. To attain licensure, all PA students take the same certifying exam administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (Ponte & O’Neill, 2013). NP programs, graduate programs based on the nursing model, are approved by the state board of nursing and are accredited by a national nursing accreditation body such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2013; Ponte & O’Neill, 2013). Dependent on the NP program, the average minimum requirement for admission is a baccalaureate degree in nursing or a baccalaureate degree in another fie ld (Ponte & O’Neill, 2013). In either case, to begin the program, a student must first obtain a registered nursing (RN) license in the state the school operates. Additionally, a majority of NP programs require the student to have at least one year of experience as an RN. Programs include two years of classroom instruction and clinical rotations; additionally, students must undergo a minimum of 500 clinical hours to complete requirements (Atwater et al, 2008; Cross, Boukus, Samuel & Yee, 2013).Moreover, unlike the PAs, NPs choose an area of specialization.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Personal Ethics Statement Essay Example for Free

Personal Ethics Statement Essay After taking the Ethical Lens Inventory, I have discovered that my personal lens is the Results Lens. Upon further reading I discovered how that translated into my values, strengths, weaknesses, and my blind spot as well as how to see more clearly. The key phrase for those with the Results Lens is â€Å"I make choices that are good for everyone. † The values and strengths associated with the Results lens are the core values, the classical values, and the definition of ethical behavior, the tools for analyzing problems, and the gift. Core values are autonomy over equality, and protecting individual rights, and prioritizing value of sensibility over rationality. It is better to examine each situation in its own context rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. The classical value is prudence by demonstrating wisdom, foresight, optimism, imagination, and the gift of entrepreneurship. Creating the greatest good is my lens type’s definition of ethical behavior, by seeking win-win results. Experience provides the tool for analyzing problems, by considering multiple perspectives and focusing on what is really happening to consider solutions that make many people happy. Free will is the gift associated with the Results Lens. Because of the value of autonomy, we are self-reliant and accountable. We want this freedom for each person to seek their ideal goals in life. The Results Lens also has its weaknesses such as a blind spot, expedience, risk, greed, and also failure. The blind spot for this lens type is becoming satisfied with too little good. We fail to be accountable to those that are depending on us when we exercise our free will. As long as our needs are met we can become complacent. Our temptation is expedience by not paying attention we can be tempted to base our actions on what is politic or advantageous rather than what is right. Reducing decisions to a cost-benefit analysis is this lenses biggest risk. We need to ensure that all have free will or we run the risk of reducing decisions to narrow and purely financial cost-benefit analysis. The vice for the Results Lens is becoming greedy. If we fail to exercise free will responsibly our pursuit of good for all can devolve into an excuse for taking as much for ourselves as we can get away with. Failure is this lenses major crisis. If we fail to develop the practice of mindfulness and reflection we will face failure. No one can accomplish or acquire everything, and the more you do the less satisfying it can become. Our acquisitiveness could be driving people away from us. In conclusion, in order for people who fall under the Results Lens to see clearly, we must use our head, check to see if our gut and head agree. To find a proper balance we need to explore the gifts of the other lenses such as consistency and concern for the whole community. As we learn to consider other perspectives in our decision-making process, we will live out the best of our ideals with compassion and care for others.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Planned Change Interventions And Human Process Interventions Management Essay

Planned Change Interventions And Human Process Interventions Management Essay Today, the OD field has grown increasingly strong over the past decade. Today, most authors define the term Intervention of organization development as planned aimed to help increasing organizational effectiveness (Worley Cummings, 2009; Frend Bell, 1990). According Swanson (, 2001, p.99) Intervention processes focuses on improving communication, problem solving, decision making and leadership. Besides that, he also found that intervention refers to a set of planned activities intended to help organization increase its effectiveness (Swanson, 2001, p.99). According to Worley Cummings (2009 ) there are four types of Interventions used in OD today , there are : Human process, Techno structural, Human Resources management and Strategic. Organisation Development of change is affected through individual, groups and organization. 1.1 Human process Interventions : According to Worley Cummings (2009, p. 156 ) Human process intervention derive mainly from the disciplines of psychology and social psychology and the applied fields of groups dynamic and human relations. Follow the theory of human process, DeSimone and Werner (2009 ,p. 498 ) defined that Human process- based interventions are directed at improving interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup relation . Human process includes the following numerous of step such as: Process consultation, third -party interventions, team building, organization confrontation meeting, intergroup relations interventions and large group intervention. OD programs focused more on interpersonal dynamics and social relation. The purpose of the change is to make the company achieve the full potential of productivity and profitability, to be able to solve its own problems. According to Neumann, Kellner, Shepherd (1997) human process interventions focus on improving communication, interaction and leadership, gain the skills and understanding to identify, resolve conflicts and solve problem through process consultation and Third- party intervention. Human Process Interventions also following team building interventions through helps the development of organizational success. Including team building knowledge to solve problems in the organization, team building help team members feel less pressure, devise solution to problem. Team buildings also need to trust and support members in order to help members more creative ideas to help complete the groups task, increase understanding, improvement and increased ability about interpersonal behavior. 1.2 Techno structural : On the other hand, Techno structural forced on organizations technology, structural, task method, and the work design in the organisation. Technological changes have been designed to make products or services more efficiently. This intervention aims to achieve a more appropriate structure and cost effective organization and address issues such as group activities, structural design, downsizing and reengineering. According to Jones, Heijden Bono (2008, p. 161) techno- structural usually consider a common platform when bringing about the required techno structural change. Human Process Interventions also on the payroll reduction through understanding of the organizations strategy such as reduce the incidence of costs through the organization by reducing costs, reducing the size and design of organizations, layoffs. And it also through reengineering intervention in order to have result in faster, more responsive task performance and control work process more effectively (Worley Cummings, 2009). Techno- Structural Changes also need to re-thinking and re-design of business processes to achieve performance. 1.3 Human resources Management and Strategic: As further analysis, the human resources Management and Strategic focus on integrated human resource practices and how they can be used to integrate the employees of both organizations. Human Resources Management used to develop support and help people in organisation (Worley Cummings ,2009). These practices include career planning, performance management, reward systems, job assignment, recruitment and retention, goal setting relate to dealing with human resource. According to Jones, Heijden Bono (2008, p.166) Strategic interventions in change situations tend to address the relationship between an organization and its environment. Intervention strategies of integration issues and implement strategic plans to achieve cross-organizational development through the encouragement of participation and it also issues across traditional strategic planning. Besides that, Intervention strategies of integrations bring about a fit between business strategies analysis, culture, and the larger environment. Hence, integrated Strategic change intervention and trans-organisational development intervention will work towards integrated strategic planning, action and tactical operations and in solving problems together to make this acquisition successful. 2: Implementing Change: 2.1. Approach to change: Approaches to Change is the process of introduces change management through the process help people understand their role of the change agent at individual and organisational levels. Approaches to change can affect behaviour to making happen at work and on organisational performance through influence processes, behaviour and interpersonal relationship. The four approaches are defined ( Harris,2006 ) as developmental transition, Task- focused transitions, Charismatic transformations and Turnarounds. All style of change applied for single leadership styles depend on the scale of change. By developmental transitions: used to growing market, product innovation and emphasis on market leader culture individual development, team skills. They point to changes in the organization continually aligning and adjusting itself to move in its environment. Their goals are voluntary commitment to shared vision of continuous improvement which the primary style of management is consultative ( Stace Dunphy , 2001 ). By task- focused transitions: they refer to have a strong direction for the top level of autonomous units in the implementation ( Harris,2006). According to Baker McKenzie (2009, p. 381 ) they refer to change in which there is a directive style of leadership at the top, with a more consultative approach lower down in the organisation. Their goals are try to conform to redefined job performance systems and beside that strength of this approach are clear focus on tasks- related issue, clear communication, clear roles, relentless approach to change ( Stace Dunphy , 2001 ). By charismatic transformation: they refer to the need radical change by charismatic leadership style and consultation management style who able to engage and minds of employees in new direction. By Turnarounds: refer to used of markets environment changes dramatically is now aligned with external environment ( Stace Dunphy , 2001 ).These are applicable to situation where a disjuncture exists between the organisation and its environment but there is little support be employees for the need for change and little time to engage them in a participative change style( Baker McKenzie, 2009, p. 381 ). In this situation, their goals are comply with radically redefined culture, goals and performance standards with need for a directive/coercive change style. 2.2 Type of leadership: a : Coaches: Leadership training describes a specific type of intervention that can be done strategic with individuals, groups or organization ( Orem, Binkert et al, 2007 ). According to Lee ( 2003 , p. 151) Leadership coaching has become a key to success to both individuals and organisations. Leadership coaching aims to promote progress by providing focus and awareness to help those who are trained to achieve fuller potential. For leadership coaching to be effective, there must be use of personal power and expertise and use role of modelling. This means that individuals who are coached to feel ensure that exchange with coach will be kept confidential and will not affect their jobs or their status in the organization. Leadership coaching should be regarded as an iterative process that people can evaluate the behaviour in their life, they have adjusted until they feel that it right. When done properly, leadership coaching is very active and contributes to the creativity and innovation in organiza tions. b : Captain: Captain leadership though process of directed interaction around main changes. Using the power of manager positions and strategies from top management. Captain leadership are also through communication and cultural renewal. Its aim to get staff behaviour in line with vision and use line managers for communication. Cultural renewal through retraining uses rational strategy and constant adjusting behaviour to match changing strategy ( Stace Dunphy , 2001). c. Charismatic: Most charismatic leader can get others to understand the vision or their goals through the use of symbolic interactive and use of personal charisma that people can understand. Charismatic note communication aim to get emotional commitment to the vision .Cultural renewal is radically different culture and values and creating participation with new role models. ( Stace Dunphy , 2001). d. Commander: Commander leadership behaviour is across the board directive action, use of personal power and sanction, beside that also infusion of new role modelling. Communication: its aim to get across organisation is in crisis, use of formal, authoritative communication. Cultural renewal used power coercive strategy, radical challenge to existing values and culture, and reforming new culture. ( Stace Dunphy , 2001). 3. Implementing Change Today, employees and manager can think about the develop way to improve the organisation cultural change, organisation design; built to changebut let these ideas are put into action. According to Daft (2010, p.433) Implementation is the most crucial part of the change process, but it is also the most difficult. Change strategies to understand and implement the activities of the organization, how to function in its environment, what the advantages and disadvantages are and how it will be affected by changes to them to plan the implementation of effective. This topic now will explain and analysis some of the key change strategies from thinking to frameworks for action, with what we will change and why we will change need to change to the how manager change it. From a study of implementing change currently, I have identified two general approaches to change strategies, which are cultural change and organisation design. Change is frequently disruptive and uncomfortable for manager as wel l as employees (Daft, 2010,p. 433). 3.1 Cultural change : According to Weiner Ronch (p.24 ) Implementing culture change involve moving an organization to some desires future state. A CEO or manager noticed a problem in the culture of an organization. This is a culture change towards the most ordinary way, from the top. First, force on the culture change is the diversity of todays workforce ( Daft, 2010,p. 431). His analysed that diversity is a fact of life for organizations today, and many are implementing new training, mentoring, methods, and diversity recruiting programs, new benefits respond a work force more diverse. However, if the basic culture of an organization that has not changed, all other efforts to support diversity will fail. However, culture change can be particularly difficult because it challengers peoples core values and established ways of thinking and doing things (Daft, 2010, p. 431). Hence, leadership from the top is the next turned to matching the strategy of culture change with the organizations top-down management style and it also driving cultural change. Cultural change is difficult but nevertheless it can still be achieved (Robbins, 1998 ). Miller (1998) showed that changing the culture of an organization requires strong motivation and a careful strategy because cultural change could cause disastrous results, including the collapse of the organization. Implementing successful cultural change is a big challenge, including time and effort. But, if the successful cultural change, organizations should look for innovation and ready to face with the challenges in the future. 3.2: Organisation design: Strategy implementation change involves the use of organizational design, the process of organizational design will allow an organization to improve employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance also improved as a competitive. In order for an organization that has successfully created the best choice is the design hierarchy, integration, control, and powers. The design organization is a business capability to identify changes in market and competitive adaptation. Benefits of strategic organizational design is to ensure correct information to put the right people at the right time, besides it also offers financial and performance monitoring strategies of the organization. Without a supporting culture, even the safety procedures are the best design will fail. But with the right combination between organizational change dynamics and strategies for change, the whole initiative will be a best service. 4: Institutionalisation of Planned Change: What the term Institutionalisation of planned change The term Institutionalisation of planned change is the processes that are designed to fix the changes in place so that the change becomes normal and people do not go back to their old ways (Worley Cummings ,2009 ). An institutionalisation is an important concept in process improvement if designed to fix changes in organisation. When referring to the common goal and generic practice descriptions, institutional means that the process is ingrained in how the work is done and is committed and consistent to make this process. Institutionalisation processes are likely to be retained and maintaining them of the organizations functioning for during a long time and stress. However, the implementation of this process may also need to change to ensure that it remains effective and reach their performances tasks. According to Kurtz (1999 , p.211 ) Institutionalization process of building the capacities of persons, institutions, communities, organizations and even nations to reflect a set of pr eferred visions, values, policies, principles and practices. Other author defined that The institutionalization processes are critical since they link directly with institutionalization outcomes, regardless of the change (Jacobs, p.184 ). 4.2 Institutionalization Process: Socialization: Socialization is the process of complex interactions the transmission of information about ideas and belief systems, institutions, norms, values with respect to the intervention and explains social life. For the better understand, according to Edles Appelrouth (2008, p.354 ) Socialization refers to the process by which individuals come to regard specific norms as binding. It necessarily involves a community in order to change program of organization. Socialization also seen as induction of new member to help bring new member onboard and allows participants to reaffirm belief systems, institutions, norms, values (Worley Cummings, 2009). Hence, through socialization, members can develop a sense and personal awareness and capacity for independent thought and action. Commitment : According to (Worley Cummings, 2009, p.206) Commitment should allow people to select the necessary behavors freely, explicitly and publicly . Throughout the pursuit of change, commitment should derive at all level of organisation and intervention includes initial commitment to the program as well as recommitment over time. Hence, manager should make it a top priority to prove their commitment to the transformation process. Reward allocation: This involves linking rewards to the new behaviours required by an intervention. (Worley Cummings, 2009, p.207 ). Reward management system can serve to attract potential candidates, retain valuable employees, motivate employees and support organizations in achieving human resources, organizational goals and get the competitive advantage. According to Stewart Donleavy ( 1995) identified reward allocation based on three aspects there are: Equity, Equality and Need. Equity and Equality is importance means of reward allocation, all individuals have rewarded equally, fairness and need to be seen to be equitable by employees. The third of reward allocation is need. In this term, can understand that the individuals focus on reward to reach the level of need, which mean that the greater the need, the higher the reward (Stewart Donleavy, 1995 ). Diffusion : The process of transferring interventions is from one system to the other systems. Facilitate the diffusion of intelligence institutions a wider base of organizations supporting new behaviors. Sending and calibration: This process through using feedback and provide information, desired intervention behaviours and talking correct action ( Worley Cummings, 2009). The organization is planning to facilitate organizational change to improve the performance of the organization and to achieve their goals and objectives more effectively through feedback, provide information to ensure that behaviours are in line with intervention. 5.0: Conclusion: In this report, based on research from a lot of author and based on their idea, we deeply understanding about planned change of organisation. The aim of change is planning and organizational changes related to the organization of work processes, develop the skills of staff in the change process .In order to successful, organizations need to improve the performance of the change plan. The most importance factor of organization need to change are culture change and organization design. Culture change and organization design are interrelationship with behaviours and share value. Changes need to be clear analysis of the current situation of the surveyed organizations about the structure, finance, staff skills, strengths and weaknesses must be listed and planning for change.