Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Is school incentive programs works for students Essay

Is school incentive programs works for students - Essay ExampleCurrently, umpteen schools confine initiated incentive programs that provide prizes to students in the wee of money when they score well on their exams. These prizes have shown improvement in boilersuit test scores and childrens performance (Medina). The notion of incentive programs in schools is quite controversial and brings up the significance of temporary academic accomplishements in comparison to long-lasting behavorial changes in children. Many schools in United States are increasingly adapting the idea of incentive programs. They have observed that paying for performance is an effective method of improving the students attitude and behavior in school. In New York alone, much than 200 schools are experimenting with provision of one or more incentives for both students as well as teachers (Medina). Children who score good, are provided with money as prizes. Children are not the provided ones profitting from the se incentive programs. Teachers are as well provided with bonus money who achieve improving their studentsoverall scores. Up till now the New York city has spent more than $500,000 on 5,237 students in 58 different schools. Money is not the only form of rewards meal gift vouchers, gift certificates, food parties at school are some other forms of incentives for the students (Medina). The overall reaction to this new concept is mixed. Many consider it as worth trying and experimenting upon to observe the domineering outcomes. Teachers also find it as a good opportunity and are motivated due to the rewards authorized by them as well. However, the critics consider it as an inappropriate stimulus for the students. Knowledge should be acquired for ones own sake of learning and self-development rather than a source of money-making and business. Behavorial sciences show that although rewards are somewhat bankrupt than punishments but they produce a similar outcome of temporary complian ce. Children only show improvement in their behavior until they are receiving the reward. They stop when the incentive is no longer provided. Extrinsic motivators are not face-saving in altering the emotional and cognitive commitments of behavior, and even if achieved are not desirable or aimed (Kohn 1,2). The rewards only pursue the acheivment of goals and fail in many cases to induce good values and the sense of what type of soulfulness I want to be. Many studies have shown that people who are expecting a reward do not perform well than those who are not expecting anything. Rewards do not produce an intrinsic motivating of performing a trade union movement and interest of doing it for ones own sake. Rewards are just a method of controlling a person which ultimatley also alters the relationship between children and adults (Kohn 2,3). Rewards are a room of bribing the children. Children do not acquire any personal interest or internal motivation for the task rather, they are onl y doing it for the incentive, which affects the quality of their work, their sense of creativity and their sense exploring new ideas. Rewards and incentives are just a method of achieving what a teacher or parents want from the child. Rewards are an obstacle in the way of creating a nurturing, creative and experimental environment for the children, where they learn for their own sake and interest. Providing incentives and rewards cannot produce good values in a child

Monday, April 29, 2019

Boomtown Girl Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Boomtown Girl - Assignment ExampleShe was also the youngest in the class. Her viewpoint was often unwavering and even though she tended to have a negative view of things, the fibber describes it as a self-defensive mechanism.When they were away from each other, Ma Li and the teller exchanged letters, as this is how they kept in touch. The narrator pays close attention to Ma Li and appears to have a special have-to doe with in her. While working with a jewelry factory in Shenzhen, she registered a positive rationalize her salary grew by over 100 %, she entered a serious relationship and her character grew more disturbed and bold. She is seen standing up to her boss and eventually quitting the job to become an English teacher at the greenhouse school level. As the plot unfolds, the narrator goes to visit Ma Li at Shenzhen where they bonded for a while. The narrator is seemingly impressed by the progress Ma Li was making especially the fact that she was doing rise in the narrato rs closing remarks.As the plot unfolds, her character transforms and she becomes more confident. The narrator notes that much(prenominal) of her shyness had faded away as is evident in the way she stands against her boss after breaking curfew for which she was not apologetic at all. Likewise, she was suitable more creditworthy. She helped her family make ends meet especially by designating a portion of her salary towards paying school fees for one of her siblings. As the narrator writes, the newfound sense of responsibility, as evidenced from her growing obligation towards family, had given Ma Li a novel air of maturity. She was becoming more mature as she entered into a relationship with her boyfriend Gao Ming and started living together. She also felt responsible for her fellow workers and she often spent time with them when they felt lonely. During her college years, the narrator notes that Ma Li was not solely social with other students (Hessler 3).She often secluded herself and had

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Managing Activities to Achieve Results Assignment - 1

Managing Activities to Achieve Results - Assignment ExampleTo approach such skills the company has to employ people with various skills across different cultural backgrounds and thus it has contributed to the live organise of the company. It has committed itself towards empowering the staff it has employed and thus utilized the innovative style of organizational structure. The structure specifically intentd by Syngenta is the matrix structure also referred to as the labour team structure.If Syngenta has to use shape management in the mapping out their fulfilles in lodge to get its goals and objectives, there atomic subjugate 18 several things it must consider if it has to succeed. Use of a process management occurs when the management situation is alive(p) rather than static. Dynamic can be caused by (a) external factors the activity begins as a declare oneself but eventually deviates and becomes a process because the external parties puddle introduced their own definit ions of problems and solutions and thus interfere with the process (Bruijn, Heuvelhof and Veld 2010, p15). (b) Internal factors the activity begins as a project and eventually becomes a process because the project owner has realized that during the course of the project, the problem has become different from what he had anticipated.The decision qualification process in this case has to be based on the hierarchy system and all the decision making processes are linear and structured and they proceed towards a solution thorough different phases. An actor who is lord in hierarchy initiates the decision making process. The other involved in the decision making have to behave cooperatively and this is partly due to the subordination to the one in control of the decision making process (Bruijn, Heuvelhof and Veld 2010, p16).The company has to take into consideration the two factors when mapping out their processes in order to get their goals and objectives.The processes can be evaluated by the results it achieves such as a number of actions, a number

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Management - Assignment ExampleStarbucks purchases Fair Trade coffee. This arrangement befriends local anesthetic farmers by guaranteeing a minimal price of $1.26 per pound of wholesale coffee. It also provides them with technology transfers and access to pecuniary assistance such as short term loans to finance the crops of Coffee. Starbucks believes in the value of implementing wellness programs to help out different stakeholder groups including nodes, suppliers, and employees. Starbucks purchased 269 gazillion pounds of coffee in 2010 84% of its purchases came from C.A.F.E. Practices approved suppliers (Starbucks, 2011). The Starbucks come ins are designed to allay as much energy as possible through the acquisition of superior technology and innovational processes. Water conservation is a nonher practice that Starbucks Cafe practices. The average American uses more than 6 measure more water per year than the average African. The company supports social causes such as world hungriness and the AIDS/HIV epidemic. The company refers to its employees as baristas. The baristas are supposed to help the company create the Starbucks Experience. The wastage that Starbucks stores call down is minimized through the implementation of its recycling program. The implementation of the firms recycling program is customized per store since it is dependent on the availability of existing recycling programs in the community. 2--Week 3 Discussion Question 2 A company is constantly in the news due to its dominance of the retail marketplace is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is the well-nigh successful retail store in the history of the united States. The company creates value by religious offering products at lower prices than the competition. The firm has a superb supply chain that allows the company to source products at lower costs. The company also uses bulk purchasing to achieve savings. Wal-Mart is the worlds largest employer with over 2.1 million employees worldw ide (Walmart, 2011). The competitive advantage the company enjoys is composed of a variety of factors which include better customer service, lower prices, superb marketing, size of product offering, and superior locations. The firm offers over one million products to its customers. Wal-Mart is a multinational corporation that is publicly traded in the NYSE that operates in 28 countries. My employer does business in the United States solely. The core strategy used by Wal-Mart of beating the competition in terms of price is not aligned with the strategy the company I work for uses. My employer uses a differentiation strategy to attract customers. The products and function offered by my employer are unique, which is contrary to Wal-Marts strategy of offering common household products. An attribute or characteristics that both Wal-Mart and my employer fate is a commitment towards customer service. A second characteristic that both companies share is the existence of an e-commerce oper ation. Wal-Mart has an online store that sell is products to the entire spherical customer base. The e-commerce operation my employer uses differs in that the company focuses notwithstanding on the domestic marketplace. 3-- Week 3 Discussion Question 3 People eat extraneous their homes more often when the economy is doing well and their disposable income is higher. During bad economic times upper aim restaurants are hurt more than cheap products. The industry leader in the fast food industry, McDonalds, achieved global sales of $24 billion and $4.94 billion in net income

Friday, April 26, 2019

Case Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Case - Coursework ExampleInterviews, simulations, and occupational tests be the basic evaluation methods used to obtain objective and consistent information from completely the applicants. It is evident that the filling transcription adopted by Toyota is free of systemic inhibitors that influence a companys gentle resource system.Job advertisements attract numerous applications from different prospective employees. Toyota pull ind 40,000 applications for 1200 positions to diversify the competencies portfolio. Jobs are publicize on public platforms to reach as many people as possible. Firms always target to receive numerous applications to generate a vast portfolio of skills and abilities. There is always an opportunity cost attached to receiving numerous job applications (Catano, 2005). The vast competency portfolio might be hectic to cut-down the applicants to the desired number. A review of all the applications would be time-consuming. The human resource would expend most of the companys resources reviewing the applications instead of engaging in the productive operations of the company. The review cover can be automated to reduce the applicants to a earthy number. The automated system would then submit the results to the human resource team for further scrutiny.Toyota may be technology into the recruitment and selection system to facilitate and improve the process. The application process should be provided on an online platform to ensure that the entire application system is automated. The basic education requirements might be programmed into the system as the first step for reviewing all applications. The process would eliminate the need for undertaking all applicants by means of the panel selection interview. The paper-and-pencil cognitive ability would be easier to conduct online than requiring all applicants to undergo through the process on paper. Work samples and job previews would be delivered online if the selection process is automated. The online platform would

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Geo Ass 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Geo fanny 3 - Assignment ExampleThe rapid growth of Seoul City has attracted many people into the metropolis, transforming it into a megacity. The city is considered so because it has a population estimated at about 11.8 million residents. In fact, the citys metropolitan has a population of about 25.6 million. Because of Seouls large population and small area, the city is extremely densely populated estimated at about 44,776 people per square mile. Since the space available in the city cannot accommodate the residents, people in the city live mainly in high-building apartments.Despite the kayo of the city, Seoul has witnesses a traffic mess due to the many number of cars in the city. As a result, the city municipality has been forced to construct large highways to ease the traffic flow in the city. However, it is becoming a key concern that the traffic flow might get messier if the population of the city continues to grow this fast. Additionally, animation in Seoul is relatively h ard because of the high prices of commodities, which has become a big concern for its

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

World War One marked the beginning of the end of the British Empire Essay

World War One marked the beginning of the end of the British Empire. Is it so - Essay ExampleBut Britain had been bled white by the Great War in which the m opposite country, its colonies and dominions continue a combined 1.2 million deaths. The British Empire had committed its full weight to the defeat of Germany and the other Central Powers the cost was its physical and moral supremacy as an imperial power and its practical laterality over an enormously over-extended collection of overseas possessions. Absolute naval supremacy and a willingness to wage unmeasured little wars around the world enabled Great Britain to build and maintain the largest empire the world has ever known. So long as the British were able to follow this blueprint of empire, it was possible for them to continue doing business as usual. All-out war in 1914 proved to be a fatal scenario for imperial aspirations. It is worthwhile to score that the British Empire reached its zenith only 21 geezerhood before the end of World War I. At that time, Queen Victoria ruled over approximately 372 million human beings occupying 11 million true miles (Imperialism to Post-Colonialism, 2010). The Royal Navy was the envy of the world, able to respond to flash points in any part of this gigantic area in a matter of weeks. The Boer War had shaken the notion of British invincibility but, relatively speaking, did little material damage on a worldwide scale. It is one of the Name 2 nearly breathtaking facts of modern world history that World War I did so much to shake up the end of a world empire that just two decades before had appeared unassailable. Aftermath and empire Achieving achievement over Imperial Germany forced Great Britain into the modern technological age. The British Army had pioneered the tank and a number of other technical innovations in what Niall Ferguson termed a huge feat of military modernization (2002). As has often been the case in British history, need drove advancement bu t failed to have a lasting impact on the security of the empire. The stark reality was that, despite the victory and the territory it had brought, the front World War had left the Empire more vulnerable than ever before (Ibid). The British failed resignedly to apply the lessons learned during the Great War to the need for more efficient restrainment of its colonies. This tendency to revert back on traditional, even outmoded tactics would cost the British much in the years after the war. Time and again, in the inter-war period, this was a pattern that would repeat itselfa sharp military response, followed by a collapse of British self-confidence, hand-wringing, second thoughts, a messy concession, another concession (Ferguson, 2002). Ferguson uses Ireland as a prime example. The British had suffered some 1,400 casualties in Ireland by 1921, a toll that the British government and pile were no longer willing to tolerate in the interest of empire. British forces in Ireland found th emselves overwhelmed because Lloyd Georges government had failed to adopt the advice of Winston Churchill, who called for the utilization of tanks and armoured cars (Ibid). Put simply, the British were content Name 3 to manage circumstances on the cheap, a convenience that cost them dearly in Ireland and would do so repeatedly in subsequent years. Perhaps the most telling sign that Great Britains imperial frontlet was cracking was the loss of its historic edge in naval power. Weapons technology had taken a knead against the Royal Navy during the war. U-boat

Gender and Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gender and Aging - Essay ExampleFor instance, Ms. Beatrice engages in volunteering work in order to find time to share with her daughter and grandchildren (Anno. 2014). This helps her to feel better because of the company and the chance to move with others.The aging services goat help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with such challenges and age successfully by providing social occasions where they can interact with others. This is essential since it will make them feel appreciated and go forth about their problems back at home. It would also be appropriate to encourage them to participate in volunteering activities where they can keep busy and socialize with other members of the society (Anno. 2014). This arises because the main challenge to them is loneliness and loss of be of the family members. As a result, aging services can support conductgivers by providing suitable facilities and conditions for taking care of the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Legal Aspects of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Legal Aspects of Nursing - Essay ExampleThis can be attributed to the development of advanced technologies, of the changing societies, as well as the increasing complexities not just of the nurse field but of medicine in general (White, 2001). Aside from creating non-legal binding rules and regulations such as banal operating procedures to be followed while giving services to clients or patients, nurses atomic number 18 also made to live on by legal binding contracts that would penalize them should they break any rules of conduct as specified. Such contracts or faithfulnesss are made in order to prevent the nurses from committing crimes such as avoiding their responsibilities and duties to patients, or in the new(prenominal) extreme end, of overstepping their boundaries in the name of attending to their responsibilities as providers of patient care (White, 2001). Thus, in order to asseverate order and at the same time enforce the adherence to specified rules and regulation s in nursing, several laws were enacted to asseverate an orderly conduct among members of the nursing field, as well as to allow them to become penalized as required in the event that they were found guilty of committing crimes in relation to their line of work based on existing and applicable criminal laws.In the case study concerning the death of34-year-old Jorge Fernandez, the legal aspects of nursing are integral to provide a strong case against the medical personnel involved. In this case, Jorge Fernandezs married woman is the complainant since she is the one that was able to do so, as her husband had died due to the negligence of both the ER doctor and the nurse in duty. The ER doctor and the nurse assigned to Mr. Fernandez are the defendants, as the plaintiff sees that their negligence of the patient caused his death. Since negligence is considered to be an unintentional tort, it is punishable under the civil tort law and will be tried through civil litigation in a civil tribunal (White, 2001). The two defendants could possible face charges of medical negligence.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Capstone Project Scenario Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Capstone Project Scenario Solution - Essay ExampleThis paper forget discuss from the point of view of an executive, who intends to start a mobile MRI scan service and in addition analyzes its opportunities, challenges etc.Normally, if there is a quite a good concentration of human population, the risk of reality getting physical injury and abnormalities forget always be there. If the population is higher, the risk element depart also rise, and the risk go away translate into actual cases of persons getting injured and having abnormalities. As there will be the command to diagnose this injured, the opportunity of using MRI will also get optimized.The administrators management of the orthopaedic surgery practice would have given him/her enough work experience, which would, gave him/her a clear and confident vision of the scope of MRI service. And this vision can be easily utilise to turn the challenge into opportunity. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own (Collier). That is, as an administrator of an orthopaedic surgery practice, he/she may know the importance of the MRI scan, for the treatment of majority of the orthopaedic cases. As orthopedics is the specialized branch of medicine, which deals with internal bones, tissues, muscles and nerves, MRI will be of great use. Internal is the key word because no orthopaedic specialist could pinpoint an injury or every abnormality bonny from viewing the external body. So in that case, only scientific equipment like MRI scans will be the viable option. MRIis a non-invasive method used to render images of the inside of an object. It is primarily used in medical imaging to demonstrate pathological or other physiological alterations of living tissues. (wikipedia.com). And that MRI will be put to great use, if the MRI services become portable. That is, when one gets injured in the any part of limbs (upper and the lower included) or in any other important bones, one cannot move with comfort. Th ey need to be brought to the orthopaedic

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Critical Evaluation of Current Integrated Marketing Communications Essay - 2

Critical military rank of Current Integrated Marketing Communications Practice - Essay Exampled sales promotions as well as the people with intention to have a major positive effect on the people decision and perception when they are combined together.IMC is also referred to as a strategic merchandise process specifically designed to ensure that all messaging and communication strategies are unified across all channels and are centered on the customer (JIMC, 2011). It is done in a government agency that allows one sensitives weakness to be offset by the strength of another medium it is used together with. This process according to the journal of integrated market process emphasizes that customer prospects should be identified and assessed so that messages are tailored towards such customers in a way that is profitable and provide allow for evaluation of its success to minimize waste.This, they propose can be done in fin steps beginning with customer identification from behavi oral data, evaluation of customer prospects, creating and delivering messages and incentives, estimating returns on customer coronation and finally to budgeting, allocation, evaluation and recycling. The process is cyclic.This paper is going to look into how Ford motor vehicle producer has been if true been using IMC to do its marketing while reflecting on the impact of this marketing tool to the boilers suit strategic goals of the company. It is also going to look into the companys success story from the use of this marketing strategy. Fords business strategy is based on its plan which was adopted in 2007 and has point the company since then (Ford, 2014). It is indeed true that Ford motor company is adopting the use of integrated marketing communication as a strategy of winning more customers and increasing their market presence and revenue enhancement in overall. According to the definitions of the integrated marketing and communications discussed above, it is possible for a company to succeed in it by creating their strategy from the basis of their business while centering on the customer

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Discuss the role of inanimate objects in The Rape of the Lock Essay

Discuss the role of inanimate objects in The botch up of the hook - Essay ExampleActually the theme of this satirical larger-than-life came in Popes mind when an incident was narrated to him by i of his friends John Caryll. This poem is a satire and mockery on contemporary aristocratic society in England. To enhance the poetic beauty as well as the humour, Pope has used inanimate objects. Rape of the enlist is the poem which narrates a circumstances associated with a theft of a lock of a young womans sensory hair. This act was d superstar by one of her admirers. The incident taken by the poet is very petty and he has given a heroic as well as ironic touch to this epic and for that he has used a typical magisterial language such as the language of John Dryden, Milton etc. One of the to the highest degree interesting things in this epic is the use of inanimate objects while describing the theme. The inanimate objects used by Pope are Lock of hair, cosmetics such as puff and powder, jewellery, playing cards, pair of scissor, hair pin etc. The ecclesiastic figures such as sylphs, spleen and the other Goddesses are also are referred by Pope. The paper is a natural discussion of these inanimate objects used in The Rape of the Lock. Keywords mock heroic satire, epic, inconsequential, squabble, aristocratic, inanimate objects. The first and most important inanimate object used here by Pope is the lock of hair. The protagonist of the epic is Belinda who is a typical Victorian damsel with ethereal beauty and she had been protected by some divine body guards. The bodyguards in fact was not keen to protect her but to her belongings such as earrings, watch, locks and the most humorous thing was when the Sylphs were assigned to guard her petticoat. The sylphs in this epic are shown as taking interest in mundane things. The air in which they are flying is associated with vanity. They are the symbol of the petty vanity of the contemporary women of aristocratic s ociety. Pope highlights the constant efforts of women to preserve and exhibit their outer beauty. The epics turning point is when Belindas lock of the hair was cut by one of her admirers. Cutting of lock is a very petty incident but it has been taken very seriously and thus it resulted into a battle. Hair is an inanimate object which plays very crucial role in the entire epic. It is the symbol of beauty of the contemporary damsels and how the physical beauty of the woman was given pompous importance. Through the act of rape of the hair lock, Pope here wants to depict the picture of contemporary aristocratic class in England which was inclined towards fashioning serious issues out of small things. If analyzed the poem from feminist point of view, the hair and the locks stand for the womens lib and the womens intellectual evolution. The gender equality is represented her and the men, due to their male ego are struggle on this equality by proving their superiority over women. The Ra pe of the Lock, apparently looking, is just acidulous of one of the locks of hair of Belinda. But this inanimate object represents something else. The lock was the symbol of Belindas honour and virtue. By case it, the Barron had attacked on her honour and her pride. Locks were associated with the physical beauty of the women in those days and Baron has spoiled her by cutting her lock. It is also associated with the virginity. Perhaps by spoiling it, Pope wants to point out that the Baron indirectly attacked on her virginity. Clarissa, another female character in

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Fellowship of the Ring. The book vs movie Essay

The Fellowship of the Ring. The book vs movie - strive ExampleThis study is concerned not so much with minor changes that were done for the sake of magazine constraints for example, the fact that the hobbits had a long journey by river before they reached Bree but rather with more thematic and seemingly unnecessary changes that seem to veer away from the spirit of the book. The depiction of the fight at Weathertop amid Aragorn and the hobbits and the Nazgul is one of the sequences where the portrayal of the characters of the hobbits especially Merry and Pippin seems to represent them in a different crystalize than did Tolkien. In the book, Aragorn himself starts the fire at the mountaintop. In the movie, however, Merry, Pippin and Sam foolishly start the fire because they are supperless and essential to fry nearly tomatoes and baconPippin Can I have virtually meat? Merry Okay. fatality some tomatoes, Sam? Great tomatoesFrodo (Waking up from sleep) What are you doing? Merr y Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon. Sam We protected some for you, Mr. Frodo. Frodo Put it out, you fools Put it out (Begins stamping out the fire)Pippin Oh thats nice Ash on my tomatoes This is not the stolon attempt to portray Merry, Pippin and Sam as the comic relief in the movie. In earlier scenes much(prenominal) as the one where Pippin wants a second breakfast but Aragorn will have none of it, the pique is at to the lowest degree light-hearted. In the Weathertop scene, the audience is made to believe that Merry and Pippin are gluttonous, reckless hobbits who neither know nor palm about the importance of the mission they are on. Their stupidity is directly responsible for Frodos being stabbed by the Mordor weather vane carried by one of the Nazgul. This scene also highlights the nature of Frodos check with the ring. ... e Nazgul is one of the sequences where the portrayal of the characters of the hobbits - especially Merry and Pippin - seems to represent them in a different light than did Tolkien. In the book, Aragorn himself starts the fire at the mountaintop. In the movie, however, Merry, Pippin and Sam foolishly start the fire because they are hungry and want to fry some tomatoes and baconPippin Can I have some meat Merry Okay. Want some tomatoes, Sam Great tomatoesFrodo (Waking up from sleep) What are you doing Merry Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon. Sam We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo. Frodo Put it out, you fools Put it out (Begins stamping out the fire)Pippin Oh thats nice Ash on my tomatoes This is not the prototypical attempt to portray Merry, Pippin and Sam as the comic relief in the movie. In earlier scenes such as the one where Pippin wants a second breakfast but Aragorn will have none of it, the mood is at least light-hearted. In the Weathertop scene, the audience is made to believe that Merry and Pippin are gluttonous, reckless hobbits who neither know nor care about the importance of the mission they are on. Their stupidi ty is directly responsible for Frodos being stabbed by the Mordor blade carried by one of the Nazgul.This scene also highlights the nature of Frodos experience with the ring. As in the Prancing Pony when he puts on the ring accidentally, Frodo is shown by Jackson to experience visions of Saurons eye, which is nowhere in the book. The changes that Frodo goes through are mental rather than literal in Tolkiens book. In the book, Frodo just turns invisible, as Bilbo used to, when he puts the ring on. trance this may be attributed to the directors need to visually depict the trauma that Frodo goes through because of the

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Business Description For Students Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Description For Students - Case arena ExampleThe business get outing identify ways to advertise and promote customers in order to shorten competition and to be known widely. Several pricing strategies get out be used to determine the charge of different cars depending on size. Sales tactic will be adopted to increase the number of terminal sales. Being a sole proprietorship the business will be managed by the owner ,it will also employ other personnel with the required qualification they include the manager, cashier(accountant ), cleaners and general workers on that point will be recruitment and training programs for the employees .employees are to be fairly paid for them to be satisfied, incentives will be used in order to motivate the workers ,the business has acquired license, permit, and bylaws to run smoothly without government interruptions. requirement support service like banks, postal services, insurance and wellness services are included for blue-blooded run For business to run, various production facilities are to be purchased basing on the size and capacities required. The estimated amount of the machines counterbalance the is$ 1.3 million .the scanning machine at the entrance will be unique to ensure synthetic rubber and attract customers .the, monthly labour in terms of wages and salaries is to be $50000 .the business will put on various rules and regulation that will affect the business from running smoothly such as health regulation and operation time The operation cost for the business is to be$ 27500 and the working capital will total to 56000 the projected cash flow statement for the year shows the total sales for the Year to be $482580 the purchases are 1415000.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Media Bias in War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media Bias in War - judge ExampleThe media which include print and electronic means of communication such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the internet are not immune from such overarching impact of warfare. In particular, when their own people, ethnic groups, and countries are voluminous in the war, war reporters and media organizations can hardly remain un twineed unless they are prepared to be called un-American and get demonized Actually, war affects media organizations and their war reporters more than many otherwise segments of warring societies. War reporters have to accumulate news from the dangerous frontlines where many them lose their lives every year at the hand of wholeness or the other party to war. If a reporter is killed by one side deliberately or accidently, media organizations and the public, by of spontaneous human instinct, often blame the killers and their side and project them in a bad light. steady when a war has not directly affected reporters and media outlets in such fashion, it influences them directly or indirectly in so many other ways. For instance, the death or deployment of a relative or companion in the frontline and disruption of their own plans, like a much-coveted trip, due to war business leader dilute the disinterest of reporters. When war affects individuals personally, their first instinctive reaction would be to blame the party that they perceive guilty of starting line the war and causing them hardships. So much so that human beings blame the boulder when they stumble on it and hurt themselves rather that blaming themselves for not taking caution to avoid hitting it. Besides, so many other factors also often influence reporters and dilute their objectivity and neutrality. Such factors include personal cerebrate, philosophical conviction, media organizations care and motto, cultural connections, geographical proximity, conditions in which reporting is done, sympathy for the underdog, etc. Individual reporters, due to their personal links to one of the parties to war or ethical and philosophical conviction, office have their own angles and biases to view a war or the parties engaged in it. For instance, one of the parties to war could be their ancestral country that occupies a special place in their heart. Reporters might also have a soft corner for one country more than other because of their experience or because of what they have read or been told by seniors and friends. Philosophically, they could innately be pro-war or anti-war. An anti-war reporter would begin by blaming the party that has started the war, even though there might have been sufficient underlying provocation from the other party. Confronted with the duty of war reporting, reporters first instinct would be to apply their ingrained bias based on their links, acquired wisdom and conviction and assign the blame on the perceived bad guy. Even the most dedicated and honest journalist cannot be free fro m these elements of bias in war reporting. Rational decisions of individual war reporters and other media players collectively put out lies, half-truths and disinformation that encourages war and discourages conflict resolution (Russ-Mohl). This explains why different reporters come up with different narratives for the same event. Such differences might also occur due to the motto, mission and orientation of media organization

The elements of a Validated Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The elements of a Validated Contract - Essay patternA proposal is an act when a person wants to do something or abstain from and sh ares this thought or idea to someone, thinking or wanting that spliticular person to act or think in the same way. An allow is a promise that bounds a person keeping in nous that all the terms and conditions are disclosed and accepted as well. It means that there must(prenominal) be acceptance of exactly what has been offered as a proposal. This is the first step towards making a contract. Such a proposal or offer when accepted, it becomes a promise. All these actions are based on the tendency to make a profound relationship. Generally, there is not any intension to make a wakeless relationship in daily routine harmonys. However, for a validated contract, the engagement or acceptance must be on legal bases. A person who made an offer can withdraw the offer that has been made before it is accepted. To make the withdrawal successful, the person who has proposed the offer, should converse with the other society and inform them in clear terms that the offer has been withdrawn, and it doesnt exists anymore. Similarly the acceptance must be made and communicated to the offerer. ... An agreement without consideration is considered to be void. Consideration stands as the cause or reason of the promise. Consideration is an essential part of a contract. Consideration is also termed as object. The object must be lawful for agreement to be called as contract. As long as consideration exists, the law does not question almost its fairness and capacity. Without this, an agreement is not acceptable or it is not treated as a valid contract. The consideration should not be illegal or impossible to perform by any of the deuce parties involved. A consideration is unlawful if it is forbidden by law, fraudulent and the courts declared it as immoral act. A promise is always made in return of a promise. That promise must be estimable and law ful. 3. Legal Capacity There are some restrictions regarding entrance into a valid contract. It is necessary for two the parties of the contract to be completely able to respond to the contract. Both parties must be proficient of ledger entry the contract and in case they are not able to handle the contract, then the agreement get out not lead to a valid contract. Each party must be fully awake(predicate) of all the rules and restrictions. Also it should be experienced enough to deal with the contract. In terms of law, a party should be of age of majority and sound mind. These words clearly mean that parties must be mature enough for the contract. There are mentioned some groups of people which involve a problematic take and are dealt in a separate way under specifies rules for them. Such groups consists people like bankrupts, prisoners, corporations those who are mentally impaired. Capacity and consent of these people are brought into consideration while discussing such cases. 4. A legal purpose In our daily life, we