Friday, December 27, 2019

Making A Coffee Shop At A Dutch Bros - 1167 Words

When you first arrive at a Dutch Bros. Coffee Company location, it is usually slightly overwhelming, especially if you are used to the typical coffee shop atmosphere; a cozy indoor place to sit in peace and quiet while you sip your preferred drink. The line of cars at the drive-thru only coffee shop is typically long, since it is such a popular place, and the initial thought is that you will encounter a long wait, annoyed employees, and thoughtlessly made drinks. What else could you expect with such a small building and a multitude of customers waiting in line? Dutch Bros. is anything but your typical coffee shop, so all of these assumptions, while accurate for some places, are completely off base for this particular company. If you are looking for a coffee shop that is convenient, offers a high level of customer service, and has specialty items such as White Coffee, you need look no further than your local Dutch Bros coffee shop. Brothers Dane and Travis Boersma opened their first Dutch Bros. coffee shop as a travelling temporary location in Grants Pass, Oregon in 1992. The pair sold their espresso from a push cart throughout Grants Pass until they were able to open their first permanent location. Over the years the company has spread across the Western United States, and now has over 250 franchise locations in Oregon, California, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona (Reid). Now the company commits itself to helping the communities that they are partShow MoreRelatedIs Bloomington A Traditional Democratic College Town?1721 Words   |  7 PagesBloomington is a traditional Democratic college town. The city limits are filled with farming cooperatives, community bike shops, farmers markets, and non-franchised coffee shops. It’s shops like these that help define Bloomington from any other city in America. But what do these coffee shops mean in other parts of the United States? 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Healing Power of Music Essay - 3135 Words

In December of 1992, David Ott’s father was dying of cancer. On Christmas Eve morning he went into a coma. The family gathered in the small hospital room knowing that their beloved husband and father would not be with them long. Since it was Christmas Eve, carolers were going through the hospital quietly singing. As they walked past the room singing â€Å"Silent Night†, a single tear fell across the comatose man’s cheek. His family stated that after seeing him just lay there all day without moving, that the single tear was his way of telling them goodbye. Ott stated that â€Å"music can go where words cannot† (Griffen). Research shows that music is to the brain as physical exercise is to the human body. Some form of exercise is necessary for a†¦show more content†¦While there are medications that can be taken to help relieve depression, it may not be the best option. Medication does not always work for everyone. One thing that can cure depression is music. The greatest things about music is that to â€Å"take advantage of musics healing power, you dont need to take a prescription to your local music store† (Harrar). There is not a specific song that can be â€Å"prescribed† to help relieve depression. Music that creates happy memories and positive emotions is what are needed, which means the music used will be different depending on the person. Stress and anxiety are also very common emotions that can easily be relieved through music. In a study at the University of Limerick, pregnant women listened to, or were taught lullabies that had a tempo between 60 and 80 beats per measure. The purpose of this exercise was to help relieve stress since â€Å"medical treatment is not always suitable because of concerns that taking medication may harm the baby† (Hayes). The purpose of the slow tempo is to help calm the mind. One woman who participated stated that when she was going through labor she focused on some of the lullabies that she had learned in the classes. She felt that focusing on those songs really helped her stay calm through the birthing process and she did not feel as stressed as she could have felt (Hayes). Even though music can relieve stress, it can also be a causing factor. A majorityShow MoreRelatedThe Healing Power Of Music1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe Healing Power of Music The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, defines Alzheimer’s as being the most common form of dementia, occurring in 60% to 80% of people suffering from symptoms of dementia (Clair Tomaino, 2016). The foundation also states that it is an irreversible disease that progresses over time, destroying cognitive functions such as: memory, learning, and language skills. Furthermore it may alter behaviors and mood, cause disorientation, as well as agitation (Clair TomainoRead MoreThe Healing Power Of Music1863 Words   |  8 PagesThe Healing Power Of Music Music has survived throughout the course of human history because it has always been such a huge part of the human life. Music allows us to feel joy, sadness and fear. It can bring us pleasure, express what we cannot express in words. In fact, no matter what culture, race, or ethnicity you will find music is always present and contains an important role in society. Not only does music affect your mind but it effects our bodies as well. Music can aid in recallingRead MoreThe Healing Power of Music Essay960 Words   |  4 PagesHowever, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod. Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not completely alleviate the need for drugs, its possible that music therapy could accompany medical drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by patients. In order to understand how music can affect the body and mind, one needs to understand the composition of sound itselfRead MoreThe Healing Power of Music Essay1350 Words   |  6 PagesIn definition, music therapy is, â€Å"the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals† (American Music Therapy). Music has been an element of the human psyche since early ancestors fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of waves lapping against the shore and awoke to singing birds at daybreak. Theories on music therapy trace back to ancient Egypt where it was called the â€Å"physic of soul† in other words, a healing power (Podolsky). It gained resurgence during WorldRead MoreGreek God Apollo Research Paper1689 Words   |  7 Pagestrust who excelled and supported all of the fine arts of the Greek civilization such as music, art, and poetry (God Apollo). One of the most underestimated traits of Apollo was his healing powers, in which he helped out many Greeks in desperate times, like the Trojan War (Cartwright). The Greek God Apollo was the most influential among Greek people because of his recognition for music, the truth, and healing powers. Apollo was born on the Greek island of Delios, from his parents Zeus and Leto (Regula)Read More†¢ Dance, whether it’s publicly or privately. †¢ Listen to music that the patients loved listening1200 Words   |  5 Pages†¢ Dance, whether it’s publicly or privately. †¢ Listen to music that the patients loved listening to before. Even if the therapist doesn’t think it’s the best music choice for the goal that day, it most certainly could be because of the familiar memories it brings back to the client. Know that perceptual modifications can change the way patients hear music. If they say it sounds terrible, listen to their judgment and turn it off. †¢ Attend different types of concerts and venues, giving contemplationRead MoreGratitude And Gratitude1708 Words   |  7 PagesIn this essay will highlight all the areas of study and practice learned in the topics; gratitude, forgiveness, laughter, humor, guided imagery, meditation music with and without lyrics, rhythm, tone, color, chakras, synchronicity, integrative health and integrative healing group sessions. Gratitude can be defined as being grateful about an aspect or several aspects of life. Gratitude is a character that should rather be practiced on a daily routine. It can be very easy to request gratitude theoreticallyRead MoreThe Effect of Music in Students775 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Music is an important and extremely useful tool in the way we learn and to deny its power is a waste of a truly wonderful resource† (Kristian David Olson). Many researches have shown that music can have an affect on a variety of different conditions, including; ones’ education, social connection, and mental healing. Educationally, music can prepare your brain for superior achievements. In effect, this can cause a better understanding of mathematics and language skills or abilities. Socially, musicRead MoreEffects of Music on the Mind1350 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Music on the Mind The study of how music affects the mind has been a subject of interest for many. The interconnection between music and the physical and mental health of human beings has been researched on since long. Research has concluded that music does have positive effects on our mind. It has the power of healing certain ailments. Indian classical music has been found to have the strongest healing powers. Music has a calming effect on the mind. It is known to speed the recoveryRead MoreEssay about Alternative Methods of Healing: Music Therapy1561 Words   |  7 PagesAlternative methods of healing have been utilized by non-western medicine for generations. The use of acupuncture to heal everything from seasickness to muscle soreness is well documented and widely used. Physical therapy is often a precursor to surgery and many times will prevent the need to undergo a more invasive procedure. A lesser-known form of alternative healing but becoming more popular is music therapy. In the late 18t h century, scientists began to investigate the effects of music on the human

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Characterization of George Milton free essay sample

George Milton is a protagonist from the book Of Mice and Men. George Milton is a quick-witted man who is Lennies guardian, best friend and protector. George’s physical description is described as â€Å"quick of face with restless eyes and sharp strong features†. Through the main character George Milton, John demonstrates his naturalistic ideals and belief in Determinism. He is illustrated by being a rational, caring and trustworthy person whose static characterization throughout the novel. George symbolizes the migrant worker’s way of life. He leads a nomadic existence, moving from ranch to ranch to find work. The only thing that keeps him going is his dream of owning his own ranch, although deep down he knows it is only an illusion and will never actually happen. He represents a responsible common man who takes care of another common man that has disabled with living life and reaches their dream together. We will write a custom essay sample on Characterization of George Milton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like most caregivers, George was extremely nice and caring to Lennie, most of the time. Miltons rationality and concern for Lennie urges him to compel Lennie to remove the aged mouse from his pocket only because he knows that it is not healthy for him to be carrying it around. He would lose patience at times and ramble about what a hardship it was to drag Lennie everywhere. He needs Lennie’s friendship to stave off his major fear, which is loneliness. He is loyal to Lennie because he knows that he is an innocent but outwardly his attitude is one of intolerance. George has a strong understanding of the possibilities in a situation and, as Lennie’s self-appointed protector, he has to think and plan for him too. But deep down it was clear that their relationship was something they both needed. Georges personality often reflects both anger and understanding. He is the one who thinks things through and considers how their goals can be reached. George’s distinguishing personality traits, which he displays in the book, are compassion, cleverness and idealism. George faces various challenges throughout the novel, and Steinbeck’s vivid descriptions made his character come to life. George’s compassion played a major role in helping him overcome his challenges.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Beginning Of The End For The Postal Monopoly Essays

The Beginning of the End for the Postal Monopoly The Beginning of the End for the Postal Monopoly The Postal Service has been a government agency since 1775, and since 1872 it has been illegal for anyone but government employees to deliver a letter. Because of this and many other reasons, the USPS is a prevalent example of a government-controlled monopoly. The United States Postal Service is the largest postal service in the world. With over 800,000 employees (778,171 being part-time lobbyists), it is the US's largest employer. In the past few years, the Postal Service's profits have risen and productivity has declined. This essay will discuss why this is happening, and look deeper into the government-controlled monster that is the Postal Service. In the 1980's, few scholars focused on the Postal Service, and today there are many. This is because of all of the controversial issues that have been discovered regarding it. The USPS handles over 43% of the world's mail volume, and Japan is in second with 6%. The USPS is also the largest airline shipper in the United States. The USPS delivers about 102 billion pieces of first class mail every year, and 20% of these letters arrive late. The average household gets 24 pieces of first-class mail every week, so almost 5 of these every week arrive late. In New York City in 1998, only 52% of the mail were delivered on time. Swimming champion Mary Meager had her parents send her the 2 gold medals that she won in the Olympics; the medals vanished when her parents sent them via USPS Express Mail. Why are these facts so appalling? Most of it can be blamed on the unproductive postal workers. Postal workers, who are considered unskilled, make over $35,000 a year, and that number keeps increasing. These are very high wages for an unskilled worker. The workers also waste a considerable amount of time. A survey by the Postal Inspection service discovered that the average letter carrier wasted 1 hours every day. Basically, 23% of all postal workers time is unproductive. A GAO study found that the average worker takes 50 days of paid leave every year. And sometimes, mail sent with the USPS doesn't even get delivered. There are numerous stories of Postal employees stealing mail. For instance, in Chicago, 2,300 lbs. of undelivered mail were discovered at a postal worker's home. Once in Rhode Island, 94,000 letters were found buried at a letter carrier's home. A Colorado carrier was arrested after 3 tons of undelivered mail was found at his home. These are just a few of the stories of the workers keeping mail as their own. And some undelivered mail isn't even because of employees stealing mail. During the 1970's, the CIA opened mail routinely. The reason behind this is because of the spying going on at this time between the U.S. and Russia, but this is still unnecessary. A Postal Inspection Service audit found properly addressed mail dumped in the trash at 76% of the Post Offices visited. This number is completely unnecessary and uncalled-for. At USPS headquarters, there are 11 members of the board and 50 economists, accountants, and lawyers on the commission. With all of these workers, you would think that the service wouldn't be having problems like this. The Postmaster General is the head of the service. The current Postmaster General is Marvin T. Runyon. Former Postmaster General William Henderson had this to say about the Postal monopoly: "...I believe that the Postal monopoly will not last forever." Hopefully, he is right. According to Henderson, one in every 200 letters is delayed or missorted. In 1970, the USPS created the Postal Reorganization Act, trying to be redeemed. This was when the service officially became the United States Postal Service. Before that, it was just the Post Office. This Act had limited accomplishments. When the service was losing vast amounts of money in 1979, there was talk of privatizing it, but nothing pulled through. Many people hope that the service would once again consider privatization. If the Postal Service did privatize, it would be the tenth largest company in the U.S. The USPS attempted reorganization again in 1983, and once more in 1993. Both attempted reorganizations failed miserably. The Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) codes were introduced 1990's; this code added 4 non-required digits, for 9 in all. Since 1958, the price of a postage stamp has increased in 1963. In the early by 825%, and in the last 20 years, that price has increased by 18 cents. On January 10, 1999, postage rates for non-profit organizations increased by

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today Essay Example For Students

There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today Essay There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today. Most of the problems refer back to the differences in the students that undergo the education system. Some of these students are handicapped, some are not motivated either at home or by themselves, and some have learning disabilities. The world of learning disabilities is large and seems to receive the least amount of attention. Learning disabilities are apparent in some children while in others they remain hidden. One example of a learning disability exists in children that speak languages different from English, which is spoken the most in schools today. We will write a custom essay on There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Children that speak different languages seem to have the most trouble in math because their memory works differently, their organizational skills are different and they lack the symbolic understanding that English speaking children possess. Psychologists have also found that there is a link to children with language disabilities, their mathematical skills, and their reading skills. This is especially seen in word problems. When solving story problems, children must understand complex language and solve problems presented in meaningful contexts. Jordan p. 569 The most apparent problem found amongst children that are language impaired is their symbolic understanding. This weakness is also found amongst children with other disabilities. The main problem with symbolic understanding is that the children do not seem to realize that things can stand for other things. They may fail to come to terms with the notion that one coin can stand for two other coins Grauberg p. 3 It is understood that children with a problem with symbolic understanding most likely suffer from other learning disabilities. Such children are most probably learning-impaired in a wider sense, but they are often found in special language units and in special schools for children with language impairments. Grauberg p. 3 Children who seem to have the most problems with symbolic understanding are the ones that are known as being semantic or pragmatic. These types of children are able to use the symbols that are numbers and letters. However, they can only use them as they learned them causing the children to be unable to see the symbols as constructs which, only stand for a meaning. In general, such children will have difficulty in applying acquired number skills to new situations. Grauberg p. 4 Some children with very large problems in language development seem to just give up on learning mathematical skills at a very early age. Here the problem of teacher interaction becomes a problem because if the teachers do not spend a lot of time helping and introducing the concepts of symbols to these students at very young ages the students will give up at fail at math later in the future. These children tend to become distracted very easily by their surroundings. Another problem found in the symbolic understanding is that the children may know a counting system very different to the one that they are learning at their present school. The confusion of the two number systems can be extremely large. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦children will have difficulty in accommodating their own, more global and non-verbal working symbol systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Grauberg p. 6 There are ways to help these children with learning mathematics. First, one must begin by concentrating on the cardinal aspect to numbers. Here the relationship between linguistic form and the content in small and simple. Some suggest working with terms that are in relation to numbers and amounts such as a little or a few. Before precisely specified quantities like three or four are introduced, it may be useful to work with large nonspecific quantities. Grauberg p. 9 The next step is to have the child associate specific amounts to the numbers such as five apples or seven shirts. Then, one should introduce the written symbols to the children. Some specialists believe that children should write the number and understand that before they speak the number. They suggest that the children will become familiar with the notion that a quantity can be labeled in writing Grauberg p15. Another issue that children with language developmental problems have is organization. The problem of organization relates itself to the other problems found in the children. A child with added language difficulties will have even greater problems because the strategy of talking a problem through while solving it- essential for most of us when organizing a problem solving situation- will not come naturally to him. Grauberg p. 61 Much like children with problems having to do with symbiotic understanding the children with organizational problems will be learning impaired in a much larger sense because while they may look or act as though they understand their work shows that they do not. Teachers can also use patterns to help them learn the symbols. The patterns strategy requires students to examine sequences of numbers or geometrical objects in search of some rul e that will allow them to extend the sequence indefinitely. Thomas p. 204 .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .postImageUrl , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:hover , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:visited , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:active { border:0!important; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:active , .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u225cdddb0af72c9ae4d6a751cbd9c89c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Abuse EssayChildren who have problems with organizational skills have many features. The features are impulsiveness, lack of concentration, clumsiness, and lack of spatial ability. The impulsiveness is seen when the children continue to test their parents or teachers patience. They will not look further into given information, and they can not sort out the relevant from the irrelevant information. Just as in problems in symbolic understanding if the child does not understand the information or process it quickly enough they begin to show signs of a lack of concentration. Children so clumsiness because research has shown that children with a lack of organization physical movements seem slow and they appear to have no rhythm. This results in untidiness and a lack of clarityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Grauberg p. 62. Children with this issue have problems with math because they have problems sequencing, halving, sharing, and classifying the numbers. Children need to learn how to explore the various possibilities of grouping in order to make more efficient decisions having to do with organizing themselves. The main problem within the organizational problem is trying to sort out word problems. The relations between the numbers and words must be understood before the problem itself can be solved. Word problems are very complex even at the easiest level. some knowledge is needed in at least three different areas: the specific aspect of life in which the story takes place, the mathematical procedures that can be applied to the problem, and the logic and language of the story Grauberg p. 81. The area of spatial organization seems to be the hardest to teach children. There are serious doubts about methods and transfer and there seems to be very little information about the frequency and severity with which spatial disability occurs Grauberg p. 101. Spatial ability is the ability to see and understand the relationships between shapes, spaces, or areas. This area can be noticed in the childs early years as they play with toys dealing with shapes and placing. When dealing with word problems a t eacher should analyze the problem out loud. This allows the child to hear the breakdown of the word problem. Teachers should explain their thinking as they test the choice of schema and algorithm. Thomas p. 202 The final area that effects children with language impairments is memory. Early research on children with MD suggested that they were deficient in two areas of mathematical cognition: retrieval of number facts and the ability to solve story problems. Jordan p. 1 This area is directly related to organization. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦memory is organized and structured, and the more efficiently it is organized, the more successfully it will function Grauberg p. 124. Therefore if more problems lye in the childs organizational skills then more problems are bound to exist in their memory. There are at least two parts to a persons memory, long-term memory and short-term memory. Long-term memory has an unlimited amount of storage space however; one can not always recall what they are looking for from the storage space. What makes a teachers job so difficult with regards to long term memory is that all of the organization that goes on in the long term memory is done in a very personal way so, when recalling information it can be difficult to recall exact specifics. Learning matter can be offered in a way that the teacher considers well-organized and therefore likely to be remembered and easily produced, but it is by no means certain that all children will accept the organization and store it accordingly in their long-term memory. Grauberg p. 127 Short-term memory can also be called primary memory. It holds what we need for the present. Unfortunately the information that is stored in short term memory can very easily thrown away. Its content, supported by consciousness, can be easily accessed, altered and worked with; but, as the name suggests, any information stored in it is liable to fade away quickly. Grauberg p. 127 .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .postImageUrl , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:visited , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:active { border:0!important; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:active , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Odyssey Themes EssayThe short-term memory is also called the working memory because there is always room for more information. While memory might cause difficulty to language impaired children some feel as though it is not a prominent feature in these children others feel that the children can not seen to escape it. A weak memory I not a feature that is peculiar to children with language difficulties. Grauberg p. 130 Many teachers seem to complain that their students memory is their largest problem. One does not need to have been teaching a long time in a school with language impaired children to find that anchoring facts in long-term memory takes a lot of targeted effort; that the number of times which can be held in working memory is low, and that word-finding problems among the children are widespread and severe. Grauberg p. 130 The main problem that lies in children with language impairments is that they seem to have difficulties with vocabulary and auditory tests appear low. In reference to long-term memory and the childrens mathematical skills the children seems to have the most problem with learning to count. These difficulties may occur for a long time which, can affect all further number work. The children can not recall what certain numbers amount to and they have to keep learning the equation while normal children learn these amounts quicker. Short-term memory however, brings up other problems with mathematical skills. Children seem to have problems with all mental arithmetic. They will not be able to keep a number question in mind while they hear it, let alone while they think about it. Grauberg p. 131 Numerical problems in either written or oral form will give the children problems this is because they often forget the beginning before they get to the end. Following instructions is also a problem for children with language disabilities. The information that the teachers are looking for is unavailable to the students so they can not provide it fo r the teachers. While some of the first problems that occur with children who have difficulties with symbolic understanding share those problems that children with memory problems have. However, these problems are made worse by those with memory problems. Children with memory deficits may experience the same problems, but they are made worse because the children find it hard to remember the names of first numbers and, more importantly, they find it hard to remember the names in the right sequence. Grauberg p. 133 Much like the other problems that exist in these children the problem of memory can be helped. One has to realize that in both forms of retrieval problems help can only be very indirect; the child needs to learn strategies for self-help. Grauberg p. 160 of course this solution is easier said then done. The main idea is to turn a difficult free recall into a simpilier easier cued recall. This new cued recall can also be called recognition. Making up cue games is also a good way to help. The child can begin to recognize the numbers through their associations in the games. As seen above there are many problems within the educational system that seem to go unadvised. The main problems that occur in children with language disabilities are symbolic understanding, lack of organizational skills, and poor memory skills. These problems can be helped if teachers and parents are willing to put in the time and effort.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

So You Just Got Fired. Now What

So You Just Got Fired. Now What Even if it wasn’t your fault, getting fired can be a traumatic experience. Here are 8 steps you can take to ensure you bounce back. 1. Take a momentSulk. Set yourself a time limit- a week or less- and throw yourself a pity party. Wear sweatpants and have ice cream for breakfast and grieve for the job you lost. Feel all the feels and then cut yourself off and get back on that horse.2. Stop Facebook stalkingNo good can come of you and social media right now. You’ll only compare your current situation to everyone else’s apparently devastating success- the constant feed full of fancy promotions and careers, even marriages and babies. Remember that your current situation does not define the scope of your life or career and take a breather from all the bragging of your network.3. Open the windowThe door is closed. That sucks. But now you get to find the window. There will always be a window. Reframe how you’re looking at this loss, and turn it into a gain. What do you now have the freedom to pursue? Figure that out and go get it.4. Soul searchYou’ve turned the positivity corner. Now you’re strong enough to examine what you may have done wrong- or failed to do really well- so you can prevent that from happening again. This could be a valuable learning experience for you. Even if you learn that you just picked a rotten company at a rotten time. Figure out how you can make yourself a better worker having learned where your performance was perhaps not perfect.5. Take it on the chinAsk former coworkers you trust how they view the situation. Ask them to give you straight-up, honest feedback, then listen to what they have to say. Don’t argue. Just take in their view and examine it in the comfort of your own home. Ask yourself what you can take away from what they said in order to do better next time.6. Make a planNow that you’ve learned more about your weaknesses (and are starting to feel that sneaky despair again), it ’s time to get back into the positive and proactive realm. Make a plan for improving each thing on your newfound list of faults, whether major or minor. Turn all of this difficult feedback into a new set of goals you can work at, reach, and celebrate.7. Get physicalNever underestimate the endorphin rush of exercise. Or the confidence you’ll gain from realizing your bod is getting hotter by the day. Your self-esteem will thank you.8. Be gratefulWrite a thank you note. Or ten. To your former boss, your colleagues. Most importantly, to your former supervisor for the opportunity and the things you learned from them. You’ll never know when you might cross paths again.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

You can choose a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

You can choose a topic - Essay Example of such values is the assigning and instilling of traditional gender roles among children, which is the typical parenting norm within the mainstream girl/ boy dichotomy. However, another form of parenting, known as gender neutral parenting (GNP), shifts focus away from categorizing children into specific genders basing only on their biological sex, allowing them to find their own spots of comfort on the gender continuum. In that sense, parents should raise their children in gender-neutral homes where kids can construct their own identities because parents have the most influence over their children’s lives and have a responsibility to educate children. Because children mimic their parents’ behavior, parents are best placed to influence them towards gender neutrality. Children begin mimicry at birth, but by the time they are one year old, it turns into true imitation, which means they imitate with intent (Zentall, 2006). They will observe and process information conveyed through their parents’ behavior, and since they already understand that such behavior has significance, they will copy it. In that way, gender neutrality can be imparted on them. Gender neutrality in parenting pertains to not referring to any one particular sex, which means that boys and girls are brought up the same. The most basic indicators of GNP include allowing boys to play with toys and girls to play with toys usually associated with boys, and not emphasizing on gender by way and type of dressing. Parents, therefore, should make the homes in which they raise their children gender-neutral. It is significant for parents to acknowledge that GNP is not aimed at abolishing female or male concepts and creating a genderless world. Rather, its underlying objective is not to force any predetermined gender standards onto children. It simply provides that a child’s identity should not be suppressed by the parents, which is usually the case when children are restricted to traditional gender

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Report assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report assignment - Essay Example Body: 76 expectant mothers have been interviewed for this survey. They were asked to describe Honey bear in one word that first come to their mind. 57 of the responded used negative adjectives such as â€Å"depressed†, â€Å"gloomy†, etc. to describe the honey bear; however only 8 responded positively used the words like â€Å"cute†, â€Å"appealing†, etc. The result of the survey clearly indicates that not all the people find Honey bear appealing. It is true that they were considered attracted way back in the 90’s but in modern age there is a need of changing the so called authentic image of the Honey bear. The graphic design department needs to make it more attractive by changing its shape and adding more colors to it or at least changing its position and introducing more poses. When the interviewees were asked that what can be done by the firm to make the honey bear more attractive they suggested to add more colors and add more poses. Now it is the responsibility of the graphic design department as well as the marketing department to work in collaboration on the design of the honey bear, based on the result that has been extracted from the interviewing the expecting mothers. As the mothers are the target market for the children’s clothing and bedding; therefore their opinion matters a lot as they will also be the potential buyers of the product. The result of the survey is clear. The audience wants innovation in the design. They want it to be more colorful as the children get attracted to such thing (Lascurain). Closing: the graphic design department needs to understand the fact that people no longer gets attracted to the old designs. If they will be using the old cartoon they must add new characteristics and innovative features to make it more interesting and make it more appealing in the eyes of the customers. The graphic

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

2 - Essay Example In 2009, the poverty rose to over fourteen percent, which was the highest since 1993. In 2008, the poverty rates reduced to about thirteen percent. Generally, since 1980s, the poverty rates in U.S have been higher compared to the other wealthy nations (Hefner 7). Currently, California has over twenty percent of the poverty rate, which is the largest in all the States of America. In 2009, the poverty rates were approaching the levels of 1960s, which prompted the war against the poverty in America. In2011, the poverty levels in children, reached record high levels with over sixteen millions of children living in poverty. In 2013, the UNICEF records showed that U.S was ranked second with the highest child poverty levels among the developed nations. As at January 2009, over six hundred thousand sheltered and unsheltered people were homeless in the nation. Close to two-thirds stayed in the transitional housing program, and the emergency shelter and there are three were waiting in the stre ets. In 2008, over one million people of the America’s population were using transitional or emergency housing program and in2009 there were about forty-four percent of the employed people who were homeless. The America’s poor population has a lot that they offer in the nation building. However, the poor have been neglected in many ways, and their recognition has been assumed on many occasions, they have an alt of wealth of ideas that can be of critical importance in the nations growth. According to the article â€Å"born poor and smart,† refers to the mother who was destitute but she had brain wealthy. The woman never did things that were done by the poor counterparts. The woman had self-believe her and never allowed anyone to demean her due to her social class. In another article by Matt Yglesias, it addresses the concern of the equality between the poor and the rich (Yglesias 23). It illustrates that the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Individual Freedom And Rights

Individual Freedom And Rights Is it most important to value ones own life, happiness and interest or to obey the higher authority of the state? This statement raises the question of the individuals freedom and rights in comparison to the states control over individuals life. In this paper I will be arguing against Socrates and Confucius view of placing the state ahead of the individual. This paper is constructed along my line of defense which looks at the issues and arguments around the individual freedom and rights. This argument largely dwells on the concept of freedom from Socratic and Confucius philosophy, Christianity and individual freedom and also modern/postmodern thinking on this subject. The concept of freedom and rights in ancient Greek Philosophy Socrates and Confucius are two major philosophers who tried to develop the relationship between the individual freedom, rights and the state control (Philosophy study guide). According to Beck both Confucius and Socrates lived in cultures where hereditary privilege was the main factor in social status. Neither of them was extremely high-born, but they certainly were not peasants either (Beck 2010:14) .Socrates contributed much on political discussion, he did not engage in political career. He was so much concerned with how state laws were implemented in city life style, which determined a healthy relationship between the citizens and the state. However, this relationship should not be forced or coerced on them rather it should come naturally. Both Socrates and Confucius teachings were meant to prepare men for the world of politics. This is why they both stressed the value and importance of ideals and portrayed the ideal state in the midst of various prevailing governments which were far from perfect. They criticized their unjust practices and diagnosed their problems. Socrates seems to have gone into more detail in delineating the different types of government (Beck 2010:7). But Confucius went further by teaching about the importance of self control and temperature. It taught about the ideals of social controls and proper behavior. Beck maintains that for Socrates and the Greeks personal behavior was focused more on the individual as his own responsibility of self-discipline and did not extend so strongly into the social milieu. The rules of propriety were designed to bring harmony in relationships, while temperance is concerned with the harmony within the individual (Beck 2010:5 ).This shows how individual freedom and rights played an important role in the mind of the Greeks. Of course, the State is important but too is individual liberty. However, both men emphasized the need for advancement of knowledge. This knowledge is to be taught in schools and public places. Confucian philosophy it today, being practiced in Japan, Korea and China. It puts much emphasis on learning and educational values but imitating the master teachers words and deeds. Education is therefore, being used to correct some unbecoming behavior from the ethical perspectives (Philosophy study guide). The ideals of Confucius philosophy has been translated into human behavior and values in the Far eastern societies. Taking the lessons from the Socratic and Confucius ideology, this philosophy emphasizes the need to practice virtue and temperature at all times, thus avoiding friction and rash actions (Beck, 2010). Christianity and individual rights Christianity was born in Palestine at the time of Roman colonial rule. The relationship between Christianity and the State was somewhat not healthy, as these two entities often collided both in principle and practice. Being a Roman Citizen at the time would incorporate many responsibilities and roles which one needed to follow. However, the Romans were considered to be atheists for their insistence on emperor worship. Roman Citizens were commanded by the law to publicly follow and worship the cultic figures that represented the Roman gods. This worship was characterized through private and public worship and giving of sacrifices (Stumbaugh Balch, 1996) in special places and temples. However, for many years intellectuals and philosophers began to question this cultic worship. Roman Citizens were required to perform some rituals, prayers and sacrifice to company their worship. Through this worship all citizens were obliged to affirm their allegiance to the emperor. Christians refused to follow the demands of the state to follow the worship of demi gods of Roman religions. As a result, this refusal led to the persecution of Christians who insisted in worshipping their only God and Lord Jesus Christ. Christians decided to live in different set of life style which is different from the religious institutions of the Roman Empire and its social environment. This shows the unhealthy relationship between the state and the church. This forced the Apostle Paul to address the issue of obeying the state laws and control in the Romans Chapter 13. The divine right of rulers has been disputed and discussed over the years. The question often asked is whether Christians are obliged to follows state laws and regulations. How far should Christians go to obey the laws of the state even when it is against their religion? For many years, Christian theologians and theologians have tried to grapple with the concept of the State and the Church. There are those who believe that the Church and State are mere sides of the same coin and therefore, Church leaders should be involved inn the affairs of the State. This view was largely developed by theologians such as Martin Luther, Zwingli and John Calvin (Stumbaugh Balch, 1996). It is through this theological thought that led to State Churches such as the Church of England and Lutheran Churches that are commonly found in the Scandinavian countries. On the other hand, there are those theological views which holds that Church is supreme over the State because it subscribes to the higher heavily powers. It is this divine authority which makes many churches to argue that they subjected to divine power and not state control. Those theologians who subscribes to this thought argue that the State is in subsidiary position to Church. Through out the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church view developed the notion that Church and State must be separate or remain separate entities. This thought also advocates that State and Church that must not just remain separate but is also independent of one another (Bramsted, 1978). Most of theologians hold the view that Church and State different entities and have different origins. The Church owes its origin and allegiance to God and therefore Christian followers need to express their allegiance from God. Whereas the State, is seen as the divine institution that has been put in place by God for human Society to exercise power and authority of human beings. However, the Church has no control over men, but can only appeal to their minds, hearts and consciences. As a result, those who have accepted to be under the rule of the Church must adhere to Cannon laws, rules and regulations (Stumbaugh Balch, 1996). In this case, the church would exercise authority over them, control their behavior patterns, thoughts and lives. The Church also has the power to correct, admonish or even discipline those who contrary to the rules of their faith. The concept of freedom and rights in modern European philosophy Modernity is considered to be the period between 1750 to late 1960s. The development of ideas in the western world is closely connected with the philosophical thoughts of their day. This period was associated with enlightenment thought often associated with scientific progress, technological advancement and industrial revolution. This new thinking permeated social thinking, values and relations. One those of those philosophers who contributed greatly to the development of enlightenment thinking in relation to individual freedom and rights were Jean Jacques Rousseau. Jean Jacques Rousseau, who lived between 1772 to 1778, is one of those philosophers who committed his life to follows the ideal of liberty during his political career. He followed the political line of republican persuasions and sympathized with the Republican ideals. He argued that the advent of western civilization corrupted the goodness of human nature (Friend, 2004). He emphasized that progress in the arts and sciences contributed to moral degeneration and the decay of modern societies. He argued that human beings existed because they live social groups that later produced inequality. And therefore, once people begins to live in fixed relations like social groups, the quest for freedom begins to emerge because they want to free themselves from social bondages and oppressive social contracts. Therefore, this is the beginning of social inequalities and oppressions. Concerning Civil Society, Rousseau argues that it was founded by the person or people who emerged by enclosing people in groups. Then it claimed ownership over the piece of land. Therefore, civil society has been used by individuals to justify and maintain relations in property, which is based on inequality and associated moral decays (Friend, 2004). However, although people have the will to choose what is right for them, it is important for everybody to set aside their own personal and ethno-cultural interests for the common good of others. Although, the concept of common goal is important, most scholars believe that it leads to a form of dictatorial leadership or authoritarian leadership. It also leads to dictatorship of the majority. The other European who developed this concept of the rights of man is Thomas Paine. He advocated for the rights of man theory was about the defense of the Principles of French Revolution. The other philosopher who contributed to the development of individual freedom was Thomas Pain. According to Paine, human beings are born with equal, human rights even though they do not live isolation with others in the society. Every human being has the right to live in freedom and enjoy the benefits of cooperation with others in the society. However, this is not often realized, in our societies because these principles are often violated because human beings are not perfect. They have imperfect and naturally deprived nature that always wants to do evil. Paine argued therefore, that the natural rights of all people can only be secured when people learn to deposit those rights which they cannot uphold as individual human beings. Nevertheless, the state has the overall of the individuals life especially when it comes to addressing the issues of violence against humanity. The state also has the overall rights over the protection against the harm of others. To him, it is only the state that has the mandate to ensure the stability of our societies. This means that a legitimate government must be based on the concept of people rule for the sake of the people (Friend, 2004). This type of government is what is often refereed to as democracy. It is only the democratic government that can be considered as a legitimate form of government which represents the rights of the people. Democratic governments are meant to defend and protect the rights of individual human beings and secure the security of all citizens (Bramsted, 1978). The concept of freedom and rights in the post modern world views Much of the western culture resulted from the matrix of the enlightenment period. It promoted the attitude of tolerance towards others and relative view towards belief of any time. The Enlightenment doctrine promoted then doctrine of individualism, purporting that individuals are free, emancipated and must act in autonomy. The basic principles democracy is based on the notion of government consent, in other words, it is about people centered government that is elected by people for the people. The power given to people derives from the electorates. The concept of individual rights to freedom has attracted lots criticism from the intellectual communities and philosophers. The Marxist philosopher argues that the rights of individual go contrary to social progress because they are not in line with cultural or historical relativity (Bramsted, 1978). Postmodernism rejected the enlightenment views that characterized much of then 18th to 19th century. Post modernism promoted the notion of pluralism, individualism and relativism. It rejected the notion of one blue print or overall dominant theme that dictates the thinking of man. Instead, it calls for the plural form of human relations. It opposes the notion of meta-narratives and calls for one many narratives in expanding human story. Contrary to the Enlightenment theory, post modernism attacks this concept of development or progress or the so called notion of forward match of history. Therefore, the principles of justice, freedom and rights in the postmodern world view are very much fragmented. It is also socially constructed depending on the social, economic, cultural and political contexts. The World western mostly exercise liberalism which is based on freedom and rights of individual human beings. This is why post modernism is often in loggerhead with modern enlightenment theor y (Bramsted 1978). However, the Liberal individualism which subscribes to Liberal democracy promotes the ideals of civil and political liberties. Civil liberty is big movement in the USA that pressures for the rights of Citizens. The theory of rights advocates for the rights of others and as well as their own. Such rights include life and liberty of others. This view has developed into human rights movement that taken centre stage in the world of politics advocating for universal human rights. Liberalism emphasizes the value of universal freedom and cosmopolitan citizenship. This view argues that individuals are allowed to display distinctive commitment to their personal lives but not to enforce them others. Civil liberties also argue that the government has no right to infiltrate into their personal lives. This means that we all have the rights to live a peaceful and free life without interference from the state (Bramsted, 1978). Personal Opinion Freedom is some thing which we all cherish and hold on to ideally. But individual freedom is something that is socially constructed. The concept of freedom has been misinterpret and misconceived. These views of freedom are erroneous in nature. Some people think that freedom is the absence of laws, regulation and restrictions. I have personally heard a teenager shouting back saying that they want to be free from their parents rules and regulations. Some even think that freedom is without anarchy or live a life without rules and regulations or rules. Many people and especially young people think that freedom is about living irresponsibility, without being responsible or being accountable to any body. For some people freedom is about the avoidance of work and obligation. This equates to laziness and being slack. But from my own understanding, freedom demands much of our time and work than when in bondage. When your are bound, you are well looked after by your captors for instance when you are in prison, it is the responsibility of the prison authorities to look after you. Further I have heard some people saying that freedom is retiring from responsibility. But is not true because one cannot separate freedom from responsibility these are two sides of the same coins. Indeed, some extend, say that freedom is about relaxation from social boundaries and rules, but this is misconception. One does have to relax because they are free. By and large, some even argue that freedom is being released from external control. They argue that it is about being left alone to do what they want or like without control from the parents, employers or even the government. Conclusion This paper has attempted to answer the question whether it most important to value ones own life, happiness and interest or to obey the higher authority of the state. It is question which address the question of individual freedom and rights. Individual freedom and rights are two concepts that are intertwined together. One cannot do without the other. The concept of freedom is often associated with being released from the external controls whereby one thinks that they are not held accountable or responsible to the others. These two views have been very contentious for many years as scholars contend with them. Beginning with the Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Confucius, individual freedom and rights were discussed in more details. These philosophers taught that although we are free agents were are still subjected to human control and governance. This means that we are still obliged to follow the rules and regulations of the state. However, the issue of obeying the state and its decrees is what caused much friction between the church and the state. For many years, the first century were persecuted by the Roman governments for now disobeying the emperors orders on cultic worship. This factor was taken board by theologians for many years latter as to whether the church is free from the powers of the state. This is also implied as to whether indeed Christians are free from following the rules and regulations ordered by the state. During the enlightenment period various thoughts began to emerge concerning the issue of individual freedom and right from modern Europe philosophers. These discourse produced further debates on liberalism, democracy and human rights. Following the end of modernity the postmodern paradigm began to emerge to give different views to those ones held by modernity thinkers. The post modern mind view argues that there is one met narratives, that we all have our stories of what is right and wrong, we should follow what is appropriate for us. I would not subscribe to any of these views but a mixture of both. I would like to argue that individual freedom is there, but we have to be accountable to what we do to others. Our concept of freedom, rights and happiness must be inline with the laws of our societies.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Farewell To Arms By Ernest Hemingway :: Free Essay Writer

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway present a contrast in personalities: in the ways they are playing opposite roles, in Catherines maturity and leadership and in Frederics immaturity and ineptness, and in the ways they view love. Frederic Henry is the narrorator and the protagonist in the novel. He is a former student of arcitecture of arcitecture who has volunteered to join the Italian Army as an ambulance officer, because he could not speak Italian. He tries to find fulfillment in love following his injury and desertion of his army post. Catherine Barkley is an English nurse with whom Frederic Henry falls in love with. Catherine Barkley takes care of Henry physically and emotionally. Besides making love, Catherine cares for Frederic liek a mother cares for her child (Hays-52). Frederic Henry remains selfish despite his love for Catherine, and never comes close to the self sacrificing devotion that his friend, the prie st, characterizes as true love (Donaldson-56). When Frederic gets shot in the knee, Catherine is the nurse that takes care of him. When Frederic decides to desert his post, he leaves with Catherine. Frederic does not fall in love with Catherine when he starts telling her he loves her, it is not until later in the book that he finds the love for her in him. Although Catherine loves him with all she has, he does not realize the true meaning of love, at first, but yet still tells her that he does love her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A contrast in personalities is presented in the ways Frederic and Catherine are playing opposite roles in the relationship in the relationship. In a â€Å"normal† relationship between a man and a woman, the man is the one who takes care of the women and all that, but in this relationship it is reversed. Frederic is an ambulance officer for the Italian Army and Catherine is his nurse. Any time Frederic is injured, Catherine is there to help him out and care for him. Not only does Catherine take care of his physical state, but she also takes care of his emotional state. Whenever Frederic is feeling down, Catherine is there to cheer him up. Catherine maturely decides to make a commitment, to love someone who she knows does not love her back, and to take full reponsibility for her actions throughout, including the pregnancy that occurs (Hays-55). A Farewell To Arms By Ernest Hemingway :: Free Essay Writer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway present a contrast in personalities: in the ways they are playing opposite roles, in Catherines maturity and leadership and in Frederics immaturity and ineptness, and in the ways they view love. Frederic Henry is the narrorator and the protagonist in the novel. He is a former student of arcitecture of arcitecture who has volunteered to join the Italian Army as an ambulance officer, because he could not speak Italian. He tries to find fulfillment in love following his injury and desertion of his army post. Catherine Barkley is an English nurse with whom Frederic Henry falls in love with. Catherine Barkley takes care of Henry physically and emotionally. Besides making love, Catherine cares for Frederic liek a mother cares for her child (Hays-52). Frederic Henry remains selfish despite his love for Catherine, and never comes close to the self sacrificing devotion that his friend, the prie st, characterizes as true love (Donaldson-56). When Frederic gets shot in the knee, Catherine is the nurse that takes care of him. When Frederic decides to desert his post, he leaves with Catherine. Frederic does not fall in love with Catherine when he starts telling her he loves her, it is not until later in the book that he finds the love for her in him. Although Catherine loves him with all she has, he does not realize the true meaning of love, at first, but yet still tells her that he does love her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A contrast in personalities is presented in the ways Frederic and Catherine are playing opposite roles in the relationship in the relationship. In a â€Å"normal† relationship between a man and a woman, the man is the one who takes care of the women and all that, but in this relationship it is reversed. Frederic is an ambulance officer for the Italian Army and Catherine is his nurse. Any time Frederic is injured, Catherine is there to help him out and care for him. Not only does Catherine take care of his physical state, but she also takes care of his emotional state. Whenever Frederic is feeling down, Catherine is there to cheer him up. Catherine maturely decides to make a commitment, to love someone who she knows does not love her back, and to take full reponsibility for her actions throughout, including the pregnancy that occurs (Hays-55).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Palm Inc – from handhelds to smart phones

From Handheld to smart phones. The pioneers of Palm Inc. Palm had been the leader in the market of hand-held computers with high market share and profitability as well as a brand name recognition level to which many other firms could only dream. Palm's brand has faded substantially and as of April 2010, the company was acquired by HP for $ 1 -B. Below , I have listed Palm Inch's list of errors that the organization made over Its life cycle and necessary recommendations. Error 1 . Palm Inc. Did not establish a great enough sense of urgency. Since Palm Inc. ‘s inception, no formal business strategy was designed and implemented.Based on the â€Å"Ecology Theory† Palm Inc. Entered the market as a r-Specialist and eventually transited as a K-generalist, by approaching different product markets. However, Palm Inc. Failed to be successful as a k-generalist due to operating with outdated skills and competencies. The company has failed to examine the market and competitive realit ies for potential crises and untapped opportunities. Palm's efforts stopped at the PDA product, while the competition has managed to find ways of implementing he Pad's features Into cell phones market. Error 2. Palm did not create a powerful enough gulden coalition.Based upon the â€Å"Institutional Theory† firms that do survive – they become legitimate In the eyes of the shareholders. Chances of survival increase by adopting the rules and codes of conduct found In the Institutional environment. Despite having started as the industry leader, Palm's development over the years did not look as rosy. Palm failed to get the shareholders, board of directors, senior management and even a customer representatives together to help them evolve a shared assessment of their company problems and opportunities, and create a minimum level of trust and communication.Error 3. Lack of vision. Palm had no clear vision – of what was the picture of the future that the company wanted to achieve ( product , customer target,etc). The company changed its name several times , and also changed its vision and strategy. From the case, we know there was no new product offerings during 2001 thru 2008. At the same time, other competitors Injected the marketplace with new Innovations, Palm gradually became a small and marginalia player In the Industry. The Innovation Is the basic power of the company,but Palm doesn't have the strong impetus. Demographic change.Customers and clients that are being targeted are ever changing. In earlier times, smart phones were necessary for business members who would need to keep up with e-mail. However, these days there is the prevalence of a much younger generation using smart phones for a variety of reasons (social networking, picture taking, communication etc. ). Palm Inc. Must adapt with these changes and keep up with the demographic changes of its relevant customers. Palm Inc. Needs to create a Sino to direct the change and effort bu t also to develop strategies for realizing that vision.It Is essential that the organization communicate the vision both inside the company as well as with their partners. Error 4. Under communicating the vision help If they believe that useful change Is possible. Without credible communication the hearts and minds are never captured. It is imperative that Palm Inc. Established Also ,employees and managers from all levels of the organization adopt the change. In 2001 Palm Inc. Initiated a radical internal restructuring and decided to reduce the cost base making the first-ever layoffs.Microsoft had reduced staff during the technology recession too , but they made more research money available for developing mobile software – But Palm Inc. Failed this aspect. Error 5. Not removing obstacles to the new vision. Palm Inc needed to empower other to act on the vision by creating a value proposition for employees. In 2001 Palm Inc. Initiated an internal restructuring by separating th e hardware and software divisions into two distinct units. The split resolved the inherent conflict of interest by licensing software or its win competitors in the hardware market.The hardware innovations were features that could be added to the phones and music players. Palm spent too much cash to develop the new SO and new smart phone. And the marketing capitalization is much shorter than the competitor. This situation causes Palm to not balance the money within each department. So the whole company can't run efficiently. For example, Palm can't self-finance marketing campaigns and in-store training of sale staff. In 2003 Pal Inc. Decided to spin off the software business and to use the raised cash to rather invest into the development of new smoothness.Palm Inc. Could have saved time and money by completely focusing on smart phones. Palm can't bring up the effective marketing strategy. The price of a new phone is more expensive than the ‘phone. The competitiveness is tiny t han other brands. After failing to seizing the market with new phone, Palm made an â€Å"attractive† product bundle on its phone. That turns out to be stressful to Palm. Failure of negotiation ability. Nevertheless Palm's new product was delayed because of certification issues with the carrier. At the same mime, Palm has a conflict with the dealer. Error 6.Plan for and create short term goals. In 2001 Palm Inc. Initiated an internal restructuring by separating the hardware and software divisions into two distinct units. The spiff produced good short-term results and due to high quality the software was used in phones for some time. In 2004 Palmate devoted more resources to smoothness and expanded Tree Family . The new Tree series was relatively successful with good margins. Error 7. Declaring victory too soon. After a few years of hard work, managers got tempted to Clare victory with the first clear performance improvement.Palm had a huge success in 2006, with the Tree series . Tree smart phones let Palm earned 30 percent of market share in the United States and brought Palm back to life. Having this success experience, Palm could have used this experience to bring out more great ideas and make them come true. However, between 2007 and 2009 new Palm product launches were rare, while the demand for the Tree and Centre fell quickly or never took off as expected. Error 8. Not anchoring changes in the corporation's culture.Until new behaviors are rooted in social norms and shared values, they are subject to degradation as soon as the pressure for change is removed. In order to overcome this issue many organizations need to invest in leadership development and succession plans consistent with the new approach. Recommendations : 1 . Apply R skills in new areas and diversify Palm's business : operating system know how could have been ported to other applications and platforms. E. G. : Possibility to enter new related businesses with high market growth rates: Ta blets, Notebooks. 2.Overcome entry barriers in the smartened market: increase the negotiation power by teaming up with major players like Samsung. 3. Limiting their development and costs by encouraging the open source development community to develop applications. 4. Entering other market segments by making use of Palm's â€Å"know how' by starting to develop commercial applications for other smartened operating systems. Fill smaller niches in the smartened market with respect to general environment forces: Coloratura and Political and Legal Forces: Smartened operating systems with high data regulations for users with sensitive data.As the fear of theft of personal information's or sensitive data is rising in certain groups of society (e. G. Decision makers like politicians and managers). Demographic Forces: Senior Friendly Smoothness for aging societies with health or special care features. Remote GAPS tracking, monitoring and streaming of health parameters to doctors and relative s. Global Forces: Provide a low-cost operating system which runs on cost effective hardware for the growing low income population of the world (Reverse Innovation). 5. Invest in leadership development and succession plans consistent with the new strategy.

Friday, November 8, 2019

“Good Fences Make Good Neighbours.” Discuss This Statement with Reference to Politics. Essays

â€Å"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours.† Discuss This Statement with Reference to Politics. Essays â€Å"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours.† Discuss This Statement with Reference to Politics. Essay â€Å"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours.† Discuss This Statement with Reference to Politics. Essay Essay Topic: Fences Definition Fences (literal): freestanding structural markers that serve to enclose areas Fences (metaphorical): barriers to keep nations from infringing on each other’s space or meddling into each other’s affairs, so that an appropriate level of freedom is maintained Good fences: a meaningful barriers, be it physical or metaphorical, that are for the greater good Good neighbours: pleasant and agreeable â€Å"Good fences make good neighbours†: Countries that erect meaningful barriers maintain favourable relationships with their neighbours. Stand Disagree. Good fences do not make good neighbours. Counter-Arguments (Good fences make good neighbours) 1. Good fences prevent neighbouring countries from excessive meddling into each other’s affairs, which might otherwise lead to soured relationships. E. g. In 2004 when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong went to Taiwan for a 3 day visit, China was unhappy, but did not interfere excessively, and thus now, Singapore still maintains warm relations with China. E. g. Although China is against North Korea’s nuclear ambition, it has not used its considerable leverage to pressure North Korean into abolishing its nuclear programmes, unlike Japan and the USA. Hence, it remains an ally of North Korea. 2. Good fences make good neighbours as there are still gaps in a fence for communication, as opposed to a wall in which there is total isolation. E. g. The Berlin Wall separated West Berlin and East Germany for 28 years to stop the drainage of labour and economic output associated with the daily migration of huge numbers of professionals and skilled workers between East and West Berlin. The Wall blocked out communication between both sides, thus hindering both sides from settling their differences earlier to benefit the people of Berlin. Arguments (Good fences do not make good neighbours) 1. Good fences may be beneficial and meaningful for one country, but not advantageous for the other party. E. g. Great Wall of China it originated as a military fortification against intrusion by tribes on the borders during the earlier Zhou Dynasty and was extended during the Qin dynasty. This wall was favourable to the people of China but not to the tribesmen and many had lost their lives while attempting to cross the wall. E. g. In 2004, because of Palestinian terrorism, an overwhelming majority of Israelis were in favour of a security fence. However, the Palestinians charged that the fence violates international law, infringes their human rights, and imposes on them grave social and economic hardship. 2. Good fences would probably not make good neighbours if neighbours remain uncooperative. E. g. A decade ago, the US federal government built a 14-mile-long fence in San Diego, California, that borders Tijuana, Mexico. The barriers effectively reduced the number of illegal crossings and crime rates. On a larger scale, though, the fences have merely moved illegal trafficking to more remote areas on the 1,952-mile border. Smugglers have even constructed elaborate tunnels under the wall to smuggle drugs and possibly migrants. 3. Good fences do not make good neighbours because fences offset the feeling of exclusion and hostility towards the other party. E. g. The construction of a 500km electric fence along the northeastern oarder of Botswana in 2003 was meant to prevent interaction between Botswana’s and Zimbabwe’s cattle herds so as to halt the spread of the highly contagious foot and mouth livestock diseases. However, to ordinary Zimbabweans, the fence was seen as a symbol of their growing stigmatisation. They believed the fence was really meant to prevent them from going to Botswana so they voiced their frustration and protested the measures. Botswanan immigration officers reported in creasing acts of sabotage from the Zimbabwean side, including the removal of parts of the fence.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Classical Experience essays

A Classical Experience essays On September fourth of 2002, I attended a lecture by Agate Nesaule. Agate was the author of the freshman connectoins novel, A Woman In Amber. The lecture was about two hours long. During the lecture Agate spoke of her childhood during the war. The lecture was supposed to include discussion on her book and how she came to writing, but instead Agate spoke on her childhood in further detail. I found the lecture rather slow and tedious. Agate brought up many topics that were in A Woman In Amber, such as the harsh conditions of wartime and the effects that these conditions can have on a family such as hers. She stressed the importance of putting emotions into words to relieve anxieties. During the lecture Agate rarely changed her tone and seldomly looked up from her notes. As a public speaker, and as an English teacher (which she is), she should have been prepared to speak to the audience. Agate contradicted herself by saying she would "rather not speak about it", when talking on a difficult subject that troubled her when earlier in the lecture she wanted to stress the importance that writing and speaking are forms of therapy. Agate used many real life examples and told many stories of her childhood during the war in detail. She talked about how it took her almost fourty years to start writing because she was ashamed and afraid of being different. Agate said that writing takes a huge iniative. Throughout Agates speech, there were many good qualities of a good speaker. She spoke in great detail which could be easily understood by the audience. Agate also used many real life examples and held everyone's attention for almost two hours. She also had poor qualties in her speech. She did not seem confident while giving her presentation. Agate had very little, if any, eye contact with a monotone voice. Agate did not read the audience. She spoke on whatever she wanted reguardless audience reaction. ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

African american ( country ghana ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

African american ( country ghana ) - Essay Example This has been attributed to the rise in the number of Christian attending the independent African churches which has contributed to the need of other Christian sects adjusting their doctrines to suit some of the local beliefs. It is also generally believed that the Northern part of Ghana is predominantly Muslim while the southern part is predominantly Christian1. Due to the high religious tolerance in the country the major christen celebrations are recognized as holidays. These planned celebrations allow the Christian to visit their families so as to celebrate together. All the Muslims across the country observe the month of fasting which is known as Ramaddhan. While the Hindus from Hare Krsna Mandir come to chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra and celebrate some of the important Hindu holidays. The traditional occasions are also celebrated which include the Adae festivals, Odwira festivals and Apoo festivals. The emergence of Christianity in Ghana is credited to the arrival of the Portuguese missionaries during the fifteenth century. However, it was the Wesley/Methodist and Basel/Presbyterian missionaries who came in the nineteenth century and laid the foundations of Christianity in Ghana2. This has led to most of the secondary schools today in Ghana being church or mission-related institutions. Churches have not only contributed to the education sector but also have financial responsibilities. Even with the presence of the Akan religion has more influence on the people due to its intimate relation to locals and family loyalty. This traditional cosmology bases its beliefs on the supreme god who is referred to as Nyame. Nyame who is the Supreme Being is often thought of as detached and remote from the religious daily life practices and thus not worshipped directly. The northern part of the country is predominantly is Islam. The spread of Islam in Ghana is credited to the commercial and trading activities of Muslims from the Northern region of Africa. The

Friday, November 1, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management - Essay Example Strategically, a firm that has a monopoly wants to keep any competitors from entering the market and can do so through force, lobbying, or collusion. A firm that owns a monopoly wants to keep other companies out of the market so they can set the price of the product in order to maximize profit. In monopolistic competition, the price that other firms set for the product is not as much of a concern for the firm strategically because there is product as well as brand differentiation. Therefore a firm can set its price without being influenced too much by competitors. In the long run, monopolistic competition becomes more and more like perfect competition. In an oligopoly, strategic decisions made by a firm are heavily influence by competitors because there are only a few sellers who control the market. A firm in this market structure often uses the same tactics as a firm who has a monopoly on the market to maintain or increase market share. Competition is fierce in this type of market w hich leads to lower prices and higher production. 2. Economic Factors If a firm believes that the benefits of entering or exiting a market outweigh the costs, their desire to do so will increase. Some economic factors that affect a firm’s desire to enter and exit a market are market growth, profit sustainability of that market over time, industry life cycle considerations, technological opportunities, barriers to market entry, and the number of competitors in the market. A growing market is more appealing to new entrants as is a market where growth does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. On the other hand, a declining market where there is no growth on the horizon is conducive to exiting. A market where product innovation is high also indicates that it is profitable to enter that market, whereas a market where product innovation has pretty much run its course is not a positive sign. Also, a â€Å"first-mover† has a better chance of making a substantial profit as opposed to someone who is trying to enter a market that has been around for a long time. Therefore, new markets are a good signal that entry will be profitable. Barriers to entry, such as the financial cost of entry, also discourage entry into a market. Conversely, the costs of exiting a market can discourage a firm from exit. As an example, entered the book selling market because they knew they could offer more books online than other bookstores could at brick and mortar stores. They entered the growing market of e-commerce and although it took them a while to turn a profit, they are now one of the most profitable e-commerce bookstores and also offer a wide variety of products now besides just books. As the e-commerce industry has grown, has grown as well. 3. Barring Entry In the internet marketing world, barriers to entry are relatively low. Basically anyone can learn about e-marketing and look for clients who need help with increasing their rank in searc h engines and so forth. However, it seems that larger companies in this industry have greater economies of scale. This is because they can generally produce more content, links, social media, and so on in order to generate more traffic than a very small internet marketing company with only a few people can. There are relatively low benefits in attempting to bar someone from entering this industry because it tends toward perfect competition where there are low barriers to entry and relatively low start-up costs. So the best way to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Genetic Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Genetic - Lab Report Example The effects of other processes, such as genetic imprinting, are important in determining the traits for other characteristics of the organism. Sequencing the genetic material of a species, and determining all coding sequences and their corresponding proteins are vital projects in the field of molecular biology. The human genome project had been successful in sequencing the DNA of humans (Venter et al., 2001). The studies of (Kyrylkova et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2012) determine the characteristics corresponding to a particular genetic sequence by preventing the transcription of the latter and observing the changes afterward. A sequence identified to determine a particular characteristic can also be used as a molecular marker to determine the presence or absence of trait, even without actually seeing it in the organism. For example, markers for sex can help distinguish between males and females in monomorphic species or their young. The objective of this experiment was to demonstrate the use of DNA samples to determine the characteristics of the organism, particularly its sex. Specifically, the activity aimed to isolate DNA from different sources, blood, muscle and feather. After purification, the DNA isolates underwent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using sexing primers 2250F and 2718R to replicate the sequence for sex determination. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR products were compared with that of known male and female samples to identify the sex of the chicken from which the samples were obtained. Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue Extraction Kit was used for extraction. Briefly, the tissues sample was lysed by incubating it in a solution containing 20 Â µl proteinase K, 4 Â µl RNAse A and 166 Â µl phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (blood) or 180 Â µl Buffer ATL (muscle or feather) for 30 min. After mixing with 200 Â µl Buffer AL for 15 sec, the DNA was precipitated by addition of 200 Â µl 95%

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critique on the Movie the Prince and Me Essay Example for Free

Critique on the Movie the Prince and Me Essay This modern Cinderella inspired love story is about a Danish prince Edvard who falls in love with a commoner (simple and shy) Paige Morgan. Edvard and Paige first meet at a bar where Paige works, their first meeting doesn’t go well though(oh I thought first impressions matter). The first day of classes they discover that they are classmates, seatmates and partners in organic chemistry class. They don’t go along for quite sometime until Paige teaches Edvard how to do the laundry and Edvard in return helps her with Shakespeare, this leads Paige to invite Evdard to spend the sem break (thanksgiving) at her farm. Here Edvard joins a go cart race winning the first price. At the end of the race Edvard has a fight with someone and then when he arrives home Paige patches up his wounds where Edvard kisses Paige for the first time. Is very obvious that Edvard and Paige don’t have much in common, we all know what they say that love is blind, opposites attracts. This story tells us that when people are in love nothing is impossible, the two discover their selves and accept although their many differences (too sad to say but in real life not many remain in love with their first spouse, I consider my family lucky). The part I really liked in this movie was when Edvard was heading back to Denmark and left Paige a message â€Å"the sky seems not until heaven clears†(Shakespeare) it reminded Paige that love is blind, that made her think and she courageously travelled half the globe to be find her true love.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Should Animals be Used for Scientific Research? Essay -- Animal Rights

Every year, millions of animals experience painful, suffering and death due to results of scientific research as the effects of drugs, medical procedures, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. Basically, animal experimentation has played a dominant role in leading with new findings and human advantages. Animal research has had a main function in many scientific and medical advances in the past decade and is helping in the understanding of several diseases. While most people believe than animal testing is necessary, others are worried about the excessive suffering of this innocent’s creatures. The balance between the rights of animals and their use in medical research is a delicate issue with huge societal assumptions. Nowadays people are trying to understand and take in consideration these social implications based in animals rights. Even though, many people tend to disregard animals that have suffered permanent damage during experimentation time. Many people try to misunderstand the nature of life that animals just have, and are unable to consider the actual laboratory procedures and techniques that these creatures tend to be submitted. Animal experimentation must be excluded because it is an inhumane way of treat animals, it is unethical, and exist safer ways to test products without painful test. Through many years, companies have tested animals to help prove that their products are safe for humans. This has become a very inhumane practice in which many animals are subjected to intolerable cruelty. Animals are treated cruelty because they are kept in cages with unhealthy conditions. Important aspects must be considered in the inhumane treatment of animals in research facilities. These aspects are focused in th... ...s, Animal Welfare, and the Slavery Analogy. 4 Jan. 2012. . Gargaro, Carolyn. â€Å"Animals Used for Medical Research.† Web blog post. Gargaro. July 1991. Gericke, Corina.â€Å"Why Animal Experiments are not Necessary.† Doctors against animal experiments Germany. 2005. "Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals." AALAS Foundation. 2005. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2012 . Lin, Doris. â€Å"Why it’s Wrong to Test on Animals.† Animal rights Guide. April 2012.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How I Learned to Drive Analysis Essay

In Paula Vogel’s â€Å"How I Learned to Drive†, we follow our protagonist nicknamed â€Å"Lil Bit† on a gut wrenching, and downright disturbing journey through her adolescence, told as a series of narrations, monologues, and flashbacks with the occasional interjection of a PSA like voice over. The play recounts the physical and emotional abuse Lil Bit encountered from the ages of eleven to eighteen at the hands of her uncle Peck, while he teaches her to drive. The main flaw I saw in Lil Bit was that she is too smart for her own good. You see this characteristic throughout the play as she manipulates Peck. For example, it was most obvious for me when their roles of adult and child are reversed, and Peck is explaining to Lil Bit what a good boy he has been for not drinking. Knowing how much Peck lusts after her she offers him a reward for his good behavior in the form of undoing her bra. Another great example is when prior to her and peck going on a road trip and Lil Bit’s mother indicates that she has a sense of what Peck has on his mind, she responds by saying â€Å"I can take care of myself. And I can certainly handle uncle Peck.† At this point in the story she is only eleven. It’s hard to imagine a child of that age so grown up emotionally. Overall, most of the characters had likeable qualities, with the exception of the grandmother. I didn’t really like the way she meddled in the Parenting of Lil Bit. I liked â€Å"Big Papa† the best. He’s a crabby old timer who speaks anything that comes into his head with reckless abandon. It brought me some levity in an otherwise melancholy play. The climax of the play occurs on Lil Bit’s eighteenth birthday. She and Peck are in a hotel room, and she’s been ignoring peck for some time leading up to this meeting as he’s been sending her cards counting down to her birthday. Lil Bit is obviously conflicted about their relationship now that she has gotten older, but Peck is looking forward to a time when it’s not illegal for them to be together. This is creepy enough on its own, but when Peck drops the marriage bomb, the creep factor skyrockets. I was honestly disgusted at the idea of a man leaving his wife to be with his niece whom he has known since birth, blood related or not. Prior to the climax, one major event occurs and that is in the monologue that Aunt Mary delivers indicating that she knows what’s going on between Peck and Lil bit. The words used during this monologue, indicate to me a couple of key points about this character. First of all she is very intelligent. Her thoughts are well put together and the words she uses indicates to me that she has some sort of education. She is also very intuitive, she picks up on the subtle, non-verbal signals that peck gives off when he’s got something on his mind and presumably when he’s around Lil Bit. Also, the words used by Lil Bit in her different flashbacks have a direct correlation to her age. It’s obvious as you read them, that during the later ones she is forming more complex thoughts and emotions, which is indicative of growth. For the music in this play, Paula Vogel suggested period correct music spanning two generations. She mentions Motown several times, as well as Roy Orbison and the Beach Boys. Most of this music is romantic and happy with little hints of sexuality and sometimes-pedophilic references. For some weird reason the voice of the announcer in my head was played by the Moviephone guy. The car in the play was described as a Buick Riviera, but in my mind it was more like a Camaro or GTO. The main reason for this is the obvious relationship between Peck and his car. The way he describes the way the aggressive way men are taught to drive and the feeling of a cars’ response to your touch, just makes me think of those fast nimble sports cars. Taking place in the 1960’s, the costumes in my mind were bell-bottoms and flowered shirts, polyester leisure suits, and fringes all over the place. This was your typical 1960’s attire. I believe the overall theme of this play is about the effect of time on relationships. The relationship between Peck and Lil Bit starts out strong, for her and fragile for him. She has a strong male figure giving her attention while he is nurturing a relationship that he knows is illegal and immoral. As time progresses, the roles ultimately reverse leaving Peck with much confidence in the relationship while Lil Bit comes to realize the truth about it which leads to its demise. It just goes to show that time will always change relationships, jus not always in the way you imagined.